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the newer techniques that conform to the optimum dose of
           the CTV or the shape of the target volume. Even a little
           geometrical movement could result in an underdosing to the
           target  volume  or conversely, delivering  high  undesirable
           doses to the  surrounding normal tissues.  These effects
           highlight the importance of accurate margin determination.

           This pilot study was conducted to define the daily uterine
           shift in patients undergoing external radiotherapy on linear
           accelerators  with IMRT technique  using IGRT with the
           help of an on-board cone beam computed  tomography   Figure 1: The perfect bone to bone matching of a patient with the reference
           (CBCT) scan taken once a week during the whole course   computed tomographic image and the uterine shift between the two scans to
                                                              negate the effect of the patient’s setup errors
           of radiotherapy.

           We recruited 24 patients with the ages of 45 and 70 years
           who were diagnosed with cervical cancer and uterine body
           carcinoma were treated with EBRT (50 Gy in 25 fractions)
           from September 2010 to December 2013, and opted for the
           IMRT technique.

           Before starting radiotherapy  a six-clamp  thermoplastic
           Orfit  cast  was  prepared  for  immobilization  of  the  pelvic
           region in all the patients and then contrast enhanced   Figure 2: The soft tissue matching of the contoured uterus with the
           computed tomographic (CT) scan of pelvis was done and 3   reference scan showing bone displacement after radiotherapy
           mm slice thickness scans were acquired and transferred to   were continued for boost by EBRT.
           the treatment planning system (TPS) (Eclipse version 8.9).
           The gross tumour volume (GTV), CTV, PTV, and organs   Patients were asked to maintain a strict bowel and bladder
           at risk (OAR) such as rectum, bladder, and femoral heads   filling protocol by instructing all the patients to defecate and
           were delineated on the CT images following the guidelines   urinate and then to maintain strict water intake of around
           of the International Commission on Radiation Units and   200 mL of water 20 min before the procedure. The position
           Measurements report number 83 (ICRU 83). Then IMRT   of  the  uterus  was  defined  in  the  CTV  during  delineation
           plans were created with 6 Mega  Volt (MV) and 15 MV   on axial images of the lesion for radical radiotherapy. The
           photon beam and a Varian leaf motion calculator (version   CTV included all the gross as well microscopic lesions. The
           8.9.08), was utilized to calculate leaf motion for dynamic   OARs such as the bladder, rectum, intestines, andfemoral
           dose delivery. Dose-volume optimizer  was used for plan   heads were also delineated on axial images.
           optimization. Anisotropic analytical algorithm was used to
           calculate doses with grid size of 0.25 cm. After approving,   The position  of the uterus was then compared  in the
           the plans were scheduled for 25 fractions with daily imaging   following weekly scans on the axial  images  guided by
           by On Board Imaging system and CBCT technique.     sagittal, coronal and three-dimensional  reconstructions.
                                                              This was done by merging the weekly CT images with the
           Patients were positioned and immobilized with the orfit cast   reference CT image taken before the start of the treatment
           on couch and then CBCT was done with the OBI system.   at the same level. For every scan, we used the lower level
           The anatomy matching software Portal Vision 7.5, was used   of the S1 vertebra. After merging the images, a preliminary
           to study the patient’s setup deviations and to determine the   bone to bone matching was  done to negate the effect of
           spatial coordinates in the images. After patient setup and   patient’s  setup  errors  which  was  followed  by  soft  tissue
           laser alignment during EBRT, a kV portal image was taken   matching  of the  uterus  in  two CT images.  The  change
           and  matched  with  the  reference  image  to  avoid  patient’s   in  CTV position during  the  bone to bone  matching  was
           setup error and a CBCT scan was performed once at the   subtracted  from  the  anteroposterior  (AP), superoinferior
           start of treatment  and then weekly until the completion   (SI), and lateral changes during the soft tissue matching.
           of treatment. This CBCT was matched with the reference   The correlation  between the position of uterus with the
           CT image to see the shift of the uterus, which was noted   position and the filling of the bladder was also assessed.
           in X, Y, and Z axes [Figures 1 and 2]. A total of 96 scans   This change in uterus position was measured separately in
           were obtained during the whole treatment period, ie, four   the AP, SI and lateral directions. No additional effort on the
           scans for each patient. Then the patients were assessed for   part of the patient or the doctor was required because a part
           intracavitory  brachytherapy  and  if  they  did  not  fit,  they   of the OBI software performed the measurements during

                                                                                                                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ April 15, 2016 ¦
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