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Ieni et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Colonic metastasis by a uterine LCNEC

           derived from pluripotent stem cells with the possibility   such as chromogranin, synaptophysin and CD56.  In
           for both neuroendocrine and glandular endometrioid   this case, the diagnosis  of endometrial  LCNEC  was
           differentiation. [11]                              based on neuroendocrine appearance, particularly the
                                                              neuroendocrine  marker expression (synaptophysin
           In  the current literature, 15 cases of  endometrial   and partial CD56 reactivity). In differential diagnoses,
           LCNEC have been described in patients with a       endometrial NECs should be distinguished from other
           mean age of 64 years, 8 of which cases are pure    tumors characterized by nuclear high-grade  features
           and 7 are associated  with another component.  In   with a  predominantly  solid growth pattern,  such as
           particular, the pure  form LCNEC  is characterized   carcinosarcoma, undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma,
           by solid sheets with organoid,  trabecular or cord-  solid pattern of serous carcinoma and undifferentiated
           like patterns  including  peripheral  palisading  and   endometrial  carcinoma (UEC). However, the most
           necrosis areas.   The neoplastic cells  have  large   problematic differential diagnosis is represented by
           and abundant eosinophilic  cytoplasm with vesicular   UEC, in which a focal neuroendocrine  differentiation
           high-grade  nuclei, prominent nucleoli  and frequent   (< 10%), with 1 or more neuroendocrine markers, has
           mitotic  figures.  The  confirmation  of  neuroendocrine   been demonstrated in 41% in UEC series;  therefore,
           differentiation  is based on neuroendocrine  markers,   the expression  of neuroendocrine  markers in more

           Figure 2: Microscopically the malignant proliferation presented a solid pattern with areas of necrosis (A, hematoxylin-eosin stain, ×200),
           composed by medium or large-sized cells with hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and high mitotic activity (B,
           hematoxylin-eosin stain, ×400)

           Figure 3: Immunohistochemistry revealed diffuse nuclear reactivity for estrogen receptor (A, ×400); strong and uniform cytoplasmic staining
           for chromogranin-A (B, ×400, haematoxylin nuclear counterstain) as well as synaptophysin (C, ×400, haematoxylin nuclear counterstain)
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ August 16, 2017        147
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