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5 patients with no primary tumor uptake had uptake in the   different sites, and all of the positive and two negative
           lymph nodes [Table 2].                             lymph nodes. [20]

           Mean values for  T/Bg index in all patients was 5.44 ±   Another study found a higher percentages  for sensitivity
           1.28 for primary tumor and 4.25 ± 1.67 for lymph nodes.   (88%)  and  specificity  (94%). [21]  Shiau  et  al.  reported  a
           Statistical difference was found with histological grade,   64% sensitivity for  99m Tc-MIBI in primary tumor detection
           after categorizing the patients according to their grade,   and 73%  for tumor recurrence. Shen  et al.  reported
           tumor and lymph node size. Thus, concerning histological   higher  specificity,  but  lower  sensitivity  for   99m Tc-TF, as
           grade, patients with tumor grades 0 or I had mean values   compared to CT. Finally, other researchers suggested that
           for 4.5 ± 0.71, whereas patients with tumor grades II or III   both   201 Tl and   99m Tc-MIBI have the same accuracies  in
           had T/Bg indexes of 6.68 ± 0.36. Statistically significant   locating  primary,  recurrent  and  lymph  node  involvement
           difference  between  the 2  groups  was  found  (P  =  0.034,   and thus could also be valuable. [24]
           Mann-Whitney U test) [Table 3]. Regarding tumor size,
           T/Bg index was lower in tumors < 3 cm (4.05 ± 0.74) than   In the study, no relation of the  99m Tc-TF sensitivity with the
           in tumors ≥ 3 cm (5.99 ± 0.99). After statistical analysis,   pathological grade of the tumor was observed, but there was
           there was a trend towards a positive correlation of T/Bg   a potential correlation of   99m Tc-TF sensitivity with tumor
           index with increasing tumor size (P = 0.053) [Table 3].   size. Thus, it appeared to be a trend toward positive uptake
           Mean values for T/Bg index of lymph nodes < 3 cm were   with increasing tumor size, which did not reach statistical
           2.55, and in lymph nodes ≥ 3 cm, was 3.99 ± 1.5. There   significance, probably a result of a relatively small number
           was no statistical difference (P = 0.180), possible due to   of cases. In contrast,  99m Tc-TF result from previous studies
           the small number of cases [Table 3]. No metastatic lesions   with  Tc-MIBI did correlated tumor size, stage, or histology
           were found on whole body images.                   and it did not affect the tracer uptake. [25]  Five patients did
                                                              not have any  99m Tc-TF uptake and no tumor was visualized.
           DISCUSSION                                         All but one of these tumors had a size < 3 cm and were
                                                              in the pharyngeal wall, with close proximity to the tonsils
           The study showed as sensitivity of SPECT in pathological   and the pyriform fossa. Lower sensitivity in this area could
           sites (either primary tumor or regional lymph nodes) of   be due to the complex anatomy and physiological uptake,
           75%. SPECT sensitivity for only primary tumor diagnosis   which make tumor distinction more difficult. Although not
           was  58%  while  for  infiltrated  lymph  nodes  it  was  57%.   verified in the present study, another possibility for negative
           In  accordance  with  our  findings,  a  previous  study  in  10   radiotracer  uptake by some tumors could be a possible
           patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma reported the   molecular mechanism that pumps the radiopharmaceutical
           99m Tc-TF uptake in 7 out of 10 patients (70%).  Fattori   out of the tumor cells.  Such mechanisms attributed
           et al.  studied exclusively patients with laryngeal cancer   to membrane  multidrug resistance proteins have been
           using  99m Tc-TF and reported 96% sensitivity for detecting   associated with resistance to chemotherapy, [27-29]  and or
           the primary mass and 50% for lymph node involvement.   linked to limited or no radiotracer uptake in a variety of
           Variations of sensitivities using  99m Tc-TF uptake in primary   tumors. [30-33]  if this mechanism proves to be significant in
           cancers of the head and neck between studies may be   head and neck cancers, then the  99m Tc-TF scintigrams may
           caused by a small study sample, but it may be higher in   be useful in therapy planning for these patients.
           patients with exclusively laryngeal cancer according to
           other trials. [14]                                 Although the tumor grade was not correlated to radiotracer
                                                              uptake  sensitivity, it  was positively  correlated  to  T/Bg
           In another study of 21 patients  with nasopharyngeal   index. In another study, false-positive cases were reported
           carcinoma that evaluated  99m Tc-MIBI, sensitivity was 97%   when T/Bg index were ≤ 1.7.  In our study, no patient with
           and specificity 100%.  A study that compared  99m Tc-MIBI   radiotracer uptake had a T/Bg index ≤ 1.7.
           to   99m Tc-TF in nasopharyngeal cancers found that  both
           radiotracers detected all primary tumors,   99m Tc-MIBI was   In  conclusion,  the  study  showed  that   99m Tc-TF  SPECT
           superior in detecting pathological lymph nodes (sensitivity   had an overall sensitivity for visualization of a head and
           95%  vs.  79%).   The  same  authors  also  reported  better   neck primary cancer site of 58%. However, sensitivity
           sensitivity  for   99m Tc-MIBI compared  to   201 Tl  during   was lower for certain tumor locations than others. For
           monitoring response to radiotherapy.  Similarly, another   example, patients with tonsillar and pyriform fossa tumors
           study  reported  a  limited  role  of   201 Tl  in  detection  of  the   didn’t have any uptake (false negative exam). Since these
           primary tumor with a sensitivity of 54%, specificity 75%   sites are difficult to assess, even with SPECT, the results
           and accuracy 57%. [18]                             in  these  locations  should  be  interpreted  with  caution.
                                                              Generally, SPECT should be accurate for visualization of
           In  contrast, Wang  et al.  reported that   201 Tl was  more   tumors of > 3 cm in any other location. The T/Bg ratio was
           sensitive  than   99m Tc-MIBI, with   201 Tl  SPECT identifying   correlated with malignancy grade. Larger studies will help
           94% of the primary lesions in head and neck cancers with   to increase the statistic power (as well as comparison with

                                                                                                                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ April 15, 2016 ¦
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