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Wang et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Genotoxic NF-kB activation in cancer

           creating breaks on DNA backbone, and forming cross-  DSB AND DNA DAMAGE SIGNALING
           links between DNA strands and proteins. Failure to
           repair these lesions can lead to genomic instability and   DSB is the most severe form of genomic lesion due
           detrimental consequences. Breaks on both strands   to the potential  errors incurred  during  DSB repair.
           of DNA (double-stranded break, DSB) represent one   Cells are equipped  with several repair mechanisms
           of the most lethal types of genomic lesion, which has   including  homologous  recombination  (HR), classical
           been associated with pathogenesis  of a variety of   non-homologous  end   joining  (cNHEJ),  back-
           human diseases and aging.  DSB can be induced      up alternative NHEJ (aNHEJ) and single-strand
           by environmental exposure such as ultraviolet (UV)   annealing. [4,17-19]  Successful HR is generally error-free
           or ionizing  radiation  (IR), as well  as by endogenous   while NHEJ and other alternative forms of DNA repair
           agents like reactive oxygen species generated by cell   are more likely to introduce DNA lesions. Most DSBs
           metabolism. [3]  Genomic lesions can be recognized   are repaired quickly, but those DSBs which repaired
           and labeled by recruitment of sensor proteins, which   incorrectly or escaped repair mechanisms could cause
           activates a complex network of  cellular  responses   chromosomal aberrations, loss of heterozygosity,
           known as DNA  damage response (DDR) and            oncogenic mutation, or cell death.
           mobilizes DNA repair machinery in order to maintain
           genomic integrity.  Low levels of DNA damage cause   Endogenous and exogenous causes of DSBs
           cell cycle arrest and promote repair of  DNA  lesions,   DSB can be induced  by endogenous  molecules
           whereas  severe DNA damage  leads to apoptosis  or   such as reactive  oxygen  species,  lipid  peroxides,
           permanent cell cycle arrest (senescence) to avoid   endogenous  reactive chemicals  (e.g. aldehydes
           neoplastic transformation.  DDR is often deregulated   and S-adenosylmethionine), telomere  attrition and
           in malignant cells, which  allows  them to escape   depurination mechanism. [3]   Physiological  DSB can
           apoptosis or senescence. These cells could proliferate   also be  generated during V(D)J recombination of
           while  harboring  DNA  lesions,  which  significantly   immunoglobin  chains in lymphocytes. [20]   Moreover,
           increases the chance of genetic mutation. A number   DSBs are also formed indirectly  from collapse  of
           of anti-apoptotic signaling pathways, such as nuclear   stalled transcription forks or arrested replication forks.
           factor kappa B (NF-kB), have been shown to also play   These replication fork arrests could occur during
           critical roles in modulating cancer cell response to   normal replication at sequences which are prone to
           DNA damage.  [6]                                   form secondary structures such as tRNA genes  and
                                                              chromosomal fragile sites. [21,22]
           NF-kB is a family of transcription factors that play
           critical roles in inflammation, immunity, cell proliferation,   Genotoxic agents are present in the environment at a
           development, survival and apoptosis. [7-9]  The inactive   very low level, whereas higher levels can be found in
           NF-kB is present in the cytoplasm in most cell types   diagnostic tools and tumor therapies. The exogenous
           and it can be activated by a variety of extra-cellular   causes of DSBs are mostly either accidental exposure
           stimuli  such  as  pro-inflammatory  cytokines,  bacterial   or medical procedures. A harmful dose of IR is normally
           lipopolysaccharides, and viral RNA and DNA, via the   not present in the environment, but such a dose could
           activation of membrane  and  cytosolic  receptors. [10,11]    be received from  accidental exposure to  radioactive
           NF-kB  was also shown to  be activated by  DNA     materials or, theoretically, a nuclear attack. IR at a dose
           damaging drugs in a membrane receptor-independent   of 1 Gy leads to approximately 1,000 SSBs and 20-40
           manner, which involves a retrograde signaling cascade   DSBs per cell, among which DSBs are more cytotoxic
           from nucleus to cytoplasm. [6,12-14]  It has been reported   although less in the number of breaks.  Keep in mind
           that NF-kB was activated in response to a variety of   that diagnostic imaging techniques such as X-rays and
           DNA lesions, such as temozolomide-induced  S 1-    mammograms use a very low level of radiation which
           methylation,  cisplatin-induced DNA cross-linking, [16]   could induce DSB directly and indirectly via oxidative
           and  IR-induced DSB. Recent  studies  have  revealed   stress.  In  addition, radiation therapy and cytotoxic
           a variety of roles of DNA damage-activated NF-kB in   chemotherapeutic  drugs, such as camptothecin,
           cancer cell responses to radiation and chemotherapies   doxorubicin and daunorubicin, induce DSBs in cancer
           as well as in cancer progression  and metastasis.   cells through directly damaging  DNA  or interfering
           This review will focus on the recent progress in   DNA topoisomerase function, leading to apoptosis and
           understanding DNA damage-induced signaling, DDR,   elimination of malignant cells.
           and genotoxic DSB agent-induced  NF-kB signaling
           cascade, as  well as  their physiological  functions   DNA damage response
           and  pathological  significance  in  cancer  progression,   Damage to DNA can elicit a complex cellular response
           therapeutic resistance and metastasis.             by activating multiple signaling  cascades, which are
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