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Esophageal cancer is an aggressive cancer, affecting   Development and  maintenance  of esophageal
            450,000 patients. In esophageal squamous cell carcinoma   CAF
            (ESCC) expression of HGF and fibroblast growth factor   Peripheral blood from an  esophageal  squamous cell
            (FGF) in CAFs has been found to be related to tumor cell   carcinoma  (ESCC)  patient  was  taken  for  extraction  of
            proliferation.  CAF-derived wnt2, an important signaling   CAF.  Ficol-gradient  was  performed  and  separated  cells
            molecule, was able to enhance a process called epithelial   cultured in RPMI supplemented with 10% FBS, Penstrep,
            mesenchymal transition (EMT). This EMT involves loss   and  glutamate.  After  24  h  of  culture  the  media  were
            of intracellular adhesion and polarity by tumor cells of   replaced with complete DMEM supplemented with 10%
            epithelial origin.  These cells can be transformed into   FBS,  1%  Penstrep,  0.2%  Glutamate,  and  Vit  C.  CAFs
            mesenchymal cells with the capability of migration and   were seen after about 34 days of culturing. The cells were
            invasion.   Protein  levels  of  CAF  are  also  related  to  a   confluent within a week, then stored in -80℃ while some
            poor prognosis of patients with esophageal cancer. Also,   were maintained in culture. These cells were labeled as
            proteins  such  as  α  smooth  muscle  actin,  CD-10,  and   esophageal CAF. Frozen cells were revived and cultured
            periostin have been found to be related to the poor patient   in growth medium at passage number 31. Culture dishes
            survival.  Thus, it is evident that CAFs are important to   were  incubated  at  37℃ with 5% CO  and the media
            tumor cells in esophageal cancer since they are associated   removed on alternate days, followed by washing of cells
            with invasion, migration, and a poor prognosis. Many   with PBS and supplementing with new media.  After
            drug trials are carried out in order to develop a successful   reaching  confluency  cells  were  trypsinized  with  1%
            treatment strategy against esophageal cancer, but the   trypsin and transferred into fresh flask for expansion.
            role of CAF has been neglected. Hence, it is essential to
            attempt to target their CAF cells in order to prevent tumor   Staining of CAF cell line (Giemsa, Alizarin Red,
            progression.                                      and Oil Red staining)

                                                              Culture plates were washed with PBS, fixed with methanol
            In current cancer research nanoparticles are replacing   (50%), and incubated for 30 min at 4℃. The plates were
            traditional chemotherapeutic drugs because of their   then washed with D/W to remove the methanol. Fixed and
            specificity,  small  size,  and  permeability  into  cells.   washed plates of CAF were stained with Giemsa stain.
            Nanoparticles  made  up  of  biodegradable  material  such
            as chitosan have appeal since they are cheaper, do not   Alizarin Red staining was required for the methanol-fixed
            involve toxic chemicals in their preparation, and have low   cells, which were stained with 2% Alizarin stain (pH 4.2)
            cell cytotoxicity.  The chitosan nanoparticle has shown   for 30 min. After oil red staining, the fixed and washed
                                                              cells were incubated with 60% isopropanol for 5 min.
            therapeutic  significance  in  various  cancers,  including
            breast, gastric, and oral cancers. Chitosan nanoparticles   This was followed by removing the isopropanol and then
            have not been explored in esophageal cancer and their   staining with the 0.3% oil red for 5 min. After staining
            effect on CAFs has not yet studied. The current project   the plates were washed with D/W to remove excess stain.
            was designed to understand the effects of chitosan   Phase contrast microscopy
            nanoparticle on human peripheral blood-derived CAF by
            performing gene expression studies. We have attempted to   Inverted  Phase  contrast  Microscope  (Carl  Zeiss  Co.)
            demonstrate that chitosan nanoparticles alter expressions   was used for studying morphology of the cultured cells.
            of genes involved in esophageal tumors and have found   The microscope was attached to the computer having TS
            that these nanoparticles effectively reduced the metastasis   View software for observing and capturing the images.
            of CAF cells. These results suggest that using chitosan   The cells were monitored regularly with the use of phase
            nanoparticles  targeting  esophageal  CAFs  could  be  a   contrast microscope and images captured.
            potential therapeutic strategy against esophageal cancers.
                                                              Chitosan nanoparticle (Ch-Np) preparation
            METHODS                                           Ch-Np was prepared using the ionic gelation method.
                                                              Low molecular weight chitosan was dissolved in 1%
            Materials                                         acetic  acid  under  constant  stirring  conditions.  Zero
            Low Molecular weight Chitosan (≥ 75% deacetylation),    point one percent sTPP prepared in D/W was added
            sodium  Tri-polyphosphate  (sTPP),  Acetic  Acid,  1N   in the chitosan solution, drop by drop, under constant
            NaOH,  D/W,  Low-glucose  Dulbecco’s  Modified  Eagle   stirring.  A solution change from clear to turbid was
            Medium (DMEM) , Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Penicillin   taken  as  confirmation  for  nanoparticle  formation.  pH
            Streptomycin  (PenStrep),  L-Glutamine,  Vitamin  C,   of  the  chitosan  solution  was  adjusted  to  7  using  1N
            Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS), Trypsin EDTA, TRIZOL   NaOH. Formed nanoparticles suspended in the solution
            reagent,  cDNA  Preparation  kit  (Applied  Biosystem,   were separated by centrifuging at 2000 g for 3 min. The
            USA), Agarose, Primers for Actin, Keratin18, Vimentin,   supernatant was discarded and the nanoparticles were
            VEGF, MMP1, MMP9, E-cadherin, CXCR-4, CXCR-7,     washed with DMEM and again centrifuged in order to
            CCR5, Sdf1α, Oct4, Nanog, SOX-2 were purchased from   remove any chemical residue. The nanoparticles were
            Sigma Chemicals, USA.                             then suspended in the media for later use.
                                                                                                                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ July 29, 2016 ¦
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