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Paridar et al.                                                                                                                                                                 BCR-ABL and myelodysplastic syndrome

            No.  Age/gender  MDS subtype  Ph+ phase/type  Cytogenetic findings              Outcome       Ref.
            17   78/F       RCMD         At CML          46, XX, t(9;22) (q34;q11)  Hb = 10.2  Progressed to   [45]
                                         transformation/-                     WBC = 2.6     CML accelerated
                                                                              Plt = 152     phase/response
                                                                                            to imatinib
                                                                                            with significant
            18   56/M       RA           At diagnosis/-  Complex karyotype with   Hb = 4.8  Progressed to   [46]
                                                         PH1 chromosome       WBC = 2.4     AML/died
                                                                              Plt = 350
            19   49/F       -            At diagnosis/-  t(9;22) (q34;q11) [38%]  Hb = 8.2  Progressed to   [47]
                                                                              WBC = 6.5     AML/died
                                                                              Plt = 425
            20   62/M       RAEB         AML transformation  t(9;22) (q34:q11) [100%]  Hb = 9.8  Progressed to   [48]
                                                                              WBC = 3.2     AML/died
                                                                              Plt =120
            21   70/F       RARS         At diagnosis/-  46, XX[3]/46, XX, t(9q;22q)   Hb = 9.5  Stable/alive  [49]
                                                         [12]                 WBC = 6.4
                                                                              Plt = 316
            22   69/M       t-MDS        AML transfomation  46, XY, t(9;22)(q34;q11) [35]  Hb (no data)  Progressed to   [50]
                                                                              WBC = 1.3     AML
                                                                              Plt = 129
           MDS: myelodysplastic syndromes; AML: acute myeloblastic leukemia; CML: chronic myeloid leukemia; ALL: acute lymphoblastic leukemia
           only  FISH  analysis  has  managed  to  detect  BCR-  Conflicts of interest
           ABL fusion in MDS patients, lack of detection in   There are no conflicts of interest.
           normal karyotype analysis does not indicate definitive
           absence of this fusion. [5,11]   Assessment of reported   Patient consent
           cases shows that MDS  patients  harboring this     Patient consent was obtained.
           chromosomal abnormality typically do not respond
           well to conventional treatments but do show a good   Ethical approval
           response to imatinib therapy. [11,13]  Since imatinib is not   This article does not contain  any studies involving
           routinely used in treatment of MDS patients, lack of   human or animal subjects.
           Ph detection in these patients may lead to incorrect
           treatment and thus put the patient’s life at risk.  REFERENCES

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           Paridar                                               Gore SD, Head D, Komrokji R, Maness LJ, Millenson M, O’Donnell
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             42                                                                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ February 28, 2017
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