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Wang et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Genotoxic NF-kB activation in cancer

           Nuclear steps: ATM phosphorylates SUMOylated       to sites of SSB and DSB as a DNA damage sensor.
           NEMO                                               After recruitment to the breaks, PARP-1 is activated
           ATM is the pivotal kinase involved in NF-kB activation   by  post-translational  modifications  by  adding  poly
           following DNA  damage. In  1998, Lee  et  al.   first   (ADP-ribose)  to acceptor  proteins  such  as itself and
           observed that NF-kB activation by IR was reduced   histones. PARylation alters the steric  properties of
           in human cells with ATM deficiency (A-T cells). Later   the  PARylated  proteins, leading to  change of  their
           Piret et al.  reported that decreased NF-kB activation   interacting partners. PARP-1 is essential for maintaining
           by the chemotherapeutic drug CPT in A-T cells could   genomic integrity and involved in base excision repair,
           be restored by complementation with ATM. Moreover,   SSB and DSB repair, DNA methylation, transcription

           both IR and NCS treatment induced ATM-dependent    regulation, and  also signal transduction. [61-63]   DNA-
           IKKβ activation in HEK293 cells.  Therefore,  the   bound PARylated PARP-1, or free PARylated PARP-
           activation of ATM by DNA damage likely serves as a   1 in the nucleoplasm, serves as a docking  platform
           cornerstone to bridge nuclear DNA damage response   for several proteins,  such as PIASy. [64,65]  Upon  DNA
           to cytoplasmic activation of NF-kB signaling cascade.  damage,  PARylated  PARP-1 was  found  to form a
                                                              transient nuclear signalsome along with ATM, NEMO
           The IKK kinase complex is the core component of the   and PIASy, and PIASy  binding to active PARylated
           classical NF-kB cascade which is also required for DNA   PARP1 is essential for DNA damage-induced NEMO
           damage induced NF-kB activation. The non-catalytic   SUMOylation  and nuclear  accumulation.  A  recent
           subunit of the IKK complex, NEMO, was found to play   study also identified Src-associated-substrate-during-
           unique roles in mediating genotoxic NF-kB activation   mitosis-of-68 kDa/KH domain containing RNA binding,
           which may be dispensable in classical NF-kB signaling.   signal  transduction-associated 1 (Sam68/KHDRBS1)
           For example, the C-terminal zinc finger (ZF) domain of   as  a  key  NF-kB  regulator in the  genotoxic  stress-
           NEMO was shown to be essential for NF-kB activation   initiated NF-kB signaling pathway.  Sam68 deficiency
           following  treatment with DNA-damaging  agents. In   abolished  DNA damage-induced PARylation  and the
           contrast, NEMO ZF domain deletion minimally affected   PARP1-dependent  NF-kB-mediated transactivation
           NF-kB  activation following  treatment with canonical   of anti-apoptotic genes. Consistently, Sam68 deficient
           stimuli  (e.g. lipopolysaccharide). Importantly, a small   cells are hypersensitive to genotoxic treatment while
           fraction of NEMO was found to disassociate  from   overexpression of  Sam68 elevated PAR  production
           IKKα/β upon DNA damage and translocate into nucleus   and NF-kB-mediated anti-apoptotic  transcription  in
           by association with IPO3 (importin 3, transportin 2).    colon cancer cells. Another study suggested that cell
           Subsequently,  nuclear  NEMO  can  be  modified  by  a   membrane protein MUC13 may also participate in
           small protein called SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier)   regulation of  genotoxic NF-kB  signaling.  Although
           in the nucleus in response to DNA damage.  Similar   the detailed mechanism is still unclear, it may involve
           to ubiquitin, SUMO can be covalently conjugated onto   stabilization of PARP1, enhanced ATM phosphorylation
           lysine residue of its target proteins and thereby altering   and NEMO SUMOylation. [67]
           the function and activity of the SUMOylated proteins.
           SUMO E3 ligase PIASy (protein inhibitor of activated   In cells exposed to genotoxic treatments, increased
           STATy)-mediated SUMOylation on K277 and 309 of     nuclear localization of NEMO substantially enhances
           NEMO enhanced its nuclear  accumulation  which  is   its  association with  ATM.   Furthermore, PARP-1
           essential  for subsequent  signaling  events activating   may also stabilize the interaction between NEMO
           NF-kB upon  DNA damage.    [58,59]   Nevertheless,  the   and  ATM through PARylation of  ATM and formation
           mechanism  through  which  SUMOylated  NEMO is     of the aforementioned  nuclear signalsome.  The
           localized to nucleus is still unclear.             association between NEMO and activated ATM leads
                                                              to ATM-dependent phosphorylation of NEMO on Ser
           Two different protein complexes have been shown to   85.  The precise function of NEMO phosphorylation
           regulate the NEMO SUMOylation. Subsequent to DNA   remains to be determined, but ATM activity and intact
           damage, p53-induced death  domain protein (PIDD)   NEMO-Ser85 are  prerequistites for  subsequent
           and receptor interacting protein 1 (RIP1) associate with   NEMO  monoubiquitination,  suggesting  NEMO
           nuclear NEMO as a heterotrimer and accumulate in the   phosphorylation on Ser85 may serve as a cue for its
           nucleus. This PIDD/RIP1/NEMO complex may promote   subsequent ubiquitination, such as cIAP1 recruitment.
           NEMO SUMOylation following chemotherapeutic drug   E3 ubiquitin ligase cIAP1,  was shown to  mediate
           treatment in HEK293 cells.  The second modulator of   NEMO mono-ubiquitination  at K277  and  309  in the
           NEMO SUMOylation is poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase   nucleus  upon  DNA damage  in an  ATM-dependent
           1 (PARP-1). PARP-1 is an abundant chromatin-       manner.  cIAP1 may compete with SUMO ligase
           associated enzyme that can be quickly recruited    PIASy for NEMO association, as both bind to the same
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ March 27, 2017          49
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