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Cao                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cancer Evo-Dev

           predict the occurrence of HCC in longitudinal studies,   the HBV genome, particularly at the C terminus of HBx
           especially  cohort  studies [33-37] .  The  frequency  of  HBV   (Ct-HBx) [59] . Ct-HBx can enhance cell invasiveness and
           preS deletion also increases consecutively from ASCs   metastasis of HCC in a manner that is more potent than
           to HCC and preS mutation is associated with a 3.77-fold   that evoked by full-length HBx and often predict the poor
           increased risk of HCC [32] . The predictive value of HBV   postoperative prognosis and ineffectiveness of antiviral
           preS  deletion  on  the  occurrence  of  HCC  in  patients   prophylaxis for HCC recurrence [51,60] . These evidence
           chronically  infected  with  HBV  has  been  confirmed   indicates that some HBV X mutants and large S mutants
           in  a  prospective  study [54] .  Recent  deep  sequencing   can promote the development and progression of HCC.
           analysis  has  demonstrated  that  the  preS  deletions
           involving  a  specific  fragment  (nt2977-3013)  in  HBV   Interaction of genetic predispositions
           genotype  C  are  significantly  associated  with  HCC [55] .   of immune or inflammatory molecules
           These epidemiological evidences indicate that the HBV   with the HBV mutations in HBV-induced
           mutations  including  preS  deletion,  A1762T/G1764A,   hepatocarcinogenesis
           C1653T, and T1753V are the etiological factors of HBV-  As described above, the HLA-II genetic polymorphisms
           induced  HCC.  Experimentally,  in vitro  transfection   are  statistically  associated  with  the  outcomes  of
           with the HBx mutants with changes that correspond to   exposureto  HBV [18-27] .  This  genetic  background  may
           A1762T/G1764A,  T1753A,  T1768A,  or  a  combination   predispose  immune  imbalance  upon  HBV  infection.
           of  these  (combo)  showed  that  the  combo  mutant   In our previous epidemiological studies, we found that
           decreased levels of p21, increased cyclin E expression,   the  HLA-II  genetic  polymorphisms  are  statistically
           and increased expression of S-phase kinase-associated   associated  with  the  generation  of  the  liver  diseases-
           protein  2  (SKP2)  in  primary  human  hepatocytes  and   associated HBV mutations. The HLA-DP polymorphisms
           HepG2  cells.  The  combo  mutant  accelerated  p21   rs3077 (CT + TT vs. CC), rs3135021 (GA + AA vs. GG),
           degradation and cell cycle progression in HepG2 cells.   rs9277535 (GA + AA vs. GG), and rs2281388 (CC vs.
           Thus,  HBx  mutants  with  changes  that  correspond  to   CT  +  TT)  significantly  decrease  HBV  persistence  in
           a  combination  of  the  core  promoter  mutations  up-  genotype B HBV-infected subjects; HLA-DP genotypes
           regulate  SKP2,  which  then  down-regulates  p21  via   that  promote  HBV  clearance  are  associated  with  a
           ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation. The core   lower  prevalence  of  HBV  mutations  increasing  HCC
           promoter mutations might increase the risk of HCC by   risk  (C1653T,  T1674C/G,  A1846T,  G1896A,  preS2
           this pathway [56] . Transfection of full-length HBV genome   mutations,  and  preS  deletion  in  genotype  C)  and  a
           with the core promoter mutations in combination also   higher prevalence of HBV mutations decreasing HCC
           upregulated SKP2 expression via activating the E2F1   risk  (G1652A,  T1673C,  T1674C,  G1719T,  G1730C,
           transcription factor and in turn downregulate cell cycle   and G1799C in genotype B and A1727T in genotype
           inhibitors, thereby accelerating cellular proliferation [57] .   C);  furthermore,  significant  effects  of  HBV  mutations
           Mutations  in  the  preS  and  S  regions  also  notably   on  cirrhosis  and  HCC  are  selectively  evident  in
           facilitate  carcinogenesis.  Transfection  of  Huh7  cells   those with the HLA-DP genotypes that promote HBV
           with the large S region with preS deletion has shown   persistence [61] . Thus, the HLA-DP polymorphisms affect
           that HCC-associated single-nucleotide variants (SNVs)   genotype B HBV clearance, regulate immune selection
           in the small surface region of HBV genome influence   of  viral  mutations,  and  influence  cirrhosis  and  HCC
           carcinogenesis  pathways,  including  endoplasmic   risks  contributed  by  the  HBV  mutations.  In  addition,
           reticulum-stress  and  DNA  repair  systems [55] . The   HLA-DQ  genetic  polymorphisms  rs2856718  variant
           HBV  large  envelope  protein  gene  fragment  (preS1/  genotypes are significantly associated with an increased
           preS2/S), with F141L mutation in the preS2 region, can   frequency  of  HBV  A1726C  mutation,  a  cirrhosis-risk,
           significantly  promote  the  proliferation  of  hepatocytes   HCC-protective mutation, in genotype C; a rs9275319
           by  downregulating  the  p53  and  p21  pathways  and   variant genotype (GG) is significantly associated with
           upregulating the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase   an increased frequency of preS1 start codon mutation,
           4 and cyclin A. The colony-forming rates of hepatocytes   an HCC-risk mutation, in genotype C. Thus, the HLA-
           expressing  F141L-large  envelope  protein  are  about   DQ  polymorphisms  affect  the  risks  of  cirrhosis  and
           twice as high as those expressing the wild-type HBV   HCC  differently  in  chronic  HBV-infected  subjects,
           large  envelope  protein [58] .  Random  integration  of   possibly via interacting with the HBV mutations [62] . As
           HBV  DNA  into  the  host  genome  is  present  in  HBV-  NF-κB and STAT3 are two most important inflammatory
           infected  subjects.  If  the  integration  events  endow  the   pathways [10,11] ,  their  genetic  predispositions  affecting
           hepatocytes  with  growth  advantage,  the  integration   the  expression  of  both  signaling  pathways  may  play
           might  facilitate  the  development  of  HCC,  therefore,   roles  in  HBV-induced  hepatocarcinogenesis.  We  have
           have the opportunity of being recorded. HBV integration   demonstrated that STAT3 SNP rs2293152 (GG vs. CC) is
           is common in HBV-HCC, leading to the truncation of   significantly associated with HCC risk compared with the

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