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Kohla et al.                                                                                                                                                                         Transforming growth factor β1 in HCC
           the result of Lee et al. , who found that patients with   Manuscript review: M.A.S. Kohla, A. Attia, N. Darwesh,
           a higher plasma TGF-β1 levels showed significantly   H. Taha
           lower survival rates than those with a lower plasma
           TGF-β1 level ( higher group vs. lower group 47% vs.   Financial support and sponsorship
           60% at 12 months).                                 This study was funded by the National Liver Institute,
                                                              Menoufia University, Egypt.
           The association between high TGF-β1 levels and poor
           treatment outcomes in advanced HCC patients was    Conflicts of interest
           anticipated because activation of the TGF-β pathway   There are no conflicts of interest.
           was linked to angiogenesis and the progression,
           invasion, and metastasis of cancer cells in late stage   Patient consent
           malignancies [19] .                                A written informed consent was obtained from all
                                                              participants in the study.
           In this study, ROC curve analysis of TGF-β1 in HCC
           showed that the best cut-off value of TGF-β1 for   Ethics approval
           detection of HCC patients was 301.9 pg/mL with area   The study protocol was approved by institute Ethics
           under the curve of 0.765 and 95%CI 0.694-0.885,    Committee.
           the sensitivity and specificity were 72% and 65%
           respectively. These results were found to be slightly   REFERENCES
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