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as shown in Figure 6.                             for inhibition of growth of metastatic esophageal cancer.

            Chemokines in CAF- and Ch-Np-treated CAF          Cancer cells are resistant to contact inhibition, a common
            CXCR4, CXCR7, and CCR5 are chemokine receptors    phenomenon in normal cells.  In current study CAF cells
            mainly involved in the process of metastasis where Sdf-  showed random overlapping cell growth in the control
            1α is a ligand to CXCR4. Their expressions were studied   plates, whereas in Ch-Np-treated cells they were aligned
            in CAF and Ch-Np-treated CAF. Figure 7 shows complete   in parallel fashion and showed clear cut monolayer cells,
            down-regulation of CXCR4 and CCR5 in Ch-Np treated   as if they were having normal phenotypic growth. The
            CAF  cells.  Also,  there  was  slight  expression  observed   results further showed that these cells seem to have better
            in  CXCR7  and  Sdf-1α  in  Ch-Np  treated  CAF  cells  as   contact  inhibition  than  control  CAF  cells,  which  had
            compared  to  control  CAF  cells,  as  shown  in  Figure  7.   metastatic potential.  This might be the reason for the
            Control  CAF  cells  expressed  all  these  genes  normally   random  growth  of  CAF  since  they  were  isolated  from
            [Figure 7].                                       metastatic PBMC cells of the esophageal cancer patient.
                                                              These phenotypic changes were confirmed by molecular
            Evaluation of metastatic potency of CAF cells     markers studied in this project.
            by scratch assay
            Scratch assay is mainly useful to evaluate migration   Several studies have shown that Oct4, Nanog, and Sox2
            potencies of metastatic cells. As CAFs were isolated from   are excellent pluripotency markers in cancer cells. [12,13]
            a metastatic patient, the scratch assay was used to study   In the present study mRNA expression of Oct4, Nanog,
            the metastatic potency in control CAF cells and Ch-Np-  and Sox2 in control CAF and Ch-Np-treated CAF were
            treated CAF.                                      studied. Prominent expression of this pluripotency
                                                              marker  in  control  CAF  was  found.  According  to  one
            This effect  was studied at two  time  points, i.e,  24 and   study,  Oct4 played an important role in promoting
            48 h after Ch-Np treatment, as shown in Figure 8. It was   carcinogenesis and also in preventing cancer cells from
            observed that there was good migration of these cells in   undergoing apoptosis.  Another group  found that
            a scratch area in control CAF dishes, even at 24 h. In   expression of Oct4 and Sox2 was altered in ESCC and
            48 h many cells were seen in scratch area in control CAF   together they impart a poor prognosis in the disease. In
            [Figure 8a, 8b, and 8c], whereas CAF cells treated with   the present study down-regulation of Oct-4 and Sox2 in
            Ch-Np showed few cells migration after 24 h and 48 h,   CAF after Ch-Np treatment was observed. Thus, clinical
            as  shown  in  Figure  8d,  8e,  and  8f.  These  observations   inhibition in expression of these genes may give hope a
            indicated that Ch-Np treatment affects cell motility after   better outcome in ESCC.
            48 h of treatment.
                                                              In  order  to  understand  the  characteristics  of  CAFs,
            DISCUSSION                                        the  expression  of  keratin18,  an  epithelial  marker  in
                                                              cancer cells, was studied. Keratin18 is currently mainly
            CAFs  are  some  of  the  most  important  stromal  cells   studied to understand prognosis in cancer patients.
            involved in tumor initiation, progression, and its   Recently it was [17]  noticed that there was up-regulation
            metastasis in ESCC.  It is important to attempt to   of  keratin18  in  breast  cancer  patients.  This  coincides
            target  these  cells  along  with  their  cancer  cells  when   with the observation in the current study where there
            developing a drug against the cancer. Recent trends in   was  a  higher  expression  of  Keratin18  in  CAF  cells.
            drug development involve the use of nanoparticles which   Furthermore, in the current study there was a complete
            are  efficient  in  drug  delivery.  Chitosan  nanoparticle   down-regulation of keratin18 after treatment of Ch-Np,
            is one such nanoparticle which is being explored in   implying  the  acquisition of  a  normal cell phenotype
            various cancers and other diseases. Our study focused   and loss of tumor progression capability. Vimentin was
            on  evaluating  the  anti-metastatic  effect  of  Ch-Np  on   also studied in the present study and its expression was
            CAF isolated from the peripheral blood of a patient with   noticed  on  CAFs.  This  is  accordance  with  a  previous
            metastatic esophageal cancer.                     study. [18]  Over-expression of Vimentin in cancer cells has
                                                              been associated with increased invasion and metastasis in
            CAFs  have  shown  extensive  growth  proliferation  and   tumor. According to one study [19]  inhibition of vimentin
            multiply  at  a  doubling  time  of  25  ±  0.38  h.  However   expression reduced cancer cell migration. Down-
            Ch-Np-treated cells have inhibited the growth of these   regulation in expression of vimentin was observed in the
            cells, indicating an inhibitory effect of Ch-Np on CAFs.   Ch-Np-treated CAF, suggesting that Ch-Np can reduce
            Studies have shown that Ch-Np inhibited the growth of   cell migration and, ultimately, metastasis. Metastasis is
            breast cancer cells  in vitro.  Similarly, another group   an important characteristic of cancers which is governed
            found  that Ch-Np effectively inhibited proliferation of a   by genes such as VEGF, MMP1, MMP9, and E-Cadherin.
            human gastric carcinoma cell line, indicating its potential   MMP1 and MMP9 have been found to be associated with
            beneficial  activity  against  human  gastric  cancer.  The   cancer cell metastasis in ESCC. [20]  Down-regulation in
            present study also indicated the potential use of Ch-Np   these two important genes, MMP1 and MMP9, observed
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