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Ieni et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Colonic metastasis by a uterine LCNEC

           Figure 4: At lower magnification the neoplastic proliferation presented an infiltrative extrinsic pattern of the colonic wall in the first surgical
           sample (A, ×120, hematoxylin-eosin stain); the neoplasm was unreactive for CK20, (note the positive control of the normal mucosa). The
           inset showed a patchy not uniform immunoireactivity for chromogranin-A in neoplastic elements (×240, haematoxylin nuclear counterstain)
           than 20% of tumor cells  is required  to support  the   that a subset of gastrointestinal NECs exhibiting MSI
           diagnosis of endometrial NECs. [13]                showed a better prognosis than NECs without these
                                                              features,  in uterine NECs the presence of MSI does
           In  our  case,  the  most  intriguing  difficulty  was  to   not appear to be associated with a good prognosis. [17]
           discriminate between a primary uterine tumor and
           a uterine metastasis from the previous diagnosed   Currently,  there is no consensus about the standard
           colonic NEC. Consequently, we initially performed an   treatment of these tumors with either adjuvant
           immunohistochemical  analysis  with    typical  positive   chemotherapy or with radiotherapy.  In cervical
           markers of the female genital tract, such as ER and   SCNEC cases, it  has been suggested that  patients
           PgR, since these receptors are usually considered   who received platinum-based chemotherapy had both
           useful  to  define  the  origin  of  unknown  metastatic   a 3-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) and a 3-year
           carcinoma. [14,15]   However,  the  neoplastic  proliferation   OS of 83%, while those not treated with chemotherapy
           in the present case was strongly positive for ER and   exhibited RFS and OS of 0% and 20%, respectively.
           negative for CDX2; therefore, it was in contrast to   In our case, the surgical procedure  was undertaken
           gastrointestinal  NETs,  characterized  by  a  variable   to debulk the colonic mestastatic localization  with
           nuclear CDX2 and a negativity for ER and PgR.      additional  chemotherapy;   nevertheless,  taking
           According to these immunohistochemical findings, we   into consideration  the aggressive course and poor
           have proposed to apply the same immunohistochemical   prognosis  of LCNEC, characterized  by the low
           panel to the colon specimens formerly removed in   therapeutic response with a progression of disease, the
           another  hospital,  that  have  confirmed  our  results   opportunity of neoadjuvant  chemotherapy  approach
           supporting the diagnosis of primitive uterine LCNEC.
                                                              prior to surgery should be considered in the future.
           No prognostic data have been available until now
           for uterine LCNEC, while only survival data have   DECLARATIONS
           been reported for cervical small cell neuroendocrine
           carcinoma (SCNEC). These have showed progression   Authors’ contributions
           free  survival  and  overall  survival  (OS)  rates  of  22%   Participated in the study design and analysis: A. Ieni,
           and 30%, respectively, and a median progression time   G. Angelico, F. Fleres, A. Macrì, G. Tuccari
           of 9.1 months.  Recently, uterine LCNEC cases have   Contributed  to acquisition  of literature data: G.
           been associated with microsatellite instability (MSI);    Angelico, R. De Sarro, F. Fleres
           in detail, by immunohistochemistry it has been showed   Performed the surgical procedures: A. Macrì, F. Fleres
           a mismatch-repair protein immunoexpression in      Realized the morphological study: A. Ieni, G. Angelico,
           about 44% of uterine NECs cases, with a prevalence   R. De Sarro, G. Tuccari
           of MLH1/PMS2.  However, an intense nuclear         Drafted the manuscript: A. Ieni, A. Macrì, G. Tuccari
           positivity with MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 was observed   Read and approved  the final manuscript: A. Ieni, G.
           in our case. Even though it has been demonstrated   Angelico, R. De Sarro, F. Fleres, A. Macrì, G. Tuccari
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