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the treatment. The time taken for every treatment was also   Table 1: Combined uterine motion in three different
            similar among the patients undergoing IGRT of the pelvic   dimensions in patients undergoing radiotherapy
            region. The Mean of all the obtained-values for each patient   Dimensions  Mean (SD),  Median,   Range of
            was calculated and an unpaired-one-sample student t-test               cm        cm     motion, cm
            was applied to obtain the significance. The P value is less   Lateral (X)  0.23 (0.22)  0.2  - 0.6 to 0.45
            than 0.001 which is highly significant.             Anteroposterior (Y)  0.67 (0.83)  0.57  - 2.28 to 1.3
                                                                Superoinferior (Z)  0.29 (0.40)  0.245  - 0.36 to 0.71

                                                               present, was minimum. The posterior shift might be due to
            The mean, standard deviation, and median of uterine motion   the rectal filling or presence or absence of gas in the rectum.
            in each plane were calculated to see its association with the
            bladder filling and its influence on the displacement of the   The mean bladder volume was calculated to be 90.55 mL
            uterus. As shown in the Table 1, the displacement ranges   for all  patients,  and each  patient  had an average  bladder
            were  significant  depending  on  the  patient,  although  the   volume of about 80 mL to 100 mL over the course of their
            mean values of the displacement were within 1 cm. The   treatment. This was done by maintaining a strict bladder
            mean values of shift in AP, SI, and lateral directions were   control protocol for each patient. We found that maximum
            respectively 0.67, 0.29, and 0.23 for all the 96 scans done   range of motion was observed when the bladder  volume
            for 24 patients over the period of EBRT [Table 2].  exceeded 100 mL as was seen in patient number 4, where
                                                               a mean maximum shift in AP direction was almost up to
            The mean extent of motion in the uterine position on a daily   -2.8 cm. When it was compared with their mean bladder
            basis for individual patients ranged from -2.28 to +1.3 in   volume, it was found to be excessive with a mean of almost
            AP, -0.56 to +0.71 in SI, and from -0.6 to +0.45 in lateral   up to 180 mL during the course of their treatment.
            directions. The mean movement in all the directions was
            also calculated over the course of the full treatment [Figure   DISCUSSION
            3], and showed more anterior and superior shift that might
            be due to bladder filling while the lateral deviation, although   The EBRT with radiation doses of 40 to 50 Gy followed
                                                               by boost with brachytherapy  has been  proven to be
                                                               effective in the local control of cervical and uterine cancers.
                                                               However, one of the major concerns with this modality of
                                                               treatment has been acute or chronic small bowel toxicities
                                                               with advancement in the treatment techniques of radiation
                                                               therapy, it has been possible to reduce the toxicity to bowel.
                                                               Nonetheless, it is essential to see that the benefits are not
                                                               achieved  at  the  cost  of decreased  local  control  due  to  a
                                                               geometrical miss. [5-7]

                                                               The CTV for primary cervical cancer treatment comprises
                                                               the partially  mobile uterus and cervix, the less mobile
                                                               upper vagina, parametrium and pelvic lymph nodes located
            Figure 3: The mean change of the uterine position in the lateral (X),   along the side walls in the pelvis.  When treating  with a
            anteroposterior (Y), and the superoinferior (Z) directions per patient over
            the whole course of the treatment along with its association with the bladder   conventional  four  field  box  technique,  internal  motion  is
            volume depicted in the area curve                  less critical as the dose distribution is likely to encompass
                                                               the central structures within the high dose region even if
                                                               they move a little. The dose distribution in IMRT has the
                                                               potential to conform more precisely to the target volume.
                                                               Therefore, assessment of organ motion has become more
                                                               important as there can be a geometrical miss during daily

                                                               According to the ICRU statement number 62 (ICRU 62) two
                                                               margin volumes of CTV should be used to create the PTV:
                                                               the internal margin to account for organ motion, and the
                                                               setup marginto account for variation in patient position. [8]
                                                               Huh et al.  and Lee et al. [10]  have previously reported the
                                                               changes in the uterus position by comparing two magnetic
                                                               resonance  images taken  before and during the period of
            Figure 4: Comparison of different means of displacement in different
            directions between current study and the study of Taylor et al. [11]  radiotherapy. They showed that uterus movement and its

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