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Cao                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cancer Evo-Dev

           inflammatory   microenvironment   in   precancerous   enzymes can specifically catalyze irreversible cytidine
           lesions. Those surviving mutant clones later evolve into   and deoxycytidine deamination to convert bases from
           TICs  by  altering  the  original  cell  signal  patterns  and   cytosine to uracil, creating a cytosine-to-uracil mismatch
           promoting EMT through epigenetic regulation possibly   in  minus-strand  and  reverse-transcript  guanosine-to-
           by  APOBECs.  Some  established  cancer  markers   adenosine  (G-to-A)  transitions  in  plus-stranded  DNA.
           such as AFP and SALL4 are usually expressed at the   Activation-induced  cytidine  deaminase  (AID)  and
           embryonic stage, silenced after birth, and re-expressed   APOBEC3  cytidine  deaminases  were  found  in  the
           in cancer patients. The process of cancer development   pathways of both the acquired and innate immunities [99] .
           can be characterized as “backward evolution” and “retro-  APOBEC3  cytidine  deaminases  can  also  hyper-edit
           differentiation”.                                  HBV  DNA  and  inhibit  HBV  replication.  APOBEC3
                                                              proteins are present at low levels in normal liver, but its
           KEY ISSUES REGARDING CANCER EVO-DEV                gene expression is highly stimulated by both IFN-α and
                                                              IFN-γ.  APOBEC3  cleave  amino  groups  from  cytidine
           Indispensable role of non-resolving                bases  converting  them  to  uracil  in  newly  synthesized
           inflammation                                       DNA following reverse transcription of pregenomic RNA.
           It is widely accepted that most solid tumours and some   This modified HBV DNA is susceptible to degradation,
           hematologic  malignancies  are  associated  with  non-  or alternatively, numerous G-to-A nucleotide mutations
           resolving  inflammation.  According  to  the  Darwinian   are  incorporated  into  positive-strand  viral  DNA [99,105] .
           evolutionism  and  the  origin  of  species,  the  process   This process is counteracted by UNG [106] . Accordingly,
           of  cancer  evolution  is  based  on  two  conditions:  the   APOBECs family members can also increase somatic
           continuous acquisition of somatic mutations and natural   mutations to a threshold that exceeds the host’s repair
           selection acting on the resultant phenotypic diversity [101] .   ability,  thus  initiating  the  cancer  evolutionary  process.
           A  chronic  inflammatory  microenvironment  serves   In  AID  transgenic  mouse  models,  mutations  induced
           as  a  niche  for  that  processby  inducing  endogenous   in  the  TP53  and  β-catenin  genes  by  constitutive
           mutagenic  factors  such  as  APOBECs  and  provides   expression  of  AID  can  generate  HCC  (13.75%),  lung
           selection  pressure.  During  carcinogenesis,  cancer   cancer  (8.75%),  and  gastric  cancer  (1.25%) [107] . In
           cells  must  overcome  four  barriers:  (1)  the  cell-cycle   humans, genetic susceptibility, viral infection, and their
           checkpoint  that  regulates  cell  division;  (2)  apoptosis,   interaction contribute to an unbalanced immune system,
           which limits cell proliferation; (3) telomere length, which   resulting  in  chronic  inflammation.  In  the  inflammatory
           determines  the  total  number  of  cell  divisions;  and  (4)   microenvironment,  the  proinflammatory  cytokine/
           the  cell  adhesion  barrier  that  prevents  cell  migration.   chemokine  and  NF-κB  complex  are  persistently
           The non-resolving inflammation can alter the “ecologic”   activated, which can significantly increase the expression
           conditions in local and/or systematic tissues, weaken the   of APOBECs at the transcription level [108] . The high levels
           functions of the above barriers, cause genomic instability   of APOBECs expression can overcome the strength of
           via inducing the overexpression of AID/APOBECs, and   UNG, APOBECs get the advantage to edit the single-
           provide opportunities for backward evolution into cancer   stranded  DNAs  that  are  temporarily  generated  during
           stem  cells  in  mesenchymal  tissues.  In  inflammatory   the transcription and replication process, consequently
           microenvironment,   inflammatory   mediators   such   promoting somatic mutations [109] . If the overall metabolic
           as  prostaglandin  E2,  leukotrienes,  cytokines,  and   level exceeds the reserve capacity of the downstream
           chemokinesare highly induced via autocrine or paracrine   repair  pathways,  somatic  mutations  will  be  further
           modes of action [102] , resulting in abnormal transformation   increased. An APOBECs-directed mutagenesis pattern
           of the tissue microenvironment, infiltration of dysfunctional   is widespread in human cancers. Significant presence
           immune  cells,  and  decreased  epithelial  integrity,  thus   of the APOBEC mutation pattern are evident in bladder,
           promoting cancer evolution. Non-resolving inflammation   cervical,  breast,  head  and  neck,  and  lung  cancers,
           not only promote the occurrence of cancers of the most   reaching 68% of all mutations in enrolled tumor samples.
           histotypes, but also facilitate distant metastasis and the   The APOBEC mutation pattern also extends to cancer-
           recurrence  after  the  treatment [46,103,104] ,  indicating  that   associated  genes,  implying  that  APOBECs-induced
           non-resolving inflammation promotes the development   mutagenesis is carcinogenic [110] . The spontaneous rate
           of cancers in the entire course of cancer evolution.   of somatic mutations is not high enough to trigger the
                                                              evolution process. There must be some mutagenesis-
           APOBECs bridge inflammation and cancer             driving forces including defective DNA repair capacity,
           The  APOBECs,  a  family  of  cytidine  deaminases,  are   exogenous  or  endogenous  mutagen  exposures,  and
           powerful  endogenous  mutagenic  factors  that  play   intrinsic mistakes of DNA replication, which increases the
           critical roles in many biologic processes, especially in   mutation rates in cancer genomes. A distinct mutagenic
           innate  immunity  and  humoral  immunity.  This  group  of   process  generates  various  mutation  combinations

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