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Switzerland.  Written informed consent was obtained   and Diagnostics. Basel, Switzerland) gel and quantifi ed
            from each patient. CSF samples from patients with MB   using Nanodrop Photometer [Figure 1a and b].
            were collected 3 weeks after surgery and before start   Labeling and hybridization
            of radiotherapy or chemotherapy. CSF samples were
            centrifuged (500  g, 10 min, room temperature) within   Total RNA (250 ng) extracted from cells and 3  μL of
            60 min after collection to remove cells and debris and   concentrated small RNA extracted from medium were
            were stored at -80 °C until further processing.   used with  Toray 3D-Gene miRNA labeling kit (Toray,
                                                              Japan) in presence of spikes used as positive controls.
            Human MB cell lines
                                                              Briefl y, 5’-phosphates were removed from miRNA end
            Human MB cell lines (DAOY and D283) were purchased   using alkaline phosphatase and a  fl uorescent label was
            from American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA,   enzymatically attached to the 3’-end of the miRNA. After
            USA). D341 human MB cells were the kind gift of   an enzyme inactivation step and addition of a hybridization
            Dr. Henry Friedman (Duke University, Durham, UK).   buffer, labeled miRNA was injected on 3D-Gene Human
            MB cell lines were cultured as previously published    miRNA Oligo Chips (Toray, Japan) targeting 2019 miRNA
            and maintained at 37 °C in a humidifi ed  atmosphere   based on miRBase release 19. Finally, arrays were placed
            with 5% CO .  To isolate RNA from cultured medium,   in a hybridization chamber and set into a 32 °C oven for
            10.000-20.000/mL DAOY cells or 20.000-40.000/mL   16 h with a shaker adjusted to 250 rpm.
            D341, D283, and  T293 cells were plated and left to   Washing and scanning
            grow in their conditioned media for 72 h in 24 wells
            plates. Conditioned medium (2 mL) of each cell lines   Arrays were washed using 3 solutions with different
            were centrifuged at 1,200 rpm to remove cells.  The   stringencies to remove non-specifi cally bound miRNAs.
            supernatant was then centrifuged at 10,000 rpm to   Then, arrays were scanned with the 3D-Gene Scanner
            remove debris.                                    3000 instrument (Toray, Japan) to measure fl uorescence.
                                                              Scanning was carried out using 3 different photomultiplier
            RNA extraction for microarray
                                                              sensitivities (PMT gain) to allow optimizing of signal
            Total RNA from cell cultures or CSF were extracted   detection and checking for consistency.
            using a mix of Qiazol, Qiagen (Qiagen, Basel,     Microarray analysis
            Switzerland) and chloroform directly on cells. For small
            RNA in conditioned medium or CSF, the addition of   Images were analyzed with the 3D-Gene Extraction
            miRNAs extraction reagent (Toray) was performed.   software (Toray, Japan).  After completion of the
            In both situations, a centrifugation step was required   auto-analysis work followed on image  fi les,  raw
            to collect aqueous phase containing RNA that was   signals, and detection calls was produced in tabular
            fi nally transferred to miRNeasy   Mini spin column   fi les. GeneSpring GX12 (Agilent) was then used to
            from miRNeasy purifi cation kit Qiagen (Qiagen, Basel,   apply quantile normalization and differential expression
            Switzerland).  After subsequent washing steps, RNAs   analysis using modifi ed  t-test implemented in the
            were eluted using 30  μL of   nuclease-free water and   software. Experimental variability was assessed with
            concentrated up to 3  μL with vacuum concentrator.   principal component analysis (PCA) [Figures 2 and 3b]
            Quality was checked on Bioanalyzer using RNA 6000   and Pearson correlat  ion matrix [Figure 3a] generated
            Pico Chip (Agilent Chemical  Analysis, Life Sciences,   using the same software.

                        a                                     b
            Figure 1: Quality control for RNA isolated from CSF, cell lines, and their corresponding CM measured/analyzed by (a) BioAnalyzer PicoChip (Agilent); (b) RNA
            gel. CM: Culture-medium; CSF: Cerebral spinal fl uid
            68                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦
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