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Paridar et al.                                                                                                                                                                 BCR-ABL and myelodysplastic syndrome

           Table 2: Characteristics of MDS patients with BCR-ABL fusion
            No.  Age/gender  MDS subtype  Ph+ phase/type  Cytogenetic findings              Outcome       Ref.
            1    69/M       RAEBt        At diagnosis/P190  46, XY[3]/45, X, -y[2]/50,   Hb = 8.1  Progressed to   [37]
                                                         XY, +Y, -3, del5 (q12q34),   WBC = 5.3  AML/died
                                                         +8, +14, add(18)(p11),   Plt = 77
                                                         +22, +min[11]/idem, t(9;22)
            2    64/M       RAEB         At diagnosis/P190  46, XY[7]/47, XY, +8, t(9;22)   Hb = 7.8  Progressed to   [37]
                                                         (q34;q11)[6]         WBC = 6.9     AML/died
                                                                              Plt = 98
            3    3/M        RAEBt        AML late stage   46, XY, t(9;22)(q34;q11)  Hb = 6.2  Progressed to   [38]
                                         transformation/P210                  WBC = 4.7     AML
                                                                              Hb = 47
            4    54/M       RA           ALL transformation   46, XY, t (9;22)  Hb = 8.6    Progressed to   [39]
                                         stage/P190      (q34;q11).20q- (18/20)/46,   WBC = 3.2  ALL/died
                                                         XY, 20q-             Plt = 142
            5    78/M       RAEBt        At diagnosis/P190  46, XY, der (3) t(1;3)  Hb = 9.8  Died in 5 months  [35]
                                                         (p22;p14), del (5) (q13q33)/  WBC = 13.5
                                                         FISH revealed fusion signal   Plt = 29
                                                         of BCR and ABL probes
                                                         on an apparently normal
                                                         chromosome 22
            6    67/F       RAEB-2       At diagnosis/   Ph+ [29/30], normal [1/30]  Hb = 11.5  Complete   [11]
                                         P210(b2a2)                           WBC = 3.4     remission with
                                                                              Plt = 111     imatinibmesylate
            7    39/M       RAEB         AML transformation/  46, XY, t (3;3)(y21:q26)[50]   Hb = 7.1  Progressed to   [40]
                                         early stage p210   46, XY, del (l)(p22). t(3;3)  WBC = 7.1  AML/died
                                         and late stage p210   (q21: y26). -16[6]  Plt = 547
                                         and p190        46, XY, t(3;3)(q21:q26), t
                                                         (9;22) (q34:q11)[3]
            8    25 months/F  unclassified  At diagnosis/-  46, XX, t (9;22) (q34;q11)  Hb = 8.7  Died in 28   [10]
                                                         [15]                 WBC = 7.9     months
                                                                              Plt = 39
            9    20 months/F  unclassified  24 months after   37-45, XX, −18[7]/46, XX[4].   Hb = 5.9  Treated with   [10]
                                         diagnosis/-     nuc fish 9q34 (abl×2), 22q11   WBC = 26.3  low dose
                                                         (bcr×2) (ablcon bcr×1)   Plt = 71  chemotherapy
            10   73/M       CMMoL        7 months after   46, XY, t(4;6) (p15;p12),   Hb = 15.4  CML/died in 10   [41]
                                         diagnosis/-     t(9;22) (q34;q11) [10%]  WBC = 18.1  months
                                                                              Plt = 31
            11   63/M       RA           During          46, XY, t(9;22) (q34;q11)   Hb = 10.2  CML/died in 3   [41]
                                         myeloproliferative   [100%]          WBC = 1.4     months
                                         phase/-                              Plt = 165
            12   66/M       RAEB-2       AML transformation/  Karyotype was neg for Ph   Hb = 6.2  Progressed to   [42]
                                         P190            but FISH indicate a fusion   WBC = 1.7  AML/died
                                                         signal in 60%        Plt = 33
            13   73/M       RAEB         In CML          46, XY, t (9;22)/fish indicated   -  Progressed to   [43]
                                         transformation/P210  single Ph 98.0%               CML then all
            14   66/F       RAEB         At diagnosis/-  47, XX, +8, t(9;22;16)   Hb = 4.4  Progressed to   [44]
                                                         (q34;q11.2;q23) [4]/46,   WBC = 0.9  granulocytic
                                                         XX, idem, der (12) t(12;17)  Plt = 52  sarcoma skin in
                                                         (p11.2;q11.2) [7]/46, XX[9]        9 months and
                                                                                            died 1 month
            15   71/M       RAEB         At diagnosis/-  46, XY, t(9;22) (q34;q11)   Hb = 9  Progressed   [44]
                                                         [20]                 WBC = 4000    to RAEBt in 5
                                                                              Plt = 55      months and died
                                                                                            9 months after
            16   59/M       RAEB         At diagnosis/P210  46, XY, t(9;22) (q34;q11)   Hb = 9.2  Progressed to   [44]
                                                         [20]                 WBC = 1.3     AML/treated
                                                                              Plt = 78      with allogeneic
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ February 28, 2017       41
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