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Ieni et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Colonic metastasis by a uterine LCNEC

           poorly differentiated neuroendocrine  carcinomas,   the abdomen from the transverse colon to the pelvis,
           transcription factors  are expressed irrespectively of   infiltrating  the  small  intestine,  the  anterior  parietal
           primary neoplastic site, causing diagnostic problems. [5]  and  prevesical peritoneum,  the sigmoid  colon  and
                                                              proximal  rectum.  The small intestine was disease
           We report a case of a large cell neuroendocrine    free for  about 160 cm,  being dislocated in the left
           carcinoma (LCNEC), initially developed in uterus and   upper  quadrant.  Surgeons  isolated  the lesion  from
           clinically silent,  with an unusual colonic metastatic   the retroperitoneal  structures and then removed en
           localization during the progression of the disease.  bloc the tumor, the small intestine, a small portion of
                                                              the residual transverse colon, the sigmoid colon, the
           CASE REPORT                                        proximal rectum, the uterus, the uterine annexes,
                                                              pelvic and anterior parietal  peritoneum  [Figure 1].
           A 78-year-old  female patient  arrived in our practice   Finally, reconstruction  of the digestive tract was
           complaining  of progressive  abdominal  increase  and   performed  by creating  a mechanical  termino-lateral
           presenting a  clinical picture of  intestinal obstruction.   ileo-transverse  anastomosis and terminal colostomy.
           Her past medical  history was characterized  by an   Postoperatively  the patient was  admitted  to the
           episode of intestinal perforation six months before in   intensive  care  unit  for  7  days.  Gastrografin  enema,
           another hospital  including  right hemicolectomy.  The   performed on the 8th post-operative day to control the
           histopathological examination of the surgical specimen   ileo-colic anastomosis, demonstrated the absence of
           suggested  a poorly  differentiated  adenocarcinoma   any leakage. Three months later the patient was alive,
           with serosal invasion (T4) and lymph node metastases   but was subsequently lost to follow-up.
           (N1). The patient received  5 successive cycles of
           chemotherapy and underwent a follow-up examination.   Representative surgical specimens taken from uterus,
           Six months later she was admitted to our hospital;   colon, peritoneum and small intestine were fixed
           at physical  examination,  the abdomen  appeared   in 10% buffered formaldehyde  for 24 h, completely
           distended, moderately painful with the presence of   sampled, routinely processed and paraffin-embedded
           a mass of hard  consistency.  Tumor markers were   at 56 °C. Four micron  thick sections  were  cut and
           normal. The patient underwent an abdominal computed   routinely  stained with haematoxylin  and  eosin.
           tomography scan showing a large hypodense  pelvic   Immunohistochemical  stainings were performed  with
           mass of 21 cm × 15 cm × 19 cm, with  peritoneal    DAKO  Link 48 automated system  (DakoCytomation,
           implants,  which caused  an  important  distortion  and   Copenhagen, Denmark) using commercially obtained
           lateral deviation of  the uterus  and bladder.  Regional   mono-or polyclonal antibodies [Table 1].
           lymph nodes were enlarged.  The  patient underwent
           debulking surgery. A large neoplastic mass occupied   Microscopically the mass appeared to have developed

           Table 1: Source, working dilution and immunostainings regarding the panel of utilized antisera
            Antibody                 Clone and dilution                 Company                    Staining
            SMA                        1A4, w.d. 1:100       DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            Calretinin               DAK Calret 1, w.d. 1:50  DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark     -
            CD10                        56C6, w.d.1:80       DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            CD56                       123C3, w.d. 1:50      DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark     -/+
            CD117                        C-kit, 1:400        DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            CK                        AE1/AE3, w.d. 1:50     DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            CK 7                     OV-TL 12/30, w.d. 1:50  DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            CK 20                      Ks 20.8, w.d. 1:50    DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            CDX2                     DAK-CDX2, w.d. 1:50     DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            Chromogranin A            DAK-A3, w.d. 1:200     DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark     ++
            Desmin                     D33, w.d. 1:100       DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            EMA                        E29, w.d. 1:100       DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark     -/+
            ER                          1D5, w.d. 1:50       DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark     +++
            Ki67                       MIB-1, w.d. 1:75      DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark    80%
            MLH1                     G168-728, w.d. 1:100     Cell Marque, Rocklin, California, USA  ++
            MSH2                     G219-1129, w.d. 1:100    Cell Marque, Rocklin, California, USA  ++
            MSH6                       SP93, w.d. 1:50        Cell Marque, Rocklin, California, USA  ++
            PAX-8                     EP298, w.d. 1:500       Cell Marque, Rocklin, California, USA   -
            PgR                       PgR 636, w.d. 1:50     DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark     -/+
            S100                      Polyclonal, w.d. 1:50  DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
            Synaptophysin            DAK-SYNAP, w.d. 1:50    DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark     ++
            Vimentin                    V9, w.d. 1:50        DakoCytomation, Copenhagen, Denmark      -
           CK: cytokeratin; EMA: epithelial membrane antigen; ER: estrogen receptor; PgR: progesteron receptor; CD56: neural cell adhesion
           molecules; CD117: tyrosine chinase receptor; CDX2: caudal-related homeobox transcription factor;  MLH1: MutL homolog 1 colon cancer,
           non polypois type 2; MSH2: human homolog of the Escherichia Coli mismatch repair gene mutS; MSH6: protein similar to the MutS protein;
           PAX-8: protein member of the paired box family of transcription factors; SMA: smooth muscle actin; S100: protein S-100; w.d.: work dilution
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