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Glinsky                                                                                                                                 Genetic signatures of lethal disease in early stage prostate cancer

            cancer appeared suitable to meet design and feasibility requirements of a prospective 4 to 6 years clinical trial, which is essential
            for regulatory approval of diagnostic and prognostic tests in clinical setting. Prospectively validated GES of lethal PC in biopsy
            specimens of G6 and G7 tumors will help physicians to identify, at the time of diagnosis, patients who should be considered for
            exclusion from active surveillance programs and who would most likely benefit from immediate curative interventions.

           INTRODUCTION                                       radical prostatectomy for  treatment of  early prostate
                                                              cancer have contributed to a significant extent to the
           In the United States, widespread implementation of the   reported 98-100% 5-year survival rates since 1998 in
           prostate-specific  antigen  (PSA)  screening  programs   the United States (SEER 13 areas statistics).
           enabled diagnosis of  more than 200,000 cases of
           prostate  cancer each year.   Clinically  localized   However, there is a lack of consensus regarding the
           prostate cancer represents  the vast majority of new   benefits  of  a  population-scale  PSA  screening  and  a
           cases.  Therefore, one of the most significant benefits   controversy about the potential for overdiagnosis
           of  the  widespread  use  of  PSA  screening  is  that  the   and  overtreatment  of  clinically  insignificant  disease
           prevalence of the late stage, advanced and high grade   that would not likely to become life-threatening in a
           prostate cancer at diagnosis has declined dramatically   man’s lifetime.  Further socio-economic arguments in
           and the vast majority of newly  diagnosed  prostate   support of significant overdiagnosis and overtreatment
           cancers are early stage and low grade tumors.      have been presented in studies indicating that
                                                              prevention of one prostate cancer death would require
           The natural history of early stage clinically localized   active treatment of 48 men for 9 years or 12 men for
           prostate cancer is considered favorable  and other   14 years. [10,11]  Outcome studies from contemporary
           types of cancer such as lung cancer are considered   population-based cohorts reported cumulative 10-
           hundreds times as deadly. Despite this seemingly   year prostate cancer-specific mortality in patients with
           “indolent”  nature,  prostate  cancer  is  the  second   low-risk disease 2.4% and 0.7% in the surveillance
           leading cause of cancer-related deaths and accounts   group and curative intent groups, respectively,
           for 3.5% of all male deaths.  Development of clear,   which indicates that the surveillance may be a
           consensus guidelines for physicians’ decision-making   suitable treatment option for majority of patients with
           process in clinical management of early stage localized   low-risk prostate cancer. Clinical evidence that active
           prostate cancer is one of the most significant public   surveillance may be a safe, perhaps preferred option
           healthcare problems. Inevitable and fast approaching   for older men diagnosed with a very low-grade or
           demographic changes in the Western world underscore   small-volume form of prostate cancer were published
           the critical economic and logistical needs for a rational,   recently  by Tosoian  et al.  Therefore,  active
           evidence-based approach to the clinical management   surveillance with curative intent for low-risk prostate
           of the early stage localized prostate cancer. A path to   cancer is under active consideration as a potentially
           solutions to this problem is complicated by a multitude   safe alternative to immediate curative intervention
           of competing positions attempting to emphasize the   with the expectations that it may reduce overtreatment
           perceived  shortcomings  and  benefits  of  different   and therapy-associated adverse events. It certainly
           approaches and need to balance multiple variables   would reduce the escalating economic burden of cost
           such as public health care costs, individual patients’   of prostate cancer treatment. The major limitation of
           benefits, interests, socio-economic status, ethical and   these studies is a short follow-up time [for example,
           professional responsibilities of the medical personnel,   in the John Hopkins study,  the total cohort has a
           and humanitarian considerations.                   median  follow-up  of  2.7  years  (range  0.01  to  15)]
                                                              which requires the use of biochemical recurrence or
           Conclusive  statistical  evidence of the life-saving   other “proxy” end-points for disease-specific mortality.
           therapeutic  benefits  of  radical  prostatectomy  versus   This limitation is particularly relevant for early prostate
           watchful waiting in early prostate cancer have been   cancer  because  the  overall  survival  benefits  of
           documented in a randomized  multicenter clinical   radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting are
           trial:  radical  prostatectomy  reduces  disease-specific   not statistically apparent until 10 years follow-up [5-7]
           mortality, overall mortality, and the risks of metastasis   due to the fact that a majority of death events in the
           and   local  progression. [5-7]  Immediate  curative  watchful waiting cohorts of early prostate cancer
           interventions are the predominant therapy choice   occurs  at  or  after  10  years  follow-up  (this  study). [5-7]
           and 168,000  prostatectomies are performed each    Furthermore,  significantly  longer  follow-up  data  are
           year to  treat prostate cancer.   It  seems reasonable   required because most patients currently diagnosed
           to  conclude, that  early detection of  prostate cancer   with localized prostate cancer are aged 60-70 years
           facilitated  by  PSA  screening  and  aggressive  use  of   and have a life expectancy of more than 15 years.
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