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Original Article

            Withania somnifera extract reduces the invasiveness of MDA-MB-231
            breast cancer and inhibits cytokines associated with metastasis

            Kamel F. Khazal , Donald L. Hill 2
            1 Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama 36088, USA.
            2 Division of Preventive Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama 35294, USA.
            Correspondence to: Dr. Kamel F. Khazal, Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee,
            Alabama 36088, USA.   E-mail:

            Aim:  The aim was to examine the   anti-proliferative effect of   a  Withania somnifera (WS) root extract in cell cultures and
            nude mouse xenografts of breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231.  Methods:  WS root extract was used to treat tumor cells at
            concentrations up to 100  μg and for nude mouse experiments, the mice received daily  WS at 300 mg/kg by oral gavage for
            8 weeks. Results: The WS extract reduced viability of MDA-MB-231 cells by 75% and 88% after exposure of the cells to 50 and
            100  μg/mL, respectively, compared to vehicle-treated controls.  WS extract caused a dose-dependent increase in the percentage
            of cells in the sub-G1 phase compared to untreated controls by 6% and 10% after exposure to 25 and 50  μg/mL WS  extract,
            respectively.  WS extract also inhibited proliferation of xenografted MDA-MB-231 cells.  The  WS extract caused reductions in
            xenograft size by 60% compared to the untreated control after 8 weeks of treatment. Six of ten mice in the control group showed
            tumor metastasis to the lung, whereas there was none in the mice treated with the WS extract. At the gene level,   WS caused a 75%
            reduction in chemokine CCL2 expression (P < 0.05) in the xenografted tumors of the treated mice. Conclusion: WS root extract
            inhibited proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo and signifi cantly reduced expression of the cytokine, CCL2. These
            results warrant further studies to assess the underlying molecular mechanism of the anti-tumor activity of the WS extract in breast

            Key words: Withania somnifera extract, MDA-MB-231, breast cancer, metastasis, animal model

            Introduction                                      to spread and recur.   TNBCs are different from other
                                                              kinds of breast cancer in that they are highly metastatic
            Invasive breast cancer is considered one of the great   and resistant to conventional therapies, such as anticancer
            challenges for clinicians to control and improve survival   drugs and radiation. [2]
            of patients. In 2013, an estimated 232,340 new cases of
            invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in women in the   In a search for an agent that inhibits proliferation and
            USA, along with other 64,640 cases of non-invasive   invasion of TNBCs, we evaluated an extract derived from
            breast cancer.  For women under 45, deadly forms   an Indian herb,   Withania somnifera (WS), which is a
            of this type of breast cancer are more common in   nightshade medicinal plant that contains active components
            African-American women than white women, and      for the treatment of a variety of ailments, including
            African-American women are more likely to die of breast   cancer. [7-10]   The use of  WS root extract is practical since
            cancer.  Despite three decades of advances in treatment   it contains the active compounds present in the plant. In
            of breast cancer using hormone receptor modulators,   TNBC cells, sub-cytotoxic concentrations of withaferin A,
            aromatase inhibitors, and surgery, [3-5]  mortality remains   derived from WS, reduce various effectors of metastasis.
            high due to tumor metastasis to the lymph nodes, liver,   In the present study, we assessed the effect of the  WS
            and lung.   Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)   extract on proliferation and metastasis of MDA-MB-231
            accounts for 10-20% of diagnosed breast cancers and   cells, derived from a TNBC, in cell cultures, and in mice.
            is more likely to affect younger  African  Americans,
            Hispanics, and/or those with  BRCA1 mutations.  TNBCs   Methods
            are more aggressive, diffi cult to treat, and more likely   Preparation of WS extract

                                                              Roots of WS were ground to a paste, and then extracted
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                                                              with 5 volumes of 70% ethanol by stirring for 2 days.
              Quick Response Code:                            The alcoholic extract was  fi ltered, and the solvent was
                                 evaporated under a vacuum.  The extract was then dried
                                                              to a powder and kept in a closed container until use.  To
                                                              avoid variations in the activity of different preparations,
                                 10.4103/2394-4722.157601     the suffi cient extract was obtained in one batch for use
                                                              throughout the experiments.

            94                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦
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