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Cao                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cancer Evo-Dev


                                                    Embryonic development of humans

                                                    Life evolutionary process

                           Distant metastasis of                         De-differentiation
                            cancer stem cells


                                                      Development of cancers
           Figure 3: Synthesis of Dev-Evo and its potential link to carcinogenesis. Dev-Evo: synthesis of development and evolution; EMT: epithelial-
           mesenchymal transition

           The implicit parallel was to Darwinian natural selection   two  major  reasons:  (1)  accumulation  of  exposures  to
           with  cancer  equivalent  to  an  asexually  reproducing,   various mutagens increases with increasing age; and (2)
           unicellular,  quasi-species [79] .  In  the  past  decades,   “mistake”  mutations  can  be  spontaneously  generated
           especially after widespread application of new generation   or  introduced  in  each  cell  cycle.  However,  the  most
           sequencing,  cancer  evolution  including  a  reiterative   of  somatic  mutations  do  not  alter  gene  expression-
           process  of  clonal  expansion,  genetic  diversification,   defined key functions related to cell growth advantage
           and  clonal  selection  within  the  tissue  ecosystems   or resistance to environmental insults. These mutations
           have been extensively investigated. Drs. Greaves and   can  be  “passenger  mutations”.  If  a  somatic  mutation
           Maley [80]   outlined  key  contents  of  cancer  evolution  as   endows  the  cell  a  growth  advantage  in  a  hostile
           follows:  (1)  cancers  are  characterised  by  divergent   inflammatory microenvironment, it is termed as “driver
           cells  of  origin  and  mutational  spectra;  (2)  cancers   mutation”. Cells carrying “driver mutation” are positively
           evolve  over  variable  time  frames  (about  1-50  years)   selected ininflammatory microenvironment, facilitate the
           and  tempos  and  the  clonal  structure,  genotype  and   cross-talks with proinflammatory cells including tumor-
           phenotype shifts over time; (3) the number of mutations   associated M2 macrophages and neutrophils, promotea
           found in any cancer can vary from 10-20 to hundreds   process  termed  as  epithelial-mesenchymal  transition
           of thousands, the great majority are “passengers” and   (EMT)  and  stepwise  de-differentiation  into  tumor-
           a few are “drivers”; (4) cancers acquire, via mutational   initiating  cells  (TICs),  and  adapt  to  new  inflammatory
           (and epigenetic) changes, a variety of critical phenotype   microenvironment  [Figure  3].  In  our  previous  study,
           traits that compound to empower territorial expansion,   we  found  that  expression  of  periostin  (POSTN)  from
           via  proliferative  self-renewal,  migration,  and  invasion;   tumor-infiltrating  fibroblasts  significantly  promoted  the
           (5) advanced, disseminated or very malignant cancers   proliferation, anchorage independent growth, invasion,
           appear  to  be  almost  uniquely  competent  to  evade   and chemo-resistance of cancer cells; whereas these
           therapy;  and  (6)  this  complexity  can  be  explained   effects  were  counteracted  via  targeting  to  PI3K/Akt
           by  classical  evolutionary  principles.  Most  mutational   or  Wnt/β-catenin  signaling  pathway.  These  evidence
           processes have biases at the DNA sequence level and   indicates that POSTN generated in the microenvironment
           mutational  spectra  in  cancers  can  reflect  or  implicate   nurtures  the  cancer-stemness  via  activating  PI3K/
           particular  error-prone  repair  processes  or  particular   Akt  or  Wnt/β-catenin  signaling  pathway [82] .  Thus,
           genotoxic  exposures,  e.g.  cigarette  carcinogens,   cancer  development  represents  “mutation-selection-
           UV  light,  and  chemotherapeutics [81] .  We  believe  that   adaptation”  evolutionary  process  in  proinflammatory
           somatic  mutations  increase  with  increasing  age  for   microenvironment,  which  is  quite  in  accordance  with

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