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Briz et al.                                                                                                                                                                                        Liver cancer chemoresistance

           or stimulation of alternative routes (MOC-3); ability   by anti-apoptotic target genes of HIF-1, which include
           of tumor cells to repair drug-induced modifications   Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, Mcl-1, NF-kB and BIRC5;  (4) HIF-1-
           in the target molecule, usually DNA (MOC-4); and   dependent decrease of the DNA-damage response-
           the activation or inhibition of intracellular signaling   activated senescence, which is partly accountable
           pathways that lead to a change in the balance      for the anti-tumor effect of different chemotherapeutic
           between pro- and anti-apoptotic factors favoring tumor   agents;  (5) HIF-1-dependent induction of autophagy
           cell survival (MOC-5). Nevertheless, novel information   which confers a survival advantage to tumor cells
           on the role of several adaptive mechanisms involved   and protects them from drug-induced death signals.
           in liver cancer chemoresistance has emerged in the   HIF-1 target genes such as BNIP3 (Bcl-2/adenovirus
           last few years. These regard the existence of cancer   E1B 19-kDa interacting protein 3) and BNIP3L (Bcl-
           stem cells with particularly poor sensitivity to anticancer   2/adenovirus E1B 19-kDa interacting protein 3 like),
           drugs, the interference with the inflammatory processes   members of the so-called BH3-only subfamily of Bcl-2
           and cytokine expression, cellular autophagy status,   family proteins that antagonize the activity of the pro-
           changes in tumor microenvironment and phenotipic   survival proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, have suggested
           transition of cancer. This situation recommends    to be involved in the hypoxia-induced autophagy.  A
           considering at least two additional MOC that we    role of HIF-1 independent mechanisms in hypoxia-
           propose to be classified into MOC-6 and MOC7.      induced drug resistance in cancer cells has also
                                                              been reported. These mechanisms are still poorly
           CHEMORESISTANCE DUE TO CHANGES                     understood, but pathways involving phosphoinositol-
           IN TUMOR MICROENVIRONMENT (MOC-6)                  3-kinase (PI3K), nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kB),
                                                              cycloxygenase-2 (COX-2), activator protein-1 (AP-1),
           Two peculiar features characterizing tumor         c-Jun, Pim-1, and STAT-3 have been reviewed and
           microenvironment, i.e. hypoxia and acidity, play an   have been suggested to participate in MOC-6. [2]
           important role in tumor progression, metastasis and
           response to chemotherapy. Several in vitro studies   Regarding the role of acidic environment in MOC-6,
           have demonstrated that hypoxia induces enhanced    it should be taken into account that, as a result of
           resistance to antitumor drugs, such as cisplatin,   the active acid production through glycolysis, which
           doxorubicin, etoposide, melphalan, 5-fluorouracil,   occurs in tumor cells even in the presence of oxygen,
           gemcitabine, and docetaxel.  The family of hypoxia-  there is the need of extruding a large amount of H  to
           inducible transcription factors (HIFs) represents the   survive. The mechanisms activated in tumor cells to
           main mediator of the hypoxic response and is widely   efficiently eliminate protons include up-regulation of
           upregulated in human cancers. HIF-1 and to a lesser   ion pumps, such as vacuolar H -ATPase (V-ATPase),
           extent HIF-2, the oxygen-regulated HIF isoforms, have   and transporters, such as Na /H  exchanger (NHE),
           been associated with chemotherapy failure. Thus,   together with an increased turnover of acidic vesicles.
           HIF-1 inhibition reverses multidrug resistance in colon   The low extracellular pH (pHo) may severely affect
           cancer cells.  Moreover, silencing HIF-1 in tumor   drug uptake. For instance, acidic pHo reduces the
           cells results in increased sensitivity to anticancer   uptake of chemotherapeutic drugs that behave as
           drugs.  Several mechanisms and pathways that may   weak  bases,  such  as  anthracyclines  and  Vinca
           underlay HIF-1-mediated chemotherapy resistance    alkaloids, and, hence, reduces their cytotoxicity by
           in tumor cells under hypoxia have been described.   preventing these compounds from reaching their
           These include: (1) HIF-1-mediated regulation of drug   intracellular targets.  Thus, the possibility that basic
           efflux through the activation of transport proteins   drugs could be protonated and neutralized in a higher
           such as the multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene     proportion by the acidic pHo of tumor environment
           (ABCB1),  the  multidrug-resistance-associated     has to be considered. [10]  It has been demonstrated
           protein 1 (MRP1, gene symbol ABCC1) and the        that compounds able to disrupt tumor pH homeostasis
           lung resistance protein (LRP) or major vault protein   may reverse multidrug resistance phenotype
           (MVP, gene symbol  MVP);  (2) HIF-1-mediated       and  indirectly  inhibit  the  growth  of  the  tumors.
           inhibition of drug-induced DNA damage.  This effect   Thus, treatment with sodium bicarbonate induced
           is partially mediated via transcriptional down-regulation   alkalinization of pHo and tumor growth inhibition in
           of topoisomerase II in human tumor cells;  (3) HIF-1   animal models.  Moreover, lysosomotropic agents
           functions as a robust suppressor of apoptosis and   that induce modification of the pHo vs. intracellular pH
           functional interference with HIF-1 results in enhanced   (pHi) gradient and alkalinization of intracellular acidic
           cell death upon treatment with chemotherapeutic    vesicles may reverse anthracycline resistance in
           agents in tumors of different origins. The molecular   chemoresistant cells. [11]  In addition, H -pump inhibitors
           nature of this phenomenon was mostly accounted for   induce drug-resistance reversion in chemoresistant
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