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Pippione et al.                                                                                                                                                             Steroidogenic enzymes in prostate cancer

           ARs in tumour cells exposed to ADT undergo selective   Unfortunately, most CRPC patients treated with AR-
           alterations that result in aberrant AR reactivation,   antagonist therapy will eventually develop resistance
           which ultimately allows the AR pathway to remain   and succumb to the disease. Mechanisms of
           active despite the shortage of androgenic ligands. AR   resistance to these drugs include modification of the
           amplification leads to AR overexpression, which is   AR, AR gain-of-function point mutations, truncated AR
           present in approximately 30% of CRPCs. Mutations in   isoforms and constitutively-active AR splice variants .
           the AR gene occur in approximately 20% of CRPCs.   Accordingly, new agents to target these alternative
           Most significant AR mutations occur in the LBD, which   ARs through novel mechanisms of action should lead
           increase the sensitivity and decrease the specificity of   to intensified research in the PCa community and lead
           ligand binding [112] . Constitutively active splice variants   to new drugs with clinical potential.
           (AR-Vs) are detected in PCa cell lines (e.g. LNCaP95,
           VCaP and 22Rv1) and in CRPC tissues. More than     AR-antagonists can be classified based on their ability
           20 AR-Vs have been reported, but only ARv567       to interact with different domains of the AR. Approved
           and AR-V7 are considered to be clinically relevant   drugs and similar structures under development show
           because their levels of expression are correlated   affinity for the LBD. These molecules, also named
           with CRPC and poor survival rates [Figure 12] . AR-  traditional AR antagonists, compete with androgens
           V7, like other AR variants lacks an LBD, and via its   in binding the AR and prevent formation of the AF-2
           nuclear localisation binds DNA independently, without   (activation function-2) hydrophobic groove inside the
           androgen activation, regulating a unique set of target   LBD and its interaction with co-regulators. However,
           genes that facilitate mitosis in addition to the regular   in some cases, the AR can still dimerise and become
                                                              nuclear, as observed with enzalutamide using confocal
           androgen-dependent genes that are activated by full-  micrographs [119] . Apalutamide (55, Figure 13) and
           length ARs that promote disease progression [113] .
                                                              darolutamide (56, OMD-201) are two molecules under
                                                              evaluation in phase 3 clinical trials in patients with non-
           As other steroid hormone receptors, also AR appear   metastatic CRPC (NCT01946204 and NCT02200614,
           to be regulated by epigenetic mechanisms [27] . The first   respectively). Apalutamide shows high structural
           evidence of epigenetic regulation of AR came from   similarity to enzalutamide, but achieves the same
           comparing the hypermethylation of AR promoters in   therapeutic response as enzalutamide at a lower dose
           AR-deficient and AR-expressing cell lines (hyper- and   in a LNCaP xenograft mouse model and does not
           hypomethylated, respectively) [114] . In human prostate   induce AR nuclear translocation or DNA binding [120] .
           cancer, a significant role of hypermethylation of AR   Darolutamide is characterised by a different chemical
           genes has been suggested: AR hypermethylation      scaffold from its cognate antagonists, and is able to
           was observed both in primary cell lines from PCa   antagonise AR mutants F876L, W741L and T877A [121] .
           patients (20%) and in hormone-refractory prostate
           cancers (28%) [115] . Also other epigenetic mechanisms,   Seviteronel (5, Figure 4), a non-steroidal CYP17A1
           such as histone acethylation/deacethylation, seem to   inhibitor with 17,20-lyase selectivity (see above), has
           participate in the regulation of AR-driven genes [116] .  been found to show AR-antagonist activity independent
                                                              of CYP17A1 enzyme inhibition, with evidence of direct
           The literature is abundant with research articles and   binding to the AR LBD [40] . Similarly, also galeterone
           reviews concerning the development of AR-based     (3, Figure 4) is a competitive AR antagonist mediated
           therapy for PCa. The AR is a validated therapeutic   by binding of the drug to the steroid-binding pocket
           target for PCa and five molecules have already     of AR and concomitantly inhibiting T biosynthesis
           been approved by the FDA (cyproterone acetate      through inhibition of CYP17A1 lyase activity [36] . In
           50, flutamide 51, nilutamide 52, bicalutamide 53,   addition, galeterone targets the LBP of mutated T878A
           enzalutamide 54, Figure 13) [117]  while several others   AR. The authors also reported on PSA reduction in
           are currently under preclinical/clinical development.   LNCaP and VCaP cell lines, an effect that was partially
           Among papers of considerable interest on AR, we    reversed upon addition of DHT in a dose-dependent
           recommend the following for further reading: the   manner [122,123] .
           report of Lu et al. [118]  that describes the mechanism of
           function of AR and its targetable domains, the review   The SAR for AF-2 targeting have been extensively
           by Imamura and Sadar , which focuses on AR-        studied [124-126] ,  and  X-ray  structures  of AR-LBD
           related mechanisms of resistance and AR antagonist   in complex with T (PDB: 2AM9), R-bicalutamide
           therapeutic agents undergoing clinical trials, and   (PDB  codes:  1Z95  and  4OJB,  Figure  14)  or
           finally the review by Martinez-Ariza and Hulme [117] , that   hydroxyflutamide (PDB: 2AX6) and other ligands have
           encompasses non-ligand-binding protein modulators   been resolved [127] . Essentially, the compounds consist
           of the AR.                                         of three structural parts: the first part is usually an
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 12, 2017      347
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