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imaging  methods  based  only  on  morphology  and  size.   a 360° arc, using a low-energy, general purpose collimator.
           Functional  nuclear  medicine  imaging  has the unique   Acquisition was obtained with a matrix size of 64 × 64
           advantage of assessment of the metabolic state of lymph   × 16, 1.85 zoom factor, and a 15% symmetric window at

           nodes.  Currently,  the  agents  employed  are  Thalium-201   140 keV (no contour). Reconstruction method was filtered
           ( Tl)  and  the  two  technetium-99m  labelled  compounds   back projection (filter butterworth, cut-off frequency 0.5,
           Sestamibi (MIBI) and Tetrofosmin. [2]              power 7.0). No attenuation correction was used. Finally,

           99m Tc-MIBI and  Tc99m-tetrofosmin  ( 99m Tc-TF)  are  two   whole body scan was acquired in all patients for possible
           lipophilic  cationic  complexes,  which were originally   distant metastases evaluation.
           employed in myocardial perfusion imaging, but later were
           found to possess tumor-seeking properties in the evaluation   Two nuclear medicine specialists visually evaluated the
           of diverse human malignancies.   The diagnostic value   planar, tomographic and whole body images, which were
           of  99m Tc-TF could hold promise as a head and neck cancer   compared to the CT scans. Increased uptake in SPECT
           tracer, although limited data exist in clinical research. [13,15]    images (in a site of pathological finding on CT (primary
           In the present study the diagnostic utility of  99m Tc-TF prior   tumor or lymph node) was considered a positive finding. A
           to surgery of head and neck neoplasms was assessed and   region of interest (ROI) was drawn on the relative coronal
           correlated with the  99m Tc-TF uptake of histological grade,   image. Background (Bg) ROI was drawn over the apex of
           and tumor and lymph node size.                     the right lung. T/Bg index for tumor and lymph nodes was

           METHODS                                            derived in all patients with positive findings. Patients with
                                                              no significant uptake on pathological sites were considered
           Prior  to  surgery,  12 subjects  (11  males  and  1  female)   negative.
           of median age 65.5-year-old (48-83) with suspected   Table 1: Physical characteristics of the patients and
           head and neck cancer had   99m Tc-TF planar and Single   tumor anatomical location
           photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) imaging   Characteristics             Patients
           of  the  neck  and  whole  body  scanning  for  metastatic   Gender               11 M/1 F
           evaluation. None of the patients had received treatment   Mean age (years)    65.75 ± 11.8 (48-83)
           prior to scintigraphy, except for patient twelve, who had   Height (cm)      166.75 ± 8.9 (155-184)
                                                                                         69.25 ± 9.5 (55-82)
                                                               Weight (kg)
           surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, one year prior to   BMI (kg/m )      25.00 ± 3.8 (16.2-32.4)
           scintigraphy.  This patient had scintigraphy because of a   Smoking             11/12 (91.7%)
           tumor relapse at the primary tumor.
                                                                                          * 0: 1/12 (8.3%)
           All patients were interviewed before   99m Tc-TF imaging                       * 1: 0/12 (0.0%)
           and the patients’ age, height, weight, smoking habits,
           and alcohol consumption were noted. Data from the                              * 2: 11/12 (91.7%)
           CT  findings  included  the  anatomical  location  and  size   Alcohol           8/12 (66.7%)
           of the tumor, as well as the existence and size of lymph                       ** 0: 4/12 (33.3%)
           nodes. Correlation of SPECT imaging with the tumor
           histopathology diagnosis and grade was performed after                         ** 1: 2/12 (16.7%)
           the original tumor was excised and the pathology was
           established.  The protocol was approved by the Hospital                        ** 2: 6/12 (50.0%)
           Research  and  Ethics  Committee.  Informed  consent  was   Anatomical location of
           obtained from all patients. Clinical trial registration was   Eepiglottis        1/12 (8.3%)
           not required for this small study.                  Vocal cord                   2/12 (16.7%)
                                                               Base of tongue               2/12 (16.7%)
           Protocol                                            Pharyngeal wall              1/12 (8.3%)
                                                                                            1/12 (8.3%)
           All patients were injected with a dose of 740 MBq (20 mCi)   Submandibular gland  1/12 (8.3%)
                                                                                            1/12 (8.3%)
           bolus   99m Tc-TF; and immediately after injection patients   Soft palate        2/12 (16.7%)
                                                               Pyriform fossa
           drank 5 mL  of  lemon  juice  to  stimulate  salivary  glands.   Nasopharynx     1/12 (8.3%)
           Lemon juice stimulation achieves the lowest possible   Histopathological findings
           uptake  of  radiotracer  in  the  salivary  glands  (normal   Squamous cell     10/12 (83.3%)
                                                                                            2/12 (16.7%)
                                                               Adenoid cystic cell
           distribution of   99m Tc-TF) during imaging. Scintigraphy   M: male; F: female; BMI: body mass index; * Smoking habits:
           was performed with patients in a supine position. Anterior   0 = no smoking; 1 = less than 500 cigarettes/year; 2 = more
           planar images were acquired 5-10 min post injection, using   than 500 cigarettes/year; for more than 2 decades. **Alcohol
           a zoom factor of 2.66. Tomography was acquired 15 min   consumption: 0 = no alcohol consumption, 1 = alcohol
           post-injection with the dual-head camera at 6 -angles   consumption no more than 2-3 times in week; 2 = every day
           (60 stops) and 30 s per projection (30 projection/head) over   consumption of alcohol
                                                                                                                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ April 15, 2016 ¦
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