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Wang et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Genotoxic NF-kB activation in cancer

           generally  termed DNA damage  response.  DNA       PKcs  is  constitutively associated with  Tip60, which
           double-strand breaks could be recognized and bound   controls  its activity. Knockdown  of  Tip60  by siRNA
           by a protein complex called  MRE11/RAD50/NBS1      reduces  the phosphorylation and  activation  of DNA-
           (MRN) within a few seconds of their formation. As a   PKcs  in  response to  bleomycin. [38]  Most  DNA-PK
           DSB lesion sensor, MRN complex binds to the break   substrates are  implicated in DNA  repair (DNA-PK
           extremities, stabilizes  them close to each other and   itself,  Artemis, polynucleotide kinase,  XLF, excision
           initiates DDR via NBS1-dependent  recruitment of   repair cross complementing  4),  whereas DNA-PK-
           ATM kinase. [23-25]  In resting cells, inactive ATM dimer   dependent  phosphorylation  of H2AX, KAP-1, p53
           associates with the  Tip60 histone acetyltransferase   leads  to activation  of cell  death machinery. [39,40]  As
           and protein phosphatase 2A. [26,27]  Upon DNA damage,   a  replication stress  sensor binding to  single-strand
           MRN complexes  bound to  DNA  breaks recruit Tip60   DNA, heterotrimeric  Replication  Protein  A (RPA)
           on histone 3 trimethylated  on K9 (H3K9me3).  This   accumulates at  stalled replication  forks  and recruits
           interaction activates  Tip60 which in turn  acetylates   ATR interacting protein  (ATRIP) in  association  with
           ATM  kinase on K3016. [28,29]  ATM acetylation induces   ATR kinase.  Activation of  ATR also requires  Rad9/
           its confirmation change and auto phosphorylation on   Rad1/Hus1 heterotrimer (9-1-1 complex) and the DNA
           S367, S1893, S1981 and S2996 as well as dimer-to-  topoisomerase  binding  protein 1 (TopBP1).  ATR
           monomer transition. [30-32]   The  dissociation of  protein   kinase activity is necessary for stabilization and restart
           phosphatase 2A, which targets phosphorylated S1981,   of stalled replication forks, and for signaling to cell cycle
           from ATM is also required for full activation of ATM. [27]  checkpoint activation. [42,43]  Therefore, ATR is essential
                                                              for cell replication and viability as well as maintaining
           Around  10% of activated  ATM by irradiation  or   genomic stability. [44,45]
           neocarzinostatin treatment associates with chromatin
           in the form of ionizing  radiation  induced  foci (IRIF),   NF-kB ACTIVATION IN DNA DAMAGE
           whereas the majority of  active ATM  remains free in   RESPONSE
           nucleoplasms. [33,34]  As a master regulator of the DSB-
           induced DDR, ATM phosphorylates various substrates   Besides the prompt cellular responses (e.g. cell
           at the consensus  target sequence,  (S/T)Q,  so as to   cycle arrest, DNA repair) to counteract DNA lesions,
           orchestrate the activation of multiple signaling pathways   transcription/expression of a large number of genes
           regulating cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis   can also be altered in response to DNA damage. Two
           as well as other pathophysiological processes.  ATM   transcription regulators, p53 and NF-kB, have been
           substrates can be divided into subsets based on their   identified  as  the  major  players  for  reprogramming
           subcellular localization, such as chromatin-associated   the  transcription  of these genes in response to
           (H2AX, KAP1), integrated in the IRIF (MDC1, 53BP1,   IR. [46-48]  DNA  damage-dependent  regulation  of  p53
           BRCA1, NBS, MRE11, RNF20-RNF40), IRIF-adjacent     signaling has been well studied and comprehensively
           and phosphorylated by IRIF-bound  ATM  (Chk2),     reviewed. [2,49,50]  Here we focus on the recent progress
           or  phosphorylated  by  a  free-floating  pool  of  ATM   in understanding genotoxic stress-induced NF-kB
           (p53, NEMO) in nucleoplasm. Beyond those nuclear   signaling.
           substrates, a subset of ATM substrates localized in the
           cytoplasm (4EBP1, TAB2) has also been reported to   NF-kB family
           play critical roles in cellular response to DSBs. [2,4]  NF-kB  is a  family of  transcription factors  composed
                                                              of  five  members,  p65  (RelA),  c-Rel,  RelB,  p105/p50
           ATM belongs to a family of PI3K-related protein    and p100/p52, which form hetero- or homo-dimers and
           kinases which includes ATM, ATR, DNA-PKcs, mTOR,   regulate a  variety of  physiological  and pathological
           SMG-1  and TRRAP.   Although they all share the    processes. In  resting cells, NF-kB  localizes in the
           similar kinase domain as that in lipid kinase PI3K, they   cytoplasm in association  with a family of inhibitor
           are protein kinases except for TRRAP whose kinase   proteins  called  IkBs (inhibitor  of NF-kB), such as
           activity remains to be validated. Along with ATM, DNA-  IkBα. [11,51]  Upon stimulation,  NF-kB is released  from
           PK and  ATR also play essential  roles in mediating   IkBs and translocates into the nucleus, where it binds
           DNA damage response. In human cells, most breaks   to the promoter and/or enhancer regions of its target
           are rapidly repaired  by cNHEJ throughout  the entire   genes and regulates their transcription. In addition to
           cell cycle. [17,36]  DNA-PKcs is indispensable for repairing   nuclear  translocation,  posttranslational  modification
           DNA double-strand breaks by NHEJ. DNA-PKcs can     of  NF-kB,  such as phosphorylation,  acetylation and
           be recruited to DSBs by the Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer   methylation  of  p65,  also  plays  a  significant  role  in
           and form the active DNA-PK complex, which promotes   modulating transcriptional activity. [11,52]  A large number
           synapsis of the broken DNA ends.  Like ATM, DNA-   of NF-kB-target  genes  have  been  identified  (see  list
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ March 27, 2017          47
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