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                                                              Figure 7: Expression analysis of 4 overexpressed  ex-miRNAs in MB cell lines CM
            Figure 6: Expression analysis of 5 ex-miRNAs in MB cell lines CM and in CSF of   and in CSF of MB patient. (a) TaqMan qRT-PCR analysis for miR-1290, miR-125a,
            MB patient. (a) TaqMan qRT-PCR analysis for miR-486-3p, miR-572, miR-3918,   miR-1298, miR-125b in CM of indicated cell lines; (b) TaqMan qRT-PCR analysis
            miR-4476, miR-615 in CM of indicated cell lines; (b) TaqMan qRT-PCR   for miR-1290, miR-125a, miR-1298 in MB-CSF (n = 3; ± standard deviation).
            analysis for miR-572, miR-615 in MB-CSF (n = 3; ± standard deviation).   MB: Medulloblastoma; CSF: Cerebral spinal fl uid; CM: Culture-medium; qRT-PCR:
            MB: Medulloblastoma; CSF: Cerebral spinal  fl uid; CM: Culture-medium;   Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
            qRT-PCR: Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
                                                              of multiple malignancies. [35-39]  Consistently, detection
            cancer stimulatory activities, thus contributing to the   of metastasis-related ex-miRNAs in extracellular
            formation of a pre-metastatic niche and promotion of   environment of certain human malignancies, including
            metastasis. [28,30]   This exchange of miRNAs between   breast and prostate cancers, were observed in other
            primary tumors and target cells is an interesting   studies. [40-44]  Our observations provide indirect evidence
            and novel dimension to the regulation of a cell   supporting the hypothesis that ex-miRNA are
            phenotype [31-34]  and may be particularly important in   possible facilitators of metastasis by modifying local
            cancers that have a propensity for dissemination, such   or distal microenvironments. [45]  However, further
            as MB. MB includes various subtypes with group 3   studies are needed using counter-regulation of key
            and 4 subtypes being clinically distinct with regard   ex-miRNA expression to determine their effect on
            to metastasis and prognosis, which may also manifest   regulation of motility, migration, and invasion of MB
            in a difference in their miRNA spectra. Hence, it was   cells.
            not surprising to  fi nd a group of miRNAs that were
            uniquely over-(60 miRNAs) or under-represented (52   To the best of our knowledge, this is the  fi rst  study
            miRNAs) in the CM of the 2 metastasis-related cell   revealing the spectra of ex-miRNAs in cell CM
            lines D283 and D341. More importantly, we identifi ed 4   conditioned by MB cell lines and in CSF of an MB
            miRNAs (miR-1290, miR-125a, miR-125b, miR-1298)   patient. Although the number of samples studied here is
            that were over-represented in MB CSF and signifi cantly   very small, our identifi cation of key secreted miRNAs
            enriched in the CM media of the 2 metastasis-related   that are specifi cally enriched in MB-CSF provides a
            cell lines (D283 and D341). Remarkably, apart     rationale for future investigations. Such investigations,
            from miR-1298, where no functional information is   using larger sets of MB samples could lead in the
            publically available, the 3 other miRNAs (miR-1290,   near future to the discovery of CSF-derived miRNA
            miR-125a, miR-125b) were detected in body  fl uids   markers, with diagnostic and prognostic signifi cance
            of various cancer patients, whereby their increased   and ultimately, hopefully also with therapeutic
            expression and/or secretion is associated with metastasis   potential.

                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦        73
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