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Aminisani et al.                                                                                                                                                           Quality of life among rectal cancer patients

           Table 4: Association between HRQOL and its dimensions and sociodemographic and clinical factors
                                                      Regression coefficient, R              95% CI
            Dependent variable    Covariates
                                                     B (SE)       Beta      P      Lower bound   Upper bound
            QOL total               Income         -11.44 (5.14)  -0.22   0.029       -21.66         -1.23
            R  = 9%                Treatment        8.73 (3.47)   0.25    0.014        1.83         15.63
            EF                   Stage of disease  -14.99 (7.1)   -0.21    0.03       -29.14         -0.83
            R  = 18%               Treatment       8-81 (4.09)    0.23    0.035        0.65         16.96
            PF                  Sex (male\female)  14.55 (5.84)   0.23    0.015        2.94         26.16
            R  = 23%               Treatment        9.07 (3.91)   0.21    0.023        1.29         16.85
                                 Physicalactivity  26.07 (7.67)   0.31    0.001       10.82         41.32
            SF                   Stage of disease  -22.42 (7.90)  -0.29   0.006       -38.15         -6.68
            R  = 11%               Treatment        9.42 (4.32)   0.22    0.032        0.80         18.03
            RF                   Physicalactivity  32.66 (9.32)   0.33    0.001       14.15         51.18
            R  = 17%
            Symptom total          Treatment       -9.14 (2.94)   -0.32   0.003       -15.00         -3.27
            R  = 22%             Physicalactivity  -15.51 (5.98)  -0.26   0.011       -27.44         -3.59
            Pain                   Treatment       -8.83 (4.63)   -0.18    0.06       -18.05         0.39
            R  = 25%             Physicalactivity  -31.18 (9.41)  -0.31   0.001       -49.93        -12.43
                                 Stage of disease  21.146 (8.33)  0.24    0.013        4.55         37.74
            Fatigue                Treatment       -14.94 (4.56)  -0.33   0.002       -24.03         -5.85
            R  = 27%             Physicalactivity  -22.68 (9.29)  -0.25   0.017       -41.19         -4.17
                                 Stage of disease  23.66 (8.23)   0.29    0.005        7.26         40.06
                                  Comorbidities    -14.49 (6.73)  -0.21   0.035       -27.90         -1.07
           HRQOL: health-related quality of life; CI: confidence interval; PF: physical functioning; RF: role functioning; EF: emotional functioning; SF:
           social functioning
           was higher than that in the general population [20] . The   performance and lower pain and fatigue.  There is
           difference between our results and other studies might   evidence  that  type  of  surgery  affects  the  QOL  after
           be explained by the time of recruitment of the study   surgery among patients with cancer of the rectum.
           population. In our study, all patients were diagnosed   Evidence showed that cancer-free patients with rectal
           less than one year and some were receiving active   cancer who had no terminal abdominal stoma showed
           treatment, and some patients with advanced stages   a better score in all categories of the QOL 30 after five
           were also included. Our results showed that younger   years . In addition, it has been shown that sphincter
           and older patients had almost the same score of the   sparing operations are higher among patients who
           overall QOL and its dimensions except emotional    undergone neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy and they
           dimension which was lower in younger patients. It in   show better scores in QOL . However, in this study
           line with the results of other studies which showed   we combined neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies,
           the poorer emotional performance of younger        therefore the reason for such results cannot be clearly
           patients [9,21] . We found that females generally had   concluded.  In this study, patients with comorbidities
           poorer QOL than men, the same reported by Li et al.    had poorer scores on  total  QOL and  its dimensions
           but some studies reported the lower social wellbeing   and showed higher pain and fatigue, however, in the
           score among men, that might be because they used   final model it was predictive of only fatigue. Studies
           different instrument for assessment of the QOL [21] .  also showed a poorer performance of QOL among
                                                              those with comorbidities .
           In  the  current  study  income  and  treatment  options
           were predictors of the total score of QOL. Income was   Another  finding  of  this  study  was  the  association
           negatively predictive of QOL score, surgery plus CRT   between physical activity and the score of PF and
           was positively related to the higher score of the QOL   RF dimensions, those with sufficient physical activity
           total score. The QOL of the long-term survival group   had  better  scores  in  these  dimensions,  and  it  was
           was associated with lifestyle factors, symptoms and   also negatively predictive of symptom total, pain and
           usual activity, and the presence of a stoma was not   fatigue.  Those  with  sufficient  physical  activity  had
           the matter. However, QOL one year after surgery was   lower scores in symptom total, had lower pain and
           associated with adjuvant therapy [22] .            fatigue. Studies demonstrated the positive effect of
                                                              physical  activity  on  quality  of  life  among  patients
           In  this  study,  stage  of  disease  was  negatively   with CRC [26] .
           predictive  of  EF  and  SF,  but  positively  predictive  of
           pain and fatigue. Treatment option was predictive of   This study has some limitations, we included patients
           all QOL dimensions (except CF) and pain and fatigue.   from teaching hospitals, those who were admitted to
           Those who received surgery plus CRT had better     private hospitals might be from higher socioeconomic
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