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Della Porta et al.                                                                                                                                                     Comparison of p53 and prohibitin expression

           Table 1: Clinicopathologic variables of NL, CIR, HCV,   or viral hepatitis in almost all HCC cases, as well as
           and HCC                                            absence of cirrhosis or other inflammatory conditions
                                Etiology (% cases)            in the normal liver (P = 0.0001). Additionally, the level
           variables        NL    HCV    CIR   HCC   P value  serum α-fetoprotein was > 20 μg/L in the majority
                          (n = 20) (n = 30) (n = 30) (n = 60)  of HCC cases, but ≤ 20 μg/L in the other types (P =
           Age (years)                               0.5530   0.0001) [Table 1].
             ≤ 50            0     40     20    35
              > 50          100    60     80    65
           Gender                                    0.4116   Expression and clinicopathological features
              Male           60    80     70    80            Table 2 summarizes the comparative TNFR1, TRAIL,
              Female         40      20   30    20
           Cirrhosis                                 0.0001   NFκB, nuclear RelA/p65, p53, nuclear PHB and
              Absence       100    100    0      3            cytoplasmic PHB and TUNEL expression by HCC,
              Presence       0      0    100    97            CIR, HCV, and NL.
           Serum AFP (μg/L)                          0.0001
             ≤ 20           100    100   100    40
              > 20           0      0     0     60            TNFR1 expression was higher in CIR [Figure 1C] in
           NL: normal liver; CIR: cirrhosis; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HCC:   comparison to HCC [Figure 1D] and HCV [Figure 1B]
           hepatocellular carcinoma                           (P = 0.0294 and P = 0.0037, respectively), as well
                                                              as in HCV compared to NL [Figure 1A] (P = 0.0313)
           The percentage of NFκB-positive cells was obtained   [Figure 1Q]. TRAIL expression was amplified in HCC
           blindly for each case, at least 10 representative high-  [Figure 1H] compared to CIR [Figure 1G] and HCV
           power fields (40×) by two of the authors (LDP and   [Figure 1F] (P = 0.0377 and P = 0.0371, respectively),
           LNR). For statistical purposes, the samples were scored   as well as in HCV in relation to NL [Figure 1E] (P =
           similarly as was presented in the immunohistochemistry   0.0462) [Figure 1R].
           section. [18]
                                                              NFκB expression was increased in CIR [Figure 1K] in
           TUNEL assay                                        comparison to HCC [Figure 1L] (P = 0.0464). NFκB
           Paraffin-embedded liver tissue sections were       expression was also higher in CIR compared to HCV
           deparaffinised and incubated with 20 µg/mL proteinase   [Figure 1J] (P = 0.0031), as well as in HCV [Figure 1D]
           K (Promega Corporation, Madison, USA). A DeadEnd   in relation to NL [Figure 1I] (P = 0.0477) [Figure 1S].
           peroxidase in situ apoptosis detection kit (DeadEnd   In a pattern similar to that of NFκB, nuclear RelA/
           TUNEL;  Promega  Corporation)  was  used  for      p65 expression was increased in CIR [Figure 1O]
           transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labelling   compared to HCC [Figure 1P] and HCV [Figure 1N] (P
           (TUNEL) staining. The percentage of TUNEL-positive   = 0.0228 and P = 0.0426, respectively), as well as in
           cells was obtained blindly, for each case at least 10   HCV relative to NL [Figure 1M] (P = 0.0288) [Figure 1S].
           representative high-power fields (40×) by two of the
           authors (LDP and LNR). For statistical purposes, the   Since p53 expression was almost solely found in
           samples were scored similarly as was presented in the   HCC [Figure 2D], this group presented a higher p53
           immunohistochemistry section. [18]                 expression relative to NL [Figure 2A], HCV [Figure 2B],
                                                              and CIR [Figure 2C] (P = 0.011, P = 0.014 and P =
           Statistical evaluation                             0.0013, respectively). However, no difference in p53
           Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad   expression was observed between CIR and HCV (P
           Prism v4.0 software (GraphPad Software, Inc., San   = 0.9421), as well as in HCV in relation to NL (P =
           Diego, CA). Association between the expression of   0.9421) [Figure 2M].
           TNFR1, TRAIL, NFκB, RelA/p65, p53, PHB, and
           TUNEL and histologic variables was determined by   Cytoplasmic PHB expression was augmented in CIR
           Fisher’s exact test (2 groups) or a chi-square test (3 or   [Figure 2G] in relation to HCC [Figure 2H] (P = 0.0001),
           more groups). One-way analysis of variance followed   whereas PHB cytoplasmic expression was similar
           by Dunn’s post-test was also performed. All tests were   between CIR and HCV [Figure 2F] (P = 0.4468). PHB
           two-tailed, and P < 0.05 was considered significant.  cytoplasmic expression was increased in HCV, CIR,
                                                              and HCC in comparison to NL [Figure 2E] (P = 0.0088).
           RESULTS                                            Because  PHB  nuclear  expression  was  almost
                                                              exclusively observed in HCC, this group presented
           Study tissue specimens                             a higher PHB nuclear expression in contrast to CIR,
           The most relevant data concerning clinic and       HCV, and NL (P = 0.0041, P = 0.0011 and P = 0.0011,
           pathological variables was the occurrence of cirrhosis   respectively) [Figure 2N].

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