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Tian et al.                                                                                                                                                   EMT drives anti-estrogen resistance in breast cancer

           promoter of breast cancer growth and metastasis. [1-3]    (USA) and cultured  as previously  described,  while
           Although  the molecular  mechanisms  responsible  for   human luminal B BT474 cells were kindly provided by
           eliciting the dichotomous activities of TGF-β remain to   Dr. Mark W. Jackson (Case Western Reserve University,
           be fully elucidated, accumulating evidence implicates   USA) and propagated  in DMEM supplemented
           canonical Smad2/3-dependent signaling in mediating   with 10%  fetal  bovine serum  (FBS;  Thermo Fisher
           tumor suppression  by  TGF-β and noncanonical      Scientific, USA) and 1% Pen/Strep (Invitrogen, USA).
           Smad2/3-independent signaling in mediating its tumor   Pharmacological  agonists and  inhibitors used herein
           promoting activities. [1-3]  Amongst the best characterized   are described in the Supplementary Table 1.
           noncanonical   signaling  pathways   operant   in
           coupling  TGF-β to tumorigenesis  are: (1) integrins   Cell biological assays
           and components of focal adhesion  complexes; (2)   Analyzing  the effects  of  TGF-β and EMT programs
           MAP kinase and small GTP-binding  protein family   on ER-α signaling  in MCF-7 and  BT474 cells  was
           members; and (3) PI3K/AKT and NF-κB pathways;      determined  as follows: (1) cell proliferation  assays:
           they also function to drive epithelial-mesenchymal   cells were treated in the absence or presence of
           transitions (EMT)  stimulated by  TGF-β,  thereby   TGF-β1  (5  ng/mL;  R&D Systems,  USA)  for  72 h  to
           promoting  breast cancer dissemination,  stemness,   induce EMT, at which point they were subcultured in
           and chemoresistance. [5]                           96-well plates (10,000 cells/well) for 5 days with either
                                                              diluent or inhibitors to the TGF-β type I receptor (TβR-I;
           Within the mammary gland,  signaling  by estrogen   100 ng/mL), the epidermal growth factor receptor
           receptor (ER-α)  plays an essential role not  only   (EGFR;  1 mol/L), the insulin-like  growth factor 1
           during glandular development and differentiation, but   receptor  (IGF1R; 1 mol/L), mitogen-activated  protein
           also during the initiation and progression of  luminal   kinase  kinase  (MEK; 10 mol/L), or ER-α (0.1 mol/L;
           breast  cancers. [6-8]   Indeed, the oncogenic  activities   Supplementary  Table  1). Differences  in  cell  growth
           of dysregulated ER-α signaling underlie  the clinical   and survival were determined by incubating the cells
           success of anti-estrogen drugs (e.g. tamoxifen) as   with MTS Plus reagent (20 µL; Promega, USA) for 1 h
           first-line therapies to treat ER-positive breast cancers.   at  37  ˚C,  followed  by  measuring  absorbance  at  490
           However,  despite  their  initial  efficacy,  anti-estrogen   nm on a Promega  Modulus  II Microplate  Multimode
           drugs often  become ineffective  as patient tumors   instrument (Promega, USA);  (2)  3-dimensional  (3D)
           develop resistance and undergo disease recurrence. [9,10]    growth assays: 3D-cultures were prepared by diluting
           At present,  the mechanisms resulting  in  acquired   pre- or post-EMT MCF-7 and BT474 cells in complete
           anti-estrogen resistance are not fully understood.   media supplemented with 5% Cultrex (Trevigen,
           However, compelling evidence implicates nongenomic   Gaithersburg, USA), which subsequently were seeded
           ER-α signaling as a major culprit of resistance to anti-  onto solidified Cultrex cushions (500 µL/well) contained
           estrogen-based  therapies. [9,11-13]  Likewise,  aberrant   in 6-well plates (150,000 cells/well).  Afterward, the
           expression of a truncated metastasis tumor antigen 1   cells  were  cultured  in the absence  or presence  of
           (MTA1) mutant was found to bind and sequester ER-α   TGF-β1 (5 ng/mL), estradiol  (1 nmol/L), tamoxifen
           in the cytoplasm, thus enhancing  the nongenomic   (0.1 nmol/L), or fulvestrant (0.1 mol/L; Supplementary
           actions of  ER-α  and disease progression  in  breast   Table 1) for 8 days, during which time they were fed
           cancers. [14]                                      every 3 days with full growth media supplemented with
                                                              5% Cultrex and pharmacological agents. Differences
           Given the pathophysiologic parallels that exist between   in organoid growth were calculated using NIH Image
           nongenomic ER-α and noncanonical TGF-β signaling   J; (3) luciferase  reporter gene  assays: pre- and
           in driving breast cancer progression, we speculated   post-EMT MCF-7 and BT474 cells were allowed  to
           that EMT programs  induced  by  TGF-β may elicit   adhere overnight to 24-well plates (40,000 cells/well).
           nongenomic ER-α signaling and endocrine resistance   The cells were  transiently transfected as described
           in luminal breast cancers. The aim of this study was   previously [16,17]  with the following reporter plasmids:
           to test this hypothesis and further our understanding   (a) pSBE-luciferase, which contains 4 copies of the
           of how EMT programs drive disease progression and   Smad3/4-binding  element  (4X-CAGA) and  serves
           acquired  resistance  to anti-estrogen-based  therapies   as a direct measure  of canonical  TGF-β signaling;
           in human breast cancers.                           (b) p3TP-lux,  which  contains 3 copies  of  TPA-
                                                              responsive elements and 96 bp of the PAI-1 promoter
           METHODS                                            and  responds  to both canonical  (i.e. Smad3/4)  and
                                                              noncanonical  (i.e. AP-1)  TGF-β signaling;  (c) pERE-
           Cell lines and chemical inhibitors                 TATA-luciferase,  which  contains 3 copies  of the
           Human luminal A MCF-7 cells were obtained from ATCC   estrogen response element (3X-GGTCACAGTGACC)
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ August 21, 2017        151
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