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Growth curve for control vs. treated CAF          prepared  from  extracted  RNA  by  using  cDNA  Reverse
            Cells were plated at a density of 5 × 10  per well in a 6   transcriptase kit. Gene expression studies were performed
            well plate and fed with the DMEM medium. The cells   using PCR.  The PCR mix consisted of ammonium
            were collected from each well at different time intervals,   sulphate buffer including 1.5 mm MgCl  200 µm of each
            i.e., 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 96 h. For each time point the   of the dNTPs, 200 ng/µL each primer, 1U Taq Polymerase,
            cells were washed with 1  × PBS and trypsinized.  The   and  5µL  cDNA.  Pluripotency  markers  (Oct-4,  Nanog,
            trypsinized cells were mixed with equal amount of   SOX2),  differentiating  markers  (Keratin  18,  Vimentin,
            Erythrocin B. The cell count was taken by using Neubauer   E-Cadherin,  VEGF),  chemokine  and  cytokine  (CXCR-
            hemocytometer. The cell growth rate was carried out for   4, CXCR-7, CCR5 and Sdf-1α), and metastatic markers
            control and 100 µg treated Ch-Np. The experiment was   (MMP1,  MMP9)  were  used.  Primers  and  annealing
            repeated three times and average growth and Standard   temperatures used for these genes are mentioned in Table
            Deviation were calculated for each time point.    1. Initial  denaturation  was carried  out at  95℃ followed
                                                              by denaturation at 94℃; annealing (specified in Table 1),
            Cellular morphology of CAF cells                  extension at 72℃ and final extension at 72℃ for 7 min.
            CAF  cell  morphology  was  observed  before  and  after   Forty cycles were run for each PCR followed by gel loading
            treatment with Ch-Np. Sixty-five millimeter petri dishes   and observation under UV-illuminator and photographed.
            were seeded with 5 × 10  cells per plate. Two plates were
            taken, one as untreated control whereas another dish was   Scratch assay for evaluation of CAF migration
            treated  with  100  µg/mL  Ch-Np.  Cell  morphology  was   Two 65 mm plates were initially seeded with 5 × 10  cells
            observed under phase contrast microscopy for after 24 h,   per plate. The cells were then allowed to reach confluency.
            48 h, and 72 h of treatment and compared to control cells.  After  reaching  confluency,  both  dishes  were  scratched
                                                              with the help of a sterile scalpel. Care was taken to scratch
            Molecular marker analysis                         equal areas in both culture plates. This caused a loss of
            Two 65 mm petri dishes were seeded with 20 × 10  cells   cells on the scratched area. The scratched control plate
            per plate. The cells were then washed with PBS and fed   was kept as it is whereas other the scratched plate was
            with new DMEM daily. After 2 days one plate was treated   treated with 100 µg/mL Ch-Np and incubated at 37 C at
            with 100 ug/mL Ch-Np. After 24 h of treatment the cells   5% CO  The scratched area was observed under the phase
            were washed with PBS and RNA extraction from cells was   contrast microscope after 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h of treatment
            carried out using TRIZOL method (Invitrigen). cDNA was   and photographed for cell migration. This experiment was
            Table 1: Primer sequence, annealing temperature and size of band for molecular markers
             Name           Primer                                            Annealing (℃ )     Size (bp)
                            Upstream       GACTACCTCATGAAGATC
             Actin                                                                  55              417
                            Downstream   GATCCACATCTGCTGGAA
             Oct4           Upstream       GAGCAAAACCCGGAGGAGT                      55              310
                            Downstream   TTCTCTTTCGGGCCTGCAC
             Nanog          Upstream       GCTTGCCTTGCTTTGAAGCA                     55              256
                            Downstream   TTCTTGACCGGGACCTTGTC
             SOX2           Upstream       GCCGAGTGGAAACTTTTGTC                     57              264
                            Downstream   GTTCATGTGCGCGTAACTGT
             Keratin        Upstream       GAGATCGAGGCTCTCAAGGA                     55              357
                            Downstream   CAAGCTGGCCTTCAGATTTC
             Vimentin       Upstream       TTCAGAGAGAGGAAGCCGAAAAC                  62              426
                            Downstream   TTTAAGGGCATCCACTTCACAG
             VEGF           Upstream       GAAGTGGTGAAGTTCATGGATGTC                 62              422
                            Downstream   CGATCGTTCTGTATCAGTCTTTCC
             E-Cadherin     Upstream       TGCTCTTGCTGTTTCTTCGG                     60              422
                            Downstream   TGCCCCATTCGTTCAAGTAG
             MMP1           Upstream       CTGAAGGTGATGAAGCAGCC                     55              427
                            Downstream   AGTCCAAGAGAATGGCCGAG
             MMP9           Upstream       CGCAGACATCGTCATCCAGT                     64              405
                            Downstream   GGATTGGCCTTGGAAGATGA
             CXCR-4         Upstream       GGACCTGTGGCCAAGTTCTTAGTT                 60              273
                            Downstream   ACTGTAGGTGCTGAAATCAACCCA
             CXCR-7         Upstream       TGGGTGGTCAGTCTTCGT                       60              293
                            Downstream   CCGGCAGTAGGTCTCAT
             CCR-5          Upstream       CTTCATCATCCTCCTGACAATCG                  60              261
                            Downstream   GACCAGCCCCAAGTTGACTATC
             Sdf-1α         Upstream       TGATCGTCTGACTGGTGTTA                     60              188
                            Downstream   CTTAGGGGATTTGGAAGTTT
                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ July 29, 2016 ¦          261
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