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Page 30 of 31              Songthumjitti et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(3):306-36  I

               parameter in the admittance model,   . However, the high-frequency oscillation force is greatly reduced com-
               pared with a feed-forward system, which means the influence of insufficient structure stiffness is compensated
               with feedback.

               7. CONCLUSION
               In this study, we know that the human-machine system will face an unstable situation when a human operator
               is in contact with the machine when the stiffness of the structure is not high enough. Therefore, we have two
               methods of adding a compensator to the system that helps improve the stability region of the human-machine
               system, so we can use a lighter weight in the admittance model, which means the operator can work in a lighter
               load environment.

               The first one is a feed-forward compensator, which uses the inverse of the structure transfer function to cancel
               out structure characteristics that cause oscillations. The simulation section shows that the stability region is
               greatly improved over an uncompensated system, and we can use a lower    parameter in the admittance
               model. Even though the actual structure parameter is different from the measurement, the stability region
               is smaller than the ideal one, but it still shows an improvement over an uncompensated system. To confirm
               our simulation, we conduct an experiment with the    parameter in the admittance system equal to 2 kg. The
               result is as expected, an uncompensated system will oscillate when a human operator is in contact, but a feed-
               forward system can remain stable. Therefore, this experiment can confirm that this method of compensation
               can improve the stable operation range of the system.

               With feed-forward compensation, the stability region is greatly reduced by the difference between the measure-
               ment and the actual parameter. So, we tried a feedback compensator with an accelerometer, which is another
               method to compensate for structure characteristics. Although in simulation, it shows that the stability region
               is not improved from an uncompensated system as much as a feed-forward system. However, we consider
               conditions when a structure parameter is different from what we measure. It shows that the feedback system
               is greatly improved over the feed-forward system, and it can remain stable when actual structure parameters
               change. From the experiment, it is also confirmed that the feedback system has an advantage over the feed-
               forward system, with    = 1 kg feedback system can remain stable, but the feed-forward system is unstable.
               This indicates that simple feedback using accelerometers can compensate for the insufficient stiffness of the
               robot structure and greatly enhance the stability of the human-machine system.

               Furthermore, we plan to refine the admittance model design because we know that the stability of the system
               also depends on human interaction, which causes differences in each movement due to changes in human
               impedance, so we will use a dynamic variable in the admittance model. It will be changed according to human
               movement and task so the operator can move the object with a light force during a traveling task and can
               perform a high-precision task when needed. The feedback compensation studied in this study should increase
               the range of variation in the admittance model.

               Authors’ contributions
               Conducted the experiment, simulation, data acquisition, and data analysis: Songthumjitti N
               Conceived and designed the study: Inaba T

               Interpreted the results: Songthumjitti N, Inaba T

               Availability of data and materials
               Not applicable.
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