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Della Porta et al.                                                                                                                                                     Comparison of p53 and prohibitin expression

           hepatocytes as a consequence of chronic inflammation,   potential differences in the pathogenesis of human
           which occurs in viral hepatitis.  However, little is known   hepatic cancer.
           about the interaction of NFκB activation and tumour
           microenvironment in the sequence of hepatitis C virus   METHODS
           (HCV), cirrhosis (CIR), and HCC.
                                                              Tissue specimens
           The inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α   Primary liver carcinoma samples were obtained
           (TNFα)  participates  in  the  control  of  cellular   from the Department of Pathology at the University
           proliferation and differentiation and cell death. [6]   Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto,
           Although TNFα was initially identified as inducing   University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo,
           cell death in some tumours, an association between   Brazil. Twenty samples of normal liver from autopsies
           activation of the TNFα/NFκB pathway by inflammation   with causes other than liver disease (NL), 30 cases
           and hepatocarcinogenesis has also been reported. [7]   of HCV, 30 cases of CIR associated with HCV and
           Binding of TNFα to TNF receptor-1 (TNFR1) results in   60 cases of HCC related to HCV-CIR were selected
           NFκB activation and may induce hepatocyte survival   for this study [Table 1]. Patients with evidence of any
           and proliferation.  Additionally, activated NFκB can be   other cause of liver disease were excluded. The study
           considered as a protector of TNFα-induced apoptosis. [9]  was approved by the local Ethics Committee (number
           TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) has
           been demonstrated as a proapoptotic mediator of    Immunohistochemistry
           various tumour cells. [10]  Similarly, TRAIL caused   Liver  preparations were submitted for immuno-
           cytotoxic  effects in transformed hepatocytes  of   histochemical analysis. Sections were incubated
           HCC, perhaps related to inhibition of NFκB survival   with monoclonal primary antibodies specific for
           signalling. [11]  In contrast, participation of TRAIL   TNFR1, TRAIL, RelA/p65, and p53 (Santa Cruz
           in hepatocyte’s apoptosis during chronic hepatic   Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, dilution 1:100)
           diseases remains controversial.                    and PHB (Thermo Fisher Scientific Waltham, MA,
                                                              USA, dilution 1:100). Following this, a secondary
           The p53 gene is a classical tumor suppressor gene.   antibody (Vectastain Elite ABC Kit, Universal, Vector
           p53 mutations occur in diverse human cancers,      Laboratories Inc.) was applied. Next, the slides were
           including HCC.  p53 tumor suppressor function      incubated with avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex
           involves cell cycle control, transcriptional regulation,   (Vectastain Elite ABC Kit) and developed with Vector
           and  apoptosis.   In  spite  of  the  p53  mutation   NovaRED kit (Vector Laboratories Inc.) for 5 min. The
           being rare in HCC not induced by aflatoxin, the    slides were counterstained with Harris haematoxylin
           high incidence of HCV-related HCC justifies novel   and mounted with Permount (Biomeda, Foster City,
           studies even in this context. NFκB linked to HCV   CA, USA). Percentages of nuclear RelA/p65 and
           non-structural 5A (NS5A) protein inhibits the p53   p53, cytoplasmic TNFR1 and TRAIL, and nuclear/
           tumor suppressor role and leads to cell survival and   cytoplasmic PHB-positive cells were obtained blindly
           hepatocarcinogenesis. [12]                         for each case at least 10 representative high-power
                                                              fields (40×) by two of the authors (LDP and LNR).
           Human prohibitin (PHB), a pleiotropic protein, was   For statistical purposes, the samples were scored
           identified first as a potential tumour suppressor [13]   as follows: -, no stained cells; +, weak or moderate
           and has been implicated in cellular differentiation,   staining in less than 25% positive cells; ++, moderate
           antiproliferation, and morphogenesis. [14]  Although a   to strong staining in 25-50% positive cells; and +++,
           liver-specific deletion of PHB has been observed in   strong staining in more than 50% positive cells. [18]
           a wide spectrum of liver injury types, fibrosis, and
           hepatocarcinogenesis in mice, [15]  PHB has also been   Southwestern histochemistry analysis
           reported to be overexpressed in cases of human HCV.    Non-radioactive in situ detection of NFκB in paraffin-
           On the other handit has been suggested that PHB may   embedded liver tissue preparations was performed
           have a pivotal role in cellular proliferation and malignant   using the Southwestern histochemistry method,
           transformation.  Thus, the role of PHB in development   with digoxigenin labelling and detection kits (Roche
           of human hepatic cancer remains controversial.     Applied Science, Indianapolis, USA). Briefly, synthetic
                                                              sense DNAs (Imprint Genetics Corporation, Hialeah,
           Our study aimed to compare the importance of the   USA), which contain sequences of NFκB, were used
           p53 and PHB pathway through the NFκB signalling in   as probes. After annealing with the complementary
           the spectrum of HCV, CIR, and HCC, considering the   sequence, the DNA probe was labelled with digoxigenin.
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