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same site, from an unknown primary site, although there   histopathology.  Although there are no clear guidelines
            are reports of mixed squamous and adenocarcinomas. [7]  for the management of such patients, treatment should
                                                              be multimodal, including aggressive surgical resection,
            The clinical investigative approach toward CUPS patients   and postoperative radiotherapy.  The possible role of
            is mainly directed according to the histopathology, and   chemotherapy is unknown.  A diligent follow-up is a
            every attempt should be made to obtain a good tissue   must. In the future, molecular studies may increase our
            sample for detailed IHC analysis. Investigations should   ability to distinguish subtypes of CUSP and treat them
            involve a multi-modality approach. The role of PET scan   differentially.
            is yet to be established but has the potential to modify
            the treatment in some patients whose tumor was localized   References
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            metastasis is a rare entity. Investigations should be   Received: 21-01-2015; Accepted: 08-05-2015.
            directed to identify the primary site according to   Source of Support: Nil, Confl ict of Interest: None declared.

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