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Cao                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cancer Evo-Dev

           Darwinian evolutionism.                            THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF CANCER
           During  human  embryo  development,  most  genes
           expressing at this stage will be silenced after birth, but   Cancers  are  caused  by  the  accumulation  of  somatic
           some genes including that encoding α-fetoprotein (AFP),   mutations  -  a  process  that  abides  by  the  Darwinian
           will re-express for a short period of time when liver or   evolutionism:  mutation-selection-adaptation.  Somatic
           testis is injured. Importantly, cancer is characterized as   mutation patterns related to chronic inflammation have
           a reverse-developmental process, that is, develop from   been  identified  in  most  cancers [96] .  In  some  cancers,
           differentiated cells into undifferentiated cells. Oncofetal   the  inflammation-related  somatic  mutations  increase
           proteins  are  mostly  referred  to  those  that  normally   with time, accompanied by a decline in the mutations
           express  at  embryonic  stage  are  silenced  after  birth,   related  to  the  initial  exposure [97] .  Those  distribution
           and then re-expressed persistently in the circulations of   characteristics and the switch in mutation domination
           cancer patients. AFP serves as a diagnostic biomarker   can  be  analyzed  from  an  evolutionary  perspective,
           of HCC. The human homologue of the Drosophila spalt   suggesting  that  inflammation  sometimes  induced  by
           homeotic gene, SALL4, encoding an oncofetal protein   chronic infection might not only cause somatic mutations,
           Sall4,  is  one  of  the  key  factors  for  self-renewal  and   but  also  play  an  important  role  in  selecting  TICs  as
           maintenance of embryo stem-cell pluripotency. SALL4   a  cancer-supportive  niche.  We  ever  proposed  the
           is  expressed  in  the  human  fetal  liver  and  silenced  in   scientific hypothesis of Cancer Evolution-Development
           the  adult  liver,  but  can  be  detected  in  a  subgroup  of   (“Cancer Evo-Dev”) and summarize the basic concepts
           HCC.  The  re-expression  of  SALL4  is  related  to  the   and  theoretical  framework [98-100] .  Here,  some  further
           “stem function” of HCC cells and indicates invasion and   evidence  are  presented  to  optimize  the  theoretical
           unfavourable prognosis [83-86] . As a matter of fact, some   framework  of  Cancer Evo-Dev.  This  novel  scientific
           cells  with  stem-cell-like  characteristics  become  the   hypothesis may help in elucidating the mechanisms by
           main malignant subgroup in tumor tissues; embryonic   which cancer develops and optimizing the most cost-
           or  stem-like  gene  expression  signatures  expressed  in   effective ways to control these life-threating diseases.
           cancers of distinct histotypes including HCC are robustly
           associated with cancer cell self-renewal, EMT, increased   Figure  4  depicts  the  framework  of  Cancer Evo-Dev
           aggressiveness, and poor postoperative prognosis [87-92] .   exemplified  by  HBV-induced  hepatocarcinogenesis.
           Furthermore,  the  cell  aging  process  is  accompanied   Evolutionary  process  of  HCC  is  a  succession  of
           by the shortening of telomeres, which does not seem   important   molecular   events-from   inflammatory
           to occur in cancer cells. Telomerase activation occurs   precancerous lesions to carcinogenesis, postoperative
           through  telomerase  reverse  transcriptase  (hTERT)   recurrence, and metastasis. Those events include, but
           induction.  hTERT  and  ZEB1  form  a  complex,  which   are not limited to viral mutation, epigenetic modification,
           directly  binds  to  the  E-cadherin  promoter,  and  then   somatic mutations, and alteration of signaling pathway
           inhibits  E-cadherin  expression  and  promotes  EMT .   networks.  The  synergetic  effects  of  genetic  and
           Sirtuin 1 has been implicated in telomere maintenance   environmental  factors  contribute  to  imbalance  of  the
           and  HCC  growth.  Sirtuin  2,  another  member  of  the   host  immune  system,  resulting  in  the  activation  and
           sirtuin  family,  plays  a  role  in  maintaining  the  motility,   maintenance  of  non-resolving  inflammation,  thus
           invasiveness, and EMT phenotypes of HCC [94] . In terms   providing a microenvironment for the process of cancer
           of morphology, EMT is the process in which epithelial   evolution  and  development.  Under  conditions  of  non-
           cells  lose  their  epithelial  characteristics  and  acquire   resolving  inflammation,  activated  NF-κB  complex  and
           mesenchymal  characteristics,  structure,  and  biologic   proinflammatory  molecules  can  trans-activate  the
           function. An EMT usually occurs at a critical stage of   expression  of  nucleic  acid  editing  enzymes  including
           embryonic development, and it is equally important for   APOBEC  family  of  cytidine  deaminases,  rather  than
           cancer metastasis [95] . In the process of cancer invasion   uracil  DNA  glycosylases  (UNG),  thus  promoting  viral
           through  EMT,  epithelial  cells  acquire  “stemness”,   and somatic mutations. Actually, the imbalance between
           including self-renewal and antiapoptotic capacities. Most   mutation-promoting  forces  like  AID/APOBECs  and
           tumor cells are differentiated, with limited amplification   mutation-repairing  forces  like  UNGs  is  responsible
           ability. However, a small proportion of tumor cells with   for  the  generation  of  somatic  and  viral  mutations [99] .
           the  “stemness”  feature  becomes  the  main  malignant   Viral mutants facilitate the malignant transformation of
           cell  subsets  in  tumors  and  is  known  as  cancer  stem   normal  hepatic  cells  via  inducing  EMT.  Most  mutant
           cells, responsible for the disease’s malignant nature and   cells  are  eliminated  by  selective  pressures  imposed
           chemo-resistance. Thus, retro-differentiation or reverse-  by the weak but active immune response. Although a
           development is the hallmark in cancer development.  small  proportion  of  mutant  cells  survive  in  the  hostile

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