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Ieni et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Colonic metastasis by a uterine LCNEC

           in the uterine corpus involving  the myometrium    were present for CK, CK 7, CK20, CDX2, TTF1, Pax-
           and  serosal  layer,  with  an  infiltration  of  the  colonic   8, CD10, vimentin, desmin  and CD99.  The growth
           wall indicating lymph node metastases as well.  The   fraction, assessed  with Ki67, revealed  a positivity  of
           proliferation  showed  a uniform solid  pattern, with   more than 80% of  neoplastic elements. A  diagnosis
           complete absence of  glandular differentiation and   of infiltrating poorly differentiated LCNEC was made,
           areas of  geographic necrosis  [Figure 2A];  it  was   based  on synaptophysin,  chromogranin-A,  ER and
           characterized  by medium and large-sized  cells with   PgR immunoreactivity. The diagnosis was classified as
           hyperchromatic  and pleomorphic  nuclei,  prominent   a primary tumor of the uterus, with extensive colonic
           nucleoli  and high mitotic activity  [Figure 2B].   and  peritoneal  spread.  In  light  of  these  findings,
           Immunohistochemistry revealed a diffuse positivity for   we took the opportunity  to re-examine  the original
           estrogen receptor  (ER)  [Figure 3A],  chromogranin-A   neoplastic  paraffin-block  taken  at  the  colonic  level
           [Figure 3B], synaptophysin [Figure 3C], MLH1, MSH2,   during  the  first  surgical  procedure.  Histologically  the
           MSH6 and a partial staining  for EMA, CD56 and     colonic  wall  was  extensively  ab-extrinseco  infiltrated
           progesterone  receptor (PgR). No immunostainings   by a highly cellular  solid proliferation  [Figure 4A],
                                                              suggestive of a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,
                                                              but absolutely unreactive for CK20  [Figure 4B],  a
                                                              marker usually positive in colonic cancer.  Finally,  a
                                                              heterogeneous, well evident, cytoplasmic staining for
                                                              chromogranin-A (Figure 4B, inset) was appreciable in
                                                              neoplastic elements. These morphological data were
                                                              consistent with a diagnosis of colonic parietal infiltration
                                                              by aggressive neuroendocrine carcinoma.


                                                              NETs  are  more  generally  identified  in  the
                                                              gastrointestinal  tract,  pancreas,  lung  and  thymus,
                                                              while in the female reproductive tract they account
                                                              for about 2% of all gynecologic cancer. [6,7]  According
                                                              to World Health Organization classification, NETs are
                                                              classified in two principal groups: poorly differentiated
                                                              neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) and well-
                                                              differentiated NETs.  NECs include small and large
                                                              cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, while NETs include
                                                              typical and atypical carcinoids. [8]

                                                              Poorly differentiated LCNEC of the endometrium
                                                              is a very uncommon tumor representing only 0.8%
                                                              of endometrial cancers and they are considered
                                                              particularly aggressive  neoplasms with  a  tendency
                                                              for  early metastases and poor outcomes.  Usually,
                                                              endometrial NECs are combined with other epithelial
                                                              neoplasms; in detail, 50-80% of cases are admixed with
                                                              FIGO grade 1 or 2 endometrioid adenocarcinoma. [6,7]
                                                              To explain this intriguing association it has been
                                                              hypothesized that some endometrial NECs may arise
                                                              from the neuroendocrine component of endometrioid
                                                              carcinomas.   Although the possibility that an
                                                              abdominal NEC may secondarily develop  due to
                                                              chemotherapy for an original endometrial carcinoma
                                                              should be mentioned, nevertheless in the present case
           Figure 1: Grossly anterior and posterior appearance of the   this option should be excluded since the first diagnosis
           surgical specimen. (A) Macroscopically, in the anterior view, the   and consequently  the  therapeutical approach  were
           relationships between neoplasia and adjacent anatomical structures
           are seen; (B) grossly, the tumor mass is easily appreciable at the   based on colonic poorly differentiated carcinoma. It
           posterior view of the surgical sample              has also been suggested that these tumors can be
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