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Wang et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Genotoxic NF-kB activation in cancer

           NF-kB activation by directing USP10-MCPIP1 complex   mutations in the gene encoding NEMO show defects
           to polyubiquitinated TRAF6. [121]                  in B-lymphocyte differentiation. Several mutations
                                                              in NEMO map to the C-terminal ZF area that is vital
           Inhibiting  genotoxic  NF-kB activation  by        for DNA damage-induced NF-kB activation. All tested
           targeting PARP-1                                   NEMO  ZF  alleles  have  proven  specifically  defective
           In cells undergoing apoptosis upon severe DNA      for the genotoxic  NF-kB pathway, although  NF-kB
           damage, PARP-1 is cleaved by caspases which likely   activation by LPS stimulation remains largely intact. A
           restrict any further activation of NF-kB. The PARP-1   prominent feature of B lymphocytes from patients with
           cleavage not only diminishes the DNA repair capacity   NEMO ZF mutations is the inability to carry out class
           of  the  cells,  but  also  blocks  anti-apoptotic  NF-kB   switch recombination and almost complete absence of
           activation in response to DNA damage, which ensures   memory B cells. [130,131]  Notably, microarray examination
           the elimination of cells with unrepairable DNA lesions.   indicated  that those genes required  for class switch
           In signaling pathways leading to NF-kB activation,   recombination and proliferation failed to be induced in
           PARP-1 plays a unique role in mediating DNA damage-  patient B cells undergoing class switching in vitro. [131]
           induced signaling  cascade. DNA damage-induced     This phenotype may be explained, to some degree,
           NF-kB activation is believed to play important roles in   by the modest defects in CD40 signaling  that are
           mediating acquired resistance in cancer cells treated   also  observed  in these samples. However, it is also
           with genotoxic agents. [122,123]  As NF-kB also has critical   speculated that the defect in B-cell functions observed
           physiological functions, selective inhibition of NF-  in patients with NEMO ZF mutations may specifically
           kB activated by genotoxic treatments is expected to                                          [132]
           effectively reduce therapeutic resistance to radiation   require DNA damage-induced NF-kB activation.
           and chemotherapies with minimal toxicity. Targeting   Constitutive ATM-NEMO-NF-kB activity in AML
           PARP-1 may provide an attractive opportunity for
           selectively inhibiting genotoxic NF-kB activation   and MDS
           while sparing the canonical and alternative NF-kB   Besides   DNA    damage-induced    ATM-NEMO-
           pathways. [124]                                    dependent NF-kB activation, a recent study showed
                                                              that ATM-NEMO-NF-kB signaling is constitutively

           PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL                     activated  in  certain  acute  myeloid  leukemia  (AML)
                                                              cell lines and in a high percentage of primary
           FUNCTIONS OF GENOTOXIC NF-kB                       myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and  AML patient
           ACTIVATION                                         samples. [133]  Utilizing the P39  AML cell line, it was
                                                              found that  ATM is constitutively active with NEMO
           DNA  damage-induced  NF-kB  activation  and        and PIDD in the nucleus, and an ATM-NEMO nuclear
           B-cell differentiation                             complex is clearly detectable without genotoxic
           Endogenous  DSBs occurrence  is an obligate        treatments. Inhibition of  ATM by KU55933 or  ATM
           consequence of B-lymphocyte development because    knockdown results in the loss of nuclear NEMO and
           of somatic rearrangement of immunoglobulin loci that   PIDD, dissociation of ATM-NEMO complex, restraint
           is important for generation  of antibody diversity and
           isotype class switching.  These physiological  DSBs   of NF-kB activation, and induction of cell death. Also,
           mobilize the DDR machinery in a way reminiscent of   active  ATM was detected in CD34  bone marrow
           the cell reaction to exogenous DNA damage. [125]  As a   mononuclear cells acquired from all high-risk MDS
           result, mice deficient in DDR components, particularly   or AML  patient  samples,  indicating  constitutive ATM
           in genes required for detecting and repair of DSBs (e.g.   activation. In line with this notion, pharmacological
           ATM), demonstrate defects in normal  B-lymphocyte   inhibition of ATM induced cytoplasmic redistribution of
           function and reactions to pathogens. [126]  Also, in human,   NEMO and PIDD (which were found constitutively in
           a  number  of  essential  immune  deficiencies  occur,   the nucleus of these cells), inhibition of constitutive NF-
           owing to monogenic defects in DDR signaling. [127,128]    kB activation and cell death. [133]  Although constitutive
           Interestingly, NF-kB activation  by endogenous     activation of NF-kB is frequently found in various
           DSBs formed during  lymphocyte differentiation has   types of tumor specimens, [134-136]  in many cases, the
           been detected in mice. [129]  Similar to the response to   mechanisms that maintain NF-kB activity are unclear.
           exogenous  DSBs,  NF-kB  activation by endogenous   Considering the genomic instability as a hallmark for
           DSBs requires  NEMO  and  ATM  signaling.  In  this   human  cancers, [137]   it  is  tempting  to  speculate  that
           scenario, NF-kB activation by endogenous DSBs up-  endogenous DNA damage-induced signaling may
           regulates a cohort of genes including Pim2 and CD40,   account for, at least in part, maintaining constitutive
           whose expression is required for preventing apoptosis   NF-kB  activation  in  various  human malignancies,  in
           and B-cell development.  Consistently, patients with   addition to high-risk MDS and AML.
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ March 27, 2017          53
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