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Corona et al.                                                                                                                                                                            Adenosine A2B receptor in cancer

           Phylogenetically,  both  the  anti-inflammatory  and   microenvironment has been associated with increased
           the  pro-inflammatory  actions  of  adenosine  have   proliferation of prostate cancer cells in vitro [20] .
           a  protective  function,  the  first  keeping  in  check  the
           cascade  of  events  typical  of  inflammation  and  thus   Lastly, the A2B receptor has been shown to activate
           avoiding tissue damage, the second facilitating the   downstream  oncogenic   pathways    frequently
           reaction to and elimination of foreign pathogens.  mutated in cancer such as mitogen-activated
                                                              protein kinase [18,19] , as well as phospholipase C,
           Exactly as it is the case for other immune-        cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide,  NFkB1 and
           checkpoints, tumour cells can exploit these defence   arachidonic  acid  signalling.  Moreover, A2B  is  also
           mechanisms  to  induce  immune  suppression  and   a downstream target of the transcription factor Fos-
           cancer-tolerance. In this context, the expression of   related Antigen-1  (Fra-1),  a  gene  involved  in  the
           A2B in immune cells has attracted a lot of attention,   development of metastasis [16] . A2B pharmacological
           as the receptor seems to drive the expansion of    blockade in  Fra-1 positive breast cancer cells
           immunosuppressive, pro-angiogenic and cancer       inhibited metastasis to the lungs in a mouse model
           tolerant cells . For these reasons, adenosine      of metastatic breast cancer. In the near future, it is
           may be considered itself an immune-modulatory      possible that identification of Fra-1 positive tumours
           checkpoint  molecule [10] .  This  hypothesis  is  further   will guide the stratification of patients that are most
           strengthened by evidence of a synergic anti-tumour   likely to respond to A2B inhibitors.
           effect elicited combining anti-PD-1 (or CTLA-4) and
           adenosine signalling inhibitors [11-14] . This  synergism   Notwithstanding the mounting evidence in favour
           requires CD73 (one of the nucleotidases involved   of an oncogenic role for  A2B, most of the data
           in adenosine generation) expression on tumour      supporting this hypothesis come from pre-clinical
           cells, suggesting that the adenosine produced in the   studies in vitro. Whilst A2A small molecule inhibitors
           context of the tumour could interfere with the effect   are already in clinical development (NCT02403193
           of targeted immunotherapies [13] .  The addition of   and NCT02655822), the same cannot be said
           A2A- or  A2B-receptor inhibitors to current targeted   for  A2B receptor inhibitors.  All the  A2B receptor
           immunotherapies could therefore represent a means   inhibitors have been tested  in vitro and in vivo, but
           to overcome acquired resistance to such treatments.  their pharmacokinetic characteristics are still mostly
           It is worth noting that, besides the effects of adenosine
           and A2B on the immune system, the expression of    A2B  has  the  potential  to  become  a  therapeutic
           this receptor on the surface of cancer cells seems to   target, at least in tumours overexpressing the
           mediate  important  oncogenic effects in a variety of   protein.  However,  more  studies  are  needed  to
           cancers. Pharmacological inhibition or knockdown of   explore  all  the  functions  of  the  A2B  receptor  and
           A2B decreases proliferation of tumour cells [15-17]  and   its  ligand,  particularly  with  the  aim  of  gaining  a
           a role for A2B in tumour progression and metastasis   better  understanding  of  the  multiple A2B  receptor-
           is  supported  by  multiple  studies  in  bladder,  breast,   independent metabolic effects of adenosine [22] .
           colon, prostate and other cancers [14,15,18-20] .
                                                              Moreover,  due  to  the  extensive  cross-talk  and
           In particular in triple negative breast cancer,    the number of molecular targets involved with the
           expression of CD73 is associated with poor prognosis   adenosine  signalling  pathway,  and  considering  the
           and pharmacological resistance to doxorubicin [21] .   ubiquitousness of the receptors, it is conceivable that
           Similarly, high expression of  A2B in cancer cells   side effects of the inhibition of CD73, A2A and A2B
           increases invasiveness and metastasis and is a     could represent an issue in the clinical setting.
           predictor  of  poor  prognosis  and  shorter  survival  in
           triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) [19] . On the other   Finding  strategies  to  specifically  target  receptors
           hand, presence of  A2B in the host immune cells    expressed  on  tumour  cells  could  help  mitigate  the
           does not impact the metastatic potential of  TNBC   toxicity  of  these  agents.  Also,  using  these  drugs
           tumour cells in the same metastatic mouse models   in combination with other targeted agents, as it is
           of  breast carcinoma, as demonstrated  by  the  fact   already the case with  A2A-inhibitors, will hopefully
           that blockade of tumour-expressed A2B receptor, in   further decrease toxicities by exploiting the synergism
           A2B receptor-deficient mice, reduces the metastatic   shown in combination therapy.
           burden from TNBC cell lines xenografts.
                                                              Finally, pharmacologically modulating metabolic
           Moreover,    constitutive  activation   of   the   conditions such as hypoxia should likely increase the
           adenosine receptor  A2B in response to a hypoxic   effectiveness of these molecules.
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ September 27, 2017     207
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