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ureteric orifice and the lesion was primarily situated within   single metastasis  exists in  the  bladder. [7,9]  To  summarise,
           the urothelium.                                    it  must  be  emphasized  that  not all  papillary  tumors
                                                              of the  bladder  are  primary  transitional  cell  carcinomas.
           The  most  common presenting  symptom of  bladder   Metastasis  from papillary  RCC must also  be  considered
           metastasis  is  hematuria.  In  a  patient  with  synchronous   in a patient with a history of renal malignancy presenting
           bladder  metastasis, hematuria  may  be  wrongly  attributed   with  hematuria or a  bladder  mass. As in  our case,  these
           to  collecting  system  infiltration  of  RCC.  The  bladder   metastases  may  present  several  years  after  treatment  of
           metastasis  may, thus be  overlooked,  only to  become   the primary malignancy.
           apparent  later,  when  the  patient  continues  to  have
           hematuria  post-nephrectomy.  This has  led  some authors   Financial support and sponsorship
           to  recommend cystoscopic evaluation in  all patients with   Nil.
           RCC and hematuria. [4,6]
                                                              Conflicts of interest
           The definitive diagnosis of bladder metastasis  is made by   There are no conflicts of interest.
           cystoscopy  and  biopsy  or  transurethral  resection. The
           metastasis histologically  resembles their  renal  primary.   REFERENCES
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                                                                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ March 28, 2016 ¦
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