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Aminisani et al.                                                                                                                                                           Quality of life among rectal cancer patients

           best and 100 the worst on symptom scales.          This study received ethics approval from  Tabriz
                                                              University of Medical Sciences; Ethics Committee
           Statistical analysis                               and all patients completed an informed consent form
           Descriptive analysis was used to present data,     before the interview session.
           mean and standard deviation (SD) was used for
           quantitative variables, and numbers and percentages   RESULTS
           were provided for categorical data. Data checked for
           normality and linearity where it was required.  Total   A total of 96 newly diagnosed patients with rectal
           score of HRQOL and its dimensions score were       cancer were included in this study with a mean age
           as  dependent  variables  in  this  study.  Univariate   57.31 ± 14.15 years (min: 27, max: 83). The majority
           and multivariate analysis performed to assess the   of them were male (54%), 59% were over 55 years of
           association between a range of factors and HRQOL.   age and more than two-third resided in urban areas
           Variables with a P value less than 0.1 were included   (84%).  About 45% of them had no education, and
           in the multiple linear regression models to identify   about 40% were out of work. Many of them (84%)
           predictors of HRQOL. A P-value of less than 0.05 was   reported inadequate physical activity, 30% smoked
           predetermined to be mean statistical significance, and   either a cigarette or waste pipe, 58% had at least one
           SPSS version 21 was used for all data analyses.    comorbidity, and the stage of the disease was I/II in
                                                              most of the cases (69%), 46% had received surgery
           Table 1: Clinico-epidemiological characteristics of   plus CRT as the treatment of choice [Table 1].
           patients with rectal cancer referring to specialty teaching
           hospitals in Tabriz, Northwest of Iran 2014-2015   Table  2 shows the mean  (SD) score for different
                                      Number         %        dimensions  of  QOL  according to  socio-demographic
            Age group                                         factors. As it can be seen, the score of total QOL and
               < 55 years                39         40.6
               ≥ 55 years                57         59.4      its dimensions were not different between  younger
            Gender                                            and older age groups. Women performed significantly
               Male                      52         54.2      poorer than men in EF, PF, and RF dimensions (P <
               Female                    44         45.8      0.05). Those who were not engaged in any work had
            Marital status
               Single/widowed            19         19.8      a lower  score in EF  and RF  dimensions  (P  <  0.05).
               Married                   77         80.2      Participants  with  insufficient  physical  activity  had
            Place of residence
               Urban                     81         54.4      a lower  score in PF  and RF  dimensions  (P  <  0.05).
               Rural                     15         15.6      Women, those who were not working,  and those
            Education                                         with  insufficient  physical  activity  had  higher  scores
               Illiterate                42         44.7      in symptom  total,  pain and fatigue. Scores of  total
               Literate                  52         55.3
            Occupation                                        QOL and its dimensions were not different according
               No working                38         39.6      to the place of residency and smoking. Although the
               Working                   58         60.4      study participants with no education had poorer scores
               Yes                       55         57.9      in total  QOL  and all dimensions, and showed the
               No                        40         42.7      higher scores of symptoms total, pain and fatigue, the
            Smoking                                           difference  was  not  statistically  significant  compaired
               Yes                       28         29.5
               No                        67         70.5      to literate participants. Patients with lower  income
            Physical activity                                 had significantly higher scores of total QOL, and EF
               Adequate                  15         15.6      dimension (P < 0.05). They performed better in all other
               Inadequate                81         84.4
            Income                                            dimensions and had a lower score in symptom-total,
               < 7,000,000 R             27         36.0      pain and fatigue, but it was not statistically significant.
               > 7,000,000 R             48         64.0
            Stage of disease                                  Table 3 shows the mean (SD) score for different
               I & II                    66         68.8
               III & IV                  17         17.7      dimensions of QOL according to clinical factors. Only
            Treatment                                         treatment  option  had  a  significant  association  with
               CT only/RT only/CRT       15         15.6      total QOL score. Total score of symptoms was higher
               Surgery only/surgery + CT/  36       37.5
            surgery + RT                                      in  those  who  had  a  higher  stage  of  disease,  and
               Surgery + CRT             44         45.8      those who had undergone CT/RT/or CRT only. Those
            Stoma                                             who had undergone surgery plus CRT performed
               Yes                       36         62.1
               No                        22         37.9      better in all subscales except CF, and they had lower
           Total number might be different due to missing values. CT:   scores in symptom total, pain and fatigue (P < 0.05).
           chemotherapy; RT: radiotherapy; CRT: chemo-radiotherapy  Comorbidities were associated with higher scores in
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ September 29, 2017     211
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