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vitro model. Therapeutic approaches represent translational   number of CXCR4-positive F cells, also known as mCSCs,
           strategies,  which could improve the clinical  outcome  for   played a pivotal role in lymph node metastasis of some types
           patients  with malignancies  that are currently  refractory   of GI cancer, including  UP-LN1. [8,9,30]  This  observation
           to conventional treatments. [4,5]  However, developing  such   was further supported by a recent study where the positive
           an agent or strategy has been hindered by the lack of an   CXCR4 expression was shown to be significantly associated
           experimental CSC cell model, which could be maintained   with lymph node metastases (P = 0.028) and higher stages
           with relative ease and replicate most of the clinical CSC   III/ IV (P = 0.047) in gastric cancer.  In addition, several
           characteristics.                                   other major metastasis-associated pathways such as Akt/
                                                              ERK,  GRK3/2, and  STAT3  could  also  be  attenuated  by
           Previously,  we  identified  the  UP-LN1  cell  line  which   the  addition  of  WA  [Figure  4c].  Interestingly,  GRK3/2
           was characterized  by a co-existence  of 2 unique  cell   expression, in particular, has been shown to form complexes
           populations. [8,9]  The CD44 high /CD24  F cells attracted our   with  CXCR4  and/or  FAK  in  human  primary  monocyte-
           attention particularly due to their phenotypic and cellular   macrophages and to play a part in their trafficking, upon
           resemblance of CSCs in the form of tumor spheres. Using   the stimulus by inflammatory cytokines such as IL-4 and
           SP methods, we demonstrated that F cell population was   IL-13.  Equally  important, it has been demonstrated  in
           enriched with CSCs with clearly elevated levels of stemness   small  cell  lung  cancer  where  the  activation  of  CXCR4/
           markers  including  Nanog, c-Myc,  Oct4 and  Sox2 noted,   CXCL12 axis leads to the activation  of the JAK/STAT3
           as compared with the CD44 /CD24 high  A-cell population   pathway. [31-34]  STAT3 has been found and deposit and
           [Figure 1a].                                       proliferate at the new site constitutively activated as a result
                                                              of carcinogenesis  in different cancer  types, and aberrant
           Having established this CSC cell  model,  we intended   STAT3 signaling has been implicated  as an important
           to examine  WA as a potential  anti-CSC and anti-mCSC                           [35-37]
           agent. WA has been indicated for its anti-cancer effects by   process in malignant transformation   and induction of
           modulating  multiple  molecular pathways, predominantly   angiogenesis.  Activation of CXCR4 and STAT3 has been
           through the induction of intracellular oxidative stress. [12,13,17,29]    linked to tumor progression in different cell types, such
           WA dose-dependently reduced the percentage of SP cells in   as hematopoietic progenitor  cells  and  small  cell  lung
           A, F, and parental UP-LN1 cells [Figure 2a]. Interestingly, F   carcinoma lines  with high mobility. Interestingly, STAT3
           cells appeared to be more sensitive to WA treatment than A   activation was shown to allow a crosstalk between tumor
           and parental cells [Figure 2b]. In addition, we demonstrated   cells and dendritic cells which forms an immunosuppressive
           that WA promoted apoptosis in F cells in a dose-dependent   microenvironment favorable for tumor survival and
           manner  as  evidenced  by  both  cytofluorometric  [Figure   perpetuation.   Thus, the observation that  WA treatment
           3a  and  b]  and Western  blot  [Figure  3c]  analyses  via  up-  negatively regulated the CXCR4/CXCL12 chemotactic
           regulating caspases-3, -8 and -9, as well as PARP, which   axis  and  molecules  involved  in  IFN-γ-stimulated  F  cells,
           are collectively a family of proteins involved in a number   leading to making more CXCR4-positive mCSCs in cell
           of cellular processes, such as DNA repair and programmed   numbers but not in increasing the number of CXCR4 sites
           cell  death. It has been suggested that CSCs were more   on a per-cell basis, provides support for using  WA as a
           sensitive to ROS-induced apoptosis. [26,27]  F cells were found   potent anti-metastasis agent.  The extent of the inhibitory
           to  contain  a lower  intracellular  glutathione  (GSH) level   effect of WA on invasiveness of IFN-γ-treated F cells was
           (data not shown), which could partially explain why WA   as great as that achieved by IFN-γ-mediated induction of
           eliminated F cells more efficiently. On the other hand, A cells   CXCR4 in F cells attenuated by neutralizing anti-CXCR4
           are in general more sensitive to killing by chemotherapeutic   antibody  [Figure  5b],  or  by  knocking  down  the  CXCR4
           drugs and NK/LAK cells. [8,9]                      expression using siRNA [Figure 5c]. It should be pointed out
                                                              that IFN-γ is not the only agent or means known to induce
           In  addition  to  promotion  of  apoptosis  in  F  cells,  WA   mCSCs,  since other agents/methods such as HGF  and
           appeared to be potent in suppressing the metastatic potential   hypoxia conditions  have also been reported to be able to
           of F cells. As we observed in our previous study,  we have   do the same. Interestingly, the fluctuations of vimentin and
           also demonstrated here that the migratory/invasive ability   CXCR4 expression in the experiments stated above were
           of UP-LN1 cells could be stimulated by low levels of IFN-γ   very similar, suggesting the importance of these 2 molecules
           via an increase in only the percentage of F cells expressing   in the appearance of EMT phenotype during the process of
           CXCR4, while the number of CXCR4 density on a per-cell   cancer migration and invasion. [26,27]  Interestingly, a recent
           basis remained relatively constant [Figure 4b]. This study   study by Bargagna-Mohan et al. indicated that WA acted as a
           showed  that  WA  suppressed  IFN-γ-induced  invasiveness   tumor inhibitor, as well as the antiangiogenic agent through
           in the UP-LN1 parental, A and F cells in a dose-dependent   targeting the intermediate filament protein vimentin. [18]
           manner [Figure 4a], with the greatest effect on F cells, the
           intermediate effect on parental cells, and least effect on A   Based on our own current findings and those by others, [13,15,17,19]
           cells.  The  WA-mediated  effect was found to be through   the apoptotic  process triggered  by  WA works through
           down-regulation  of CXCR4 and  vimentin  expression   multiple  mechanisms.  They involved  the mitochondrial
           [Figure 4b]. This finding suggests that the increase in the   pathway and associated Bcl-2 down-regulation, caspase-8,

                                                                                                     Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦
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