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Pippione et al.                                                                                                                                                             Steroidogenic enzymes in prostate cancer

           Figure 12: Domain organisation of full length AR (FL-AR) and some AR splice variants (AR-Vs). The four functional domains are indicated
           as follows: the N-terminal domain (NTD, green rectangles), the DNA-binding domain (DBD, red circles); ligand-binding domain (LBD, blue
           rectangles) and the “hinge region”, separating the LBD from the DBD (black lines). For AR-Vs lacking the LBD and/or the hinge region, the
           amino acids outside the previously described domains are listed. AR: androgen receptor

           Recently, Al-Mohizea et al. [100]  prepared and performed   ligand-activated nuclear transcription factors, it consists
           pharmacological screening, including SRD5A inhibitory   of four distinct functional domains, a poorly conserved
           activities and antitumour properties (e.g. in LNCaP   N-terminal domain (NTD) with transcriptional activation
           and PC-3 PC cell lines), of several steroids with a   function; a highly conserved deoxyribonucleic acid
           cyanopyridone heterocycle fused with its D-ring. The   (DNA)-binding domain (DBD); and a moderately
           authors reported that these compounds had potent   conserved ligand-binding domain (LBD). A short amino
           SRD5A  inhibitory  properties  (in vivo assay with   acid sequence called the “hinge region” separates
           Sprague-Dawley rats). The best results were observed   the LBD from the DBD and also contains a part of
           for the cyanopyridone structures with an oxygen bound   a bipartite ligand-dependent nuclear localisation
           to C3 (compounds 48-49, IC 50  = 210 and 270 nmol/L,   signal (NLS) for AR nuclear transport [Figure 12] [105] .
           respectively when measured against rat SRD5A) [95,100] .  NTD contains a transactivation AF-1 region, with two
                                                              transcription activation units (TAU1 and TAU5) and
           Finasteride and dutasteride [90,91]  have additionally been   two motifs involved in protein-protein interactions and
           discussed in context of PCa prevention. Two clinical   AR N/C interactions . NTD contains a co-regulator
           trials performed in the early 2000s in men at risk of   binding surface, the disruption of which reduces the
           developing PCa showed that the PCa incidence was   androgen-dependent proliferation and migration of
           significantly decreased in the treatment group, but the   PCa cells [106] . The LBD contains an activation AF-2
           patients treated who were diagnosed with PCa had   region, which is responsible for agonist-induced
           higher-grade tumors [101] . A retrospective study rejected   activity and androgen binding to induce conformational
           the results of these clinical trials on PCa prevention   changes, which facilitates intra-and intermolecular
           and hence these drugs have not been FDA-approved   interactions between the N-terminal and C-terminal
           yet for the prevention of PCa [102] . Subsequently,   domains and subsequently AR homo-dimerisation
           two clinical trials, (in phase II and IV, respectively)   and nuclear translocation [Figure 12] [107,108] . In the
           showed dutasteride to decrease the incidence of    nucleus, ligand bound AR binds to specific recognition
           histopathological progression in patients with low-  sequences known as “androgen response elements”
           grade PCa and delay biochemical progression in     (AREs) in the promoter and enhancer regions of target
           patients who underwent radical prostatectomy or    genes and recruits co-activators and co-repressors,
           radiation therapy for localised PCa, respectively [103,104] .  which  then  modulate  transcription  of  androgen-
                                                              dependent proteins [109] . Under physiological conditions,
           Androgen receptor                                  both T and DHT can bind to and activate AR signalling
           The AR is crucial for normal functioning of the prostate.   [Figure 1] [110,111] . Deregulated AR signaling is common
           As a member of the steroid hormone receptor family of   during PCa development and CRPC progression. The
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