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23.  Khazal KF, Samuel T, Hill DL, Grubbs CJ. Effect of an extract   How to cite this article: Khazal KF, Hill DL. Withania somnifera
               of  Withania somnifera root on estrogen receptor-positive   extract reduces the invasiveness of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer and
               mammary carcinomas. Anticancer Res 2013;33:1519-23.  inhibits cytokines associated with metastasis. J Cancer Metastasis
                                                               Treat 2015;1:94-100.
              24.  Khazal KF, Hill DL, Grubbs CJ. Effect of  Withania somnifera
               root extract on spontaneous estrogen receptor-negative mammary   Received: 23-01-2015; Accepted: 15-04-2015.
               cancer in MMTV/Neu mice. Anticancer Res 2014;34:6327-32.  Source of Support: Nil, Confl ict of Interest: None declared.

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