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Page 28 of 31              Songthumjitti et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(3):306-36  I

               Figure 35. Stability region boundary comparison between a non-compensated system, a feed-forward system, and a feedback system at
               120%       .

                          Figure 36. Non-compensated system and feedback system stability experiment with    = 2 kg,    = 1 Ns/m.

               back compensation has a slight improvement in stability over feed-forward compensation in this condition,
               so we try another experiment with a smaller    parameter. The admittance model parameter is as follows:
                  = 1 kg,    = 1 Ns/m, which will make the feed-forward system unstable, but the feedback system can
               remain stable according to Figure 35, and the result is shown in Figure 38.
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