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Wang et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Genotoxic NF-kB activation in cancer

           However, how DNA damage activates alternative      SENP2-dependent       inhibition    of   NF-kB
           NF-kB pathway, and the mechanistic roles of IKKα,   activation by DNA damage
           NEMO  or ATM  in  this  genotoxic  signaling  cascade,   In DNA damage signaling, SUMOylation of NEMO
           still remain to be elucidated.                     is a critical signaling event in mediating IKK and NF-
                                                              kB activation.  SUMOylation is the posttranslational
           RESOLUTION OF DNA DAMAGE-INDUCED                   modification  of  lysine  residues  in  target  proteins
           NF-kB ACTIVATION                                   by covalent connection of a SUMO moiety, and
                                                              is biochemically analogous to, but functionally
           As NF-kB activation plays critical roles in both   distinct from, ubiquitination. Like DUBs restricting
           physiological  (e.g. immunity,  cell proliferation  and   ubiquitination, individuals from the Sentrin/SUMO-
           survival)  and  pathological  (e.g.  inflammation,  auto-  specific  protease  (SENP)  family  remove  SUMO
           immune response and cancer progression) processes,   conjugates from their substrates. [98,99]  Due to the
           tight control  of NF-kB activation  is essential  for   reversible nature of SUMOylation, it has been tempting
           maintaining  homeostasis of cell functions. Negative   to speculate that desumoylation by an inducible SENP
           feedback regulation assumes an important part in   may  negatively  regulate  genotoxic  NF-kB  activation.
           the  control of  NF-kB  activity. [89,90]   A  classic example   Indeed, it was found the SENP2 and SENP1 are major
           is NF-kB-dependent induction of IkBα synthesis after   and minor negative regulators, respectively, of NF-kB
           stimulation,  which  specifically  antagonizes  NF-kB   signaling induced by genotoxic stimuli. [100]  Among the
           activity and prevents prolonged NF-kB activation. [91,92]    six human SENPs, SENP2 interacted most efficiently
           Cells  deficient  in  IkBα present basal, and more   with NEMO and robustly attenuated NF-kB activation
           sustained signal-inducible, NF-kB activities. [93]  by genotoxic stress. SENP2 overexpression decreased
                                                              the level of NEMO SUMOylation and NF-kB activation
           Another shared negative feedback mechanism relies   initiated  by  DNA  damage.  While  wild-type  MEFs
           on an induced inhibitory  mechanism  targeting  NF-  demonstrated  transient  NF-kB  activation,  Senp2 −/−
           kB-activating signaling  events.  Recent studies have   MEFs indicated increased genotoxic stress-instigated
           shown that expression  of deubiquitinases  (DUBs),   NEMO SUMOylation and NF-kB activation. [100]  More
           such as A20, are prompted by TNFα stimulation in an   interestingly, SENP2 and SENP1 genes are direct targets
           NF-kB-dependent manner. These DUBs then cleave     of NF-kB whose transcription was substantial increased
           polyubiquitin chains to limit IKK activation. [94-97]  Thus,   upon DNA damage. Chromatin IP analysis indicated
           a deficiency in DUBs A20 or CYLD (cylindromatosis)   that treatment with the genotoxic drug etoposide, but
           can prompt augmented and sustained NF-kB activity   not TNFα, leads to increased H3K4me2 at the SENP2
           in  response  to  inflammatory  stimuli  and  lead  to   promoter, an epigenetic marker associated with active
           inflammatory disorders as well as oncogenesis. In the   transcription. [101,102]   The  induced  histone  methylation
           following section, we focus on the negative feedback   was ATM-dependent, which is consistent with previous
           mechanisms induced by DNA damage, which limit the   findings  that  ATM  regulates  telomere  elongation
           genotoxic NF-kB activation [Figure 2].             through  the  H3K4  methyltransferase  SpSet1p. [103]

           Figure 2: Negative feedback mechanisms modulating genotoxic NF-kB activation. Upon genotoxic NF-kB activation, desumoylation
           enzyme SENP2 can be transcriptionally upregulated, which in turn decreases NEMO sumoylation and suppresses genotoxic NF-kB
           signaling. Similarly, MCPIP1 can be upregulated by NF-kB in response to genotoxic treatment. MCPIP1 may decrease NEMO linear
           ubiquitination and ELKS K63 polyubiquitination by facilitating their interaction with USP10. Meanwhile, MCPIP1/USP10 forms a complex
           with TANK, which bridges the association of the deubiquitinase complex with TRAF6 and suppresses TRAF6 ubiquitination. All these
           deubiquitination events could contribute to the abrogation of genotoxic NF-kB activation. In addition, as a canonical NF-kB target gene,
           IkBα induction could also diminish NF-kB activation by DNA damage. NF-kB: nuclear factor kappa B; SENP2: Sentrin/SUMO-specific
           protease 2; MCPIP1: monocyte chemotactic protein-1-induced protein-1; TANK: TRAF family member-associated NF-kB activator; TRAF6:
           TNF receptor-associated factor 6
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ March 27, 2017          51
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