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Kohla et al.                                                                                                                                                                         Transforming growth factor β1 in HCC

                                                        Survival functions
                                                                                     TGF group

                           Cum survival  0.4



                                  0.00         5.00         10.00       15.00        20.00       25.00        30.00
                                                   Survival time
           Figure 5: Survival according to TGF-b1. TGF-b1: transforming growth factor beta 1

           105.5 pg/mL) and late stage (769.9 ± 115.8 pg/mL) of   In  this  study,  the  serum  levels  of  TGF-β1  was
           HCC patients (P = 0.001).                          significantly higher in patients with more advanced
                                                              liver disease, being highest in patients with
           In our study, serum levels of TGF-β1 were significantly   decompensated Child C cirrhosis and lowest in
           higher in patients with larger tumors, Moreover, higher   patients with compensated Child A cirrhosis.
           serum levels of TGF-β1 were associated with vascular
           invasion, the mean value for tumors without vascular   These findings are in agreement with the results of
           invasion was (1,019.65 ± 1,425.38), while the mean   Hussein et al. [16]  and Flisiak and Prokopovicz [17] , who
           value for tumors with vascular invasion was (1,909.29   reported that plasma TGF-β1 was elevated in patients
           ± 1,872.17) (P = 0.001).                           with a higher Child score and also stated that elevated
                                                              plasma TGF-β1 levels in patients with chronic liver
           Similar results were shown by Lee et al. , who found   disease might be caused by decreased clearance.
           that there was a positive correlation between plasma
           TGF-β1 concentration and tumor size. These findings   But these results disagreed with Mayoral et al. [18]
           suggest that plasma TGF-β1 concentration increases   and Lee et al. , who found that the TGF-β1 values
           with the invasiveness of HCC making it a novel     decrease significantly with progression of liver
           biomarker for risk prediction of HCC progression.  dysfunction as assessed by Child-Pugh Score.

           As cancer develops, cancer cells become more       The follow-up of our HCC patients for 18 months
           resistant to the growth inhibitory properties of TGF-β1   revealed that: the overall mortality was 51.6% with a
           and both the cancer cells and the stromal cells often   median survival of 9 months.
           increase the production of TGF-β1 which stimulates
           angiogenesis and cell motility. Also, it suppresses   In comparison of the survival rate with plasma TGF-β1
           immune response with the extracellular matrix and   levels, patients with a higher plasma TGF-β1 level
           increases the interaction of tumor cell leading to   (≥ 301 pg/mL) showed significantly lower survival
           greater invasiveness and metastatic potential of the   rates than those with a lower plasma TGF-β1 level (<
           cancer [14]  acting as a promoter of malignancy during   301 pg/mL) (higher group vs. lower group , 29.8% vs.
           tumor progression [15] .                           71.9% at 18 months). This result in agreement with

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