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Hassan et al.                                                                                                                                Potential antioxidant activity of cape gooseberry against HCC

                                          with DENA plus CCl  induced a significant increase in tumor marker level, alpha-fetoprotein
                                          level, and liver function enzymes activity as well as elevated levels of malondialdehyde. This
                                          suggests oxidative stress accompanied with a significant decrease in antioxidant biomarkers
                                          including glutathione, total antioxidant capacity, superoxide dismutase and catalase in the
                                          examined tissues. However, the administration of GGJ could reduce these changes to control
                                          levels. Conclusion: CGJ is a promising candidate as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant
                                          processor  in  an  HCC  rats  model. This  beneficial  effect  was  achieved  by  antagonizing  free
                                          radicals generation and the enhancement of the antioxidant defense mechanisms, resulting in
                                          marked improvement of hepatic biomarkers.

           INTRODUCTION                                       also has excellent potential as a food-based strategy
                                                              for anti-diabetic and anti-hypertensive products. [20]
           Oxygen radical generation and lipid peroxidation   Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate
           have been implicated in the pathogenesis of various   the antioxidant properties of cape gooseberry juice
           diseases and the toxic action of a wide range of   as a potential source of natural functional substances
           compounds.  Involvement of free radicals, generation   against lipid peroxidation and scavenging capacities
           of oxygen radicals and enhancement of lipid        towards free radicals in different tissues of experimental
           peroxidation have been shown to play an important   HCC rats model.
           role in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). [2,3]  Amelioration
           of the deleterious effects of oxidative stress associated   METHODS
           with HCC using synthetic compounds causes
           undesirable side effects. Therefore, natural agents   Chemicals
           could be the most prudent strategy and the most    Diethylnitrosamine (DENA) and carbon tetra chloride
           effective agents for protecting humans from various   (CCl 4 ) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co.
           diseases. [4,5]   Furthermore,  there  is  the  growing   (St. Louis, MO, USA). DENA was freshly dissolved in
           popularity of natural functional food ingredients that   sterile 0.9% saline and given to rats at a single dose
           are believed to be safer, healthier and less subject to   of 200 mg/kg b.w. [21]  CCl 4  was given to rats at a dose
           hazards than their artificial counterparts. [6,7]    of 3 mL/kg b.w. per week. [22,23]

           One of the most important natural diets with anti-  Animals
           oxidant properties is berries, among the most widely   Healthy male albino rats (Rattus rattus), 8 weeks
           consumed fruits in the human diet. Berry fruits, wild   old (150-170 g) were purchased from Institute of
           or cultivated, are proven as a traditional and rich   Ophthalmic Disease Research, Cairo, Egypt. Rats
           source of bioactive compounds, possessing important   were housed in cages at regulated temperature (22-
           biological substances such as flavonoids minerals,   25 °C). They were kept under good ventilation under
           vitamins, and phenolic acids. [8,9]  One key berry fruit is,   a photoperiod of 12-h light/12-h darkness schedule
           cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana), a herbaceous   with lights-on from 06:00 to 18:00. They all received a
           plant which belongs to the Solanaceae family. Its fruit   standard laboratory diet (60% ground corn meal, 10%
           is also known as golden berry, ground cherry and in   bran, 15% ground beans, 10% corn oil, 3% casein, 1%
           Egypt, harankash. The fruit of the cape gooseberry is   mineral mixture and 1% vitamins mixture), purchased
           highly nutritious, containg high levels of macronutrients   from Meladco Feed Company (Aubor City, Cairo,
           and essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium,   Egypt) and supplied with water ad libitum throughout
           potassium, sodium, and phosphorus, as well as      the experimental period. Animals received humane
           micronutrients such as iron and zince; [10,11]  the fruit also   care and the present study complies with the animal
           containsvitamins A, B and C, in addition to β-carotene,   care guidelines. The local committee approved the
           α-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin. In addition, the fruit   design of the experiments, and the protocol conforms to
           contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g. linoleic   the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
           acid andoleic acid). These bioactive compounds
           have nutritional value, medicinal properties, and an   Hepatocellular rats model
           antioxidant property that can prevent peroxidative   Experimental hepatocellular carcinoma rats were
           damage of liver cells. [12-14]  Cape gooseberry extracts   subjected by a single intraperitoneal injection of
           show antioxidant activity, [15,16]  anti-inflammatory   freshly prepared DENA (200 mg/kg body weight), then
           activity, [17,18]   and  anti-hepatotoxic [18]   and  anti-  2 weeks later received a subcutaneous injection of
           proliferative effects on hepatoma cells. [19]  This fruit   CCl 4  once every week (3 mL/kg b.w.) for 10 weeks to
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