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Songthumjitti et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(3):306-36  I  Page 19 of 31

                             Figure 23. Feed-forward system stability analysis with actual system structure stiffness at 120%.

               compensator allows us to use a smaller    parameter in the admittance model to around 0.2 kg, which is an
               improvement from a non-compensated system that can use    = 5 kg or above. However, when the actual
               system parameter is not the same as the measurement, it causes a reduction in the stability region. As shown
               in Figures 22,23, the allowable    parameter in the admittance model is around 1 and 1.5 kg, respectively,
               which is much greater than the perfectly compensated system, as shown in Figure 21.

               To easily compare the stability region between an uncompensated and a feed-forward system, we display the
               stability boundary of both simulations in the same graph, as shown in Figure 24 for a perfectly compensated
               systemandFigure25forasystemconsideredtohavea +20%stiffnessparametermeasurementerror. Thesetwo
               figures show that errors in stiffness parameters greatly affect the stability region of a feed-forward compensated
               system. Although in Figure 25, the stability region of a feed-forward system is reduced, it still has an advantage
               over the system without compensation.
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