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breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells in vitro  and in nude   estrogen-independent.  The  WS extract caused increases
            mice, respectively. WS roots have been used in ayurvedic   in the percentage of MDA-MB-231 cells in the sub-G1
            medicine  for  their  anti-infl ammatory,   analgesic,   phase, indicating that WS causes apoptosis. Withaferin A,
            anticancer, and anti-stress properties. [7,8]  These  diverse   one of the active compounds of WS, causes G (2)/M cell
            effects are attributed to the presence of active steroidal   cycle arrest, associated with modulation of cyclin B1,
            compounds that are called withanolides.  Our current   p34(cdc2), and PCNA levels, decreases the levels of
            data showed that the  WS extract inhibited proliferation   STAT3 and its phosphorylation at Tyr(705) and Ser(727),
            and metastasis of MDA-MB-231 cells in vitro  and in   and alters expression levels of p53-mediated apoptotic
            nude mice. This inhibition was greater than that caused   markers-Bcl2, Bax, caspase-3, and cleaved PARP. [18]
            by withaferin  A.   The difference in inhibition may
            be attributed to the fact that the whole extract contains   Results of our current mouse experiments are consistent
            active ingredients that have a synergistic effect against   with in vitro data. The WS extract, administered orally,
            breast cancer cells. [7,17]  Since MDA-MB-231 cells are   inhibited formation and growth of MDA-MB-231 cell
            “triple-negative” form estrogen-independent tumors   xenografts in nude mice, indicating that the active
            in vivo, the anti-proliferative effect of WS is apparently   ingredients of the  WS extract are bioavailable after
                                                              oral administration. [19]  Six mice of the untreated group
                                                              developed tumor metastasis to the lung, whereas none
                              MCF 10A
                                                              of the treated mice showed such tumor metastases.
                                                              This effect may be attributed to inhibition of CCL2
                                                              in xenografted tumors after treatment with  WS root
              % Cells Viability  60                           extract.  These results are consistent with a previous
                                                                      concerning the inhibition of CCL2 in animals.
                                                              Inhibition of CCL2/CCR2 signaling by anti-CCL2
                                                    MCF 10A
                                                              antibodies  blocks  recruitment  of  infl ammatory
                                                              monocytes, inhibits metastasis, and prolongs the
                                                              survival of tumor-bearing mice. Depletion of tumor
                     0   12.5 µg/ml  25 µg/ml  50 µg/ml  100 µg/ml
                                                              cell-derived CCL2 also inhibits metastatic seeding.
                              Concentration of WS
                                                              Moreover, CCL2 mediates development of cancer stem
            Figure 2: Effect of WS on the viability of non-cancerous epithelial mammary
            cells, MCF10A.The bars represent the mean ± standard deviation of six 72-h   cell (CSC) phenotypes. Promotion of CSC is relevant
            treatments for the vehicle and different concentrations of WS. As determined   since these cells, through self-renewal, maintain
            by   one-way ANOVA, results of treated cells are not statistically signifi cant   heterogeneity and give rise to metastasis of breast
            compared to the DMSO-treated (control) cells. WS: Withania somnifera;
            ANOVA: Analysis of variance; DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide  cancer. [21]


            Figure 3: Effect of different concentrations of WS on the cell cycle of MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells. (a) Cell cycle histograms by treatment (vehicle, WS 25 μg/mL
            and WS 50 μg/mL). Range gates show cell percentage in each cell cycle stage; (b) percentage of cells in cell cycle arrest by treatment. WS: Withania somnifera
                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦        97
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