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Glinsky                                                                                                                                 Genetic signatures of lethal disease in early stage prostate cancer

           Most importantly, there are no genetic or molecular   cancer. All men in this study were determined at the
           methods  prospectively  defining  low-risk  or  indolent   time  of  diagnosis  to  have  clinical  stage T1  and T2,
           prostate cancer at diagnosis with sufficient specificity   Mx, and N0, according to the 2002 American Joint
           and selectivity to ensure the safety of patients and   Commission Committee  TNM  staging  system. [5-7,14]
           allow physicians to make informed, ethical, evidence-  The prospective follow-up time in this cohort is now
           based disease management decision of not treating   up to 30 years and the study cohort was followed for
           prostate  cancer.  Given  the  natural  history  of  early   cancer-specific  and  all-cause  mortality  until  March
           prostate cancer and long-term survival data from   1, 2006.  Deaths were classified as cancer-specific
           watchful  waiting  cohorts,  conclusive  prospective   when  prostate  cancer  was  the  primary  cause  of
           validation  of  laboratory  methods  defining  low-risk   death as determined through a complete review of
           indolent disease in Gleason 6 and 7 patients would   medical records by a study end-point committee. [5-7,14]
           require at least 10 years. Based on the analysis   Importantly, that in addition to the histopathological
           of the long-term survival data of prostate cancer   examination at the time of diagnosis, slides and
           patients from watchful waiting cohorts with up to 30   corresponding   paraffin-embedded   formalin-fixed
           years follow-up, we reasoned that more feasible and   blocks were subsequently retrieved and re-reviewed
           clinically-relevant approach would be an attempt to   to confirm cancer status and to assess Gleason scores
           identify genetic markers of lethal prostate cancer in   using  review, examination, and  grading procedures
           patients with Gleason 6 and 7 tumors which would   blinded with regard to disease outcome. [14]
           capture a vast majority of all cancer-related death
           events  4-6  years  after  diagnosis.  Here  we  report   Gene expression analysis, evaluation, and
           identification of gene expression signatures (GES) of   selection of GES
           lethal prostate cancer in biopsy specimens obtained   GES  were  developed  based  on  a  publicly  available
           at the time of diagnosis from patients with Gleason   microarray analysis of  a Swedish Watchful Waiting
           6 and 7 tumors in a Swedish watchful waiting cohort   cohort with up to 30 years of clinical follow up using
           with  up  to  30  years  follow-up.  In  retrospective   a novel method for gene expression profiling (cDNA-
           analysis,  best-performing  GES  of  lethal  prostate   mediated annealing, selection, ligation, and extension
           cancer identify 89% and 100% of all death events   method)  which  enabled  the  use  of  formalin-fixed
           4  years  after  diagnosis  in  Gleason  7  and  Gleason   paraffin-embedded transurethral resection of prostate
           6  patients,  respectively.  GES  appear  to  perform   (TURP)  samples  taken  at  the  time  of  the  initial
           successfully in patients’ stratification with as little as   diagnosis.  Details of the experimental  procedure
           2% of cancer cells in a specimen. In Gleason 6 and 7   can be found in a recent publication  and in Gene
           prostate cancer patients of age 65 or younger, GES   Expression  Omnibus  (GEO:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
           identifies 86% of all death events during the follow-up.   gov/geo/) with platform accession number: GPL5474.
           In Gleason 6 and 7 prostate cancer patients of age 70   Full data set and  associated  clinical  information  is
           or younger, GES identifies 90% of all death events 6   available at GEO with accession number: GSE16560.
           years after diagnosis. Reported in this study GES of
           lethal prostate cancer in biopsy specimens of Gleason   Feature selection was performed without assessment
           6  and  7  tumors  should  help  practicing  physicians   of differential gene expression between deceased and
           to identify at the time of diagnosis prostate cancer   surviving patients. All 6,144 genes were evaluated for
           patients who should be considered for exclusion from   association with clinical and pathological  variables
           the active surveillance programs and who would most   (except  survival  status)  using  correlation  analysis.
           likely benefit from immediate curative interventions.  Different thresholds on the P-values (0.05; 0.01; 0.001)
                                                              were used for selection of gene sets with common
           METHODS                                            patterns of association  and concordance  analysis
                                                              was  performed  using  expression  profiling  data  of
           Patients                                           snpRNA-driven  cell  line-based  models  of  prostate
           This study is based on prostate cancer patients from   cancer predisposition [15,16]  to identify concordant and
           the population-based Swedish Watchful Waiting      discordant GES in cell lines and clinical samples. [17-20]
           cohort of men with localized prostate cancer. [5-7,14]    GES  were  built  based  on  selection  of  co-regulated
           Distinguishing feature of this cohort is that it represents   transcripts in various experimental conditions and
           patients diagnosed with symptomatic early prostate   clinically-relevant  models, including  prostate cancer
           cancer at the time when no PSA screening programs   predisposition  and longevity models. [16-20]  Underlying
           were in place: these men had symptoms of benign    concept at this stage of the analysis  was to identify
           prostatic hyperplasia (lower urinary tract symptoms)   GES  with  concordant  expression  profiles  across
           and  were  subsequently  diagnosed  with  prostate   multiple data sets. [17-20]  Cox regression  analysis  was
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ September 21, 2017     179
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