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Tian et al.                                                                                                                                                   EMT drives anti-estrogen resistance in breast cancer

           and responds to estrogen; (d) pTopFlash-luciferase,    protein loading were monitored by reprobing stripped
           which contains 7 copies of the TCF/LEF-binding sites   membranes with antibodies  against either  β-actin,
           (7X-AGATCAAAGGgggta) and responds to β-catenin     ERK1/2, or p38 MAPK as indicated.
           activation; and (e) pCMV-β-gal, which  was used
           to  control  for  differences  in  transfection  efficiency.   Co-immunoprecipitation assays
           Afterward, the cells were incubated in the absence or   Clarified  cell  extracts  (1  mg/tube;  see  above)
           presence of TGF-β1 (5 ng/mL), estradiol (0.1 nmol/L),   prepared from pre- and post-EMT MCF-7 cells were
           4-OHT (0.1 mol/L), or  TβRI inhibitor II (100 ng/mL;   incubated  under  continuous  rotation with 1 µg of
           Supplementary Table 1) as described previously; [16,17]    antibodies  against either  β-catenin, E-cad, ER-α, or
           (4) direct and indirect immunofluorescence: pre- and   Src overnight at 4 ˚C. The resulting immunocomplexes
           post-EMT MCF-7 and BT474 cells were cultured       were collected by microcentrifugation, washed, and
           overnight in 8-well chamber slides  (80,000  cells/well)   fractionated through 10% SDS-PAGE gels prior to their
           prior to being treated for 96 h in serum-free media   immobilization  to nitrocellulose  membranes,  which
           supplemented  with TGF-β1 (5 ng/mL), estradiol     subsequently were probed with antibodies against
           (0.1 nmol/L), 4-OHT (0.1  µmol/L), or fulvestrant   either phospho-tyrosine, β-catenin, EGFR, IGF1R, or
           (0.1  µmol/L;  Supplementary  Table  1). Afterwards,   ER-α [Supplementary Table 3]. Differences in protein
           the  cells  were  fixed  in  4%  paraformaldehyde  and   loading and/or input were monitored by immunoblotting
           processed  for  direct  immunofluorescence  with   with corresponding antibodies as indicated.
           phalloidin  (0.25 mol/L; Molecular Probes, USA), or
           for  indirect  immunofluorescence  with  either  anti-E-  Statistical analysis
           cadherin  (E-cad)  or  anti-β-catetnin  antibodies  (1:250   Statistical  values  were  defined  using  an  unpaired
           dilution; BD Biosciences, San Jose, USA), followed   Student’s  T-test,  where  a  P  value  <  0.05  was
           by sequential incubation with biotinylated secondary   considered  significant.  P values for all experiments
           antibodies (5 g/mL; Jackson ImmunoResearch, USA)   analyzed are indicated.
           and Alexa-streptavidin  (1.2 g/mL; Molecular  Probes,
           USA). Following extensive  washing  with PBS, the   RESULTS
           slides  were mounted on glass slides  with Prolong
           mounting  medium (Molecular Probes)  as described   TGF-β  induces  EMT  in  MCF-7  cells  and
           previously. [16,17]                                potentiates noncanonical TGF-β signaling
                                                              EMT  programs  stimulated by  TGF-β  have been
           Semi-quantitative real-time PCR analysis           associated with the acquisition of motile and metastatic
           Total  RNA  from  MCF-7  or  BT474  cells  were  purified   phenotypes, and with the generation of cancer stem
           using the RNeasy Plus Mini kit (Qiagen, USA) according   cells and chemoresistance. [4,22,23]  With respect to
           to  the manufacturer’s  instruction. Afterwards, cDNAs   cancers of the breast, these features of EMT are more
           were synthesized by iScript reverse transcription kit   commonly associated with basal-like/TNBC subtypes,
           (Bio-Rad, USA), diluted 5-fold in H O, and employed in   with little evidence  related  to how  TGF-β and  its
           semi-quantitative real-time PCR reactions (20 µL) using   stimulation  of EMT programs impact ER-α signaling
           SYBR Green system (Bio-Rad, USA) that contained    in luminal breast cancers.  To address this question,
           5 µL of diluted cDNA and 0.1 µmol/L of oligonucleotide   we administered TGF-β1 to human MCF-7 cells (i.e.
           pairs listed in Supplementary Table 2. Differences in   luminal A subtype) to induce an EMT program under
           RNA concentration were controlled  by normalizing   2D- and 3D-culture conditions. Figure 1A shows that
           individual gene signals to their corresponding β-actin   MCF-7 cells readily transitioned  from epithelial  to
           or GAPDH as indicated.                             mesenchymal morphologies  when stimulated with
                                                              TGF-β1. Moreover, these morphological  alterations
           Western blotting analyses                          exhibited  by MCF-7 cells coincided  with their (1)
           Pre- and post-EMT MCF-7 and BT474 cells were       downregulated  expression  of  the epithelial  marker
           lysed in Buffer H/1% Triton X-100  and solubilized for   E-cadherin in 3D-cultures [Supplementary Figure 1A],
           60 min on ice. After microcentrifugation, the clarified   and  (2) upregulated  expression  of mesenchymal
           cell extracts were resolved through 10% SDS-PAGE   markers vimentin, N-cadherin, Cox-2, and MMP-9
           electrophoresis  gels, transferred electrophoretically   [Supplementary  Figure  1B-D], as well  as that of the
           to nitrocellulose  membranes,  and blocked  in 5%   master EMT transcription factors, Snail, Twist, Zeb1,
           milk prior to incubation  with primary antibodies   and Zeb2  [Figure 1B and C]. Likewise,  post-EMT
           listed in  Supplementary  Table  3.  The  resulting   MCF-7 cells showed a striking loss of β-catenin from
           immunocomplexes  were  visualized  by enhanced     the plasma membrane [Supplementary Figure 1E] that
           chemiluminescence  reactions, and differences in   reflected  its  enhanced  phosphorylation  on  tyrosine
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