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production and lipid peroxidation. Elevation of the   Cytokines and hepatic HCV infection

           inflammatory markers  above normal levels is  an   In HCV infection, the production of abnormal cytokine
           independent predictor of several chronic diseases,   levels appears to contribute in  the  progression  of
           including coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes,   the disease, viral persistence, and affects response
           atherosclerosis and insulin resistance. [41]       to therapy. Cytokine genes polymorphisms located
                                                              within  the  coding/regulatory  regions  have been
           Cytokines and hepatic cholestasis                  shown to affect the overall expression and secretion
           Cholestasis is defined as a decrease in canalicular bile   of cytokines. [6]
           flow that results in accumulation of bile in hepatocytes
           and canaliculi. [42]  Hepatocellular  cholestasis may be   The pathogenesis of liver cell damage in HCV infection
           due to functional or structural alterations  in  the   may be related to several immunologic mechanisms
           biliary tree. The clinical consequences of prolonged   and the subsequent T-cell responses.  Patients with
           cholestasis are due to the failure of bile acids to   chronic HCV  infection, viral persistence  which is  a
           reach the duodenum with subsequent malabsorption   characteristic feature of chronic hepatitis C may be
           of fat and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K as well as   due to selective immune responses deficiencies and
           the accumulation of biliary constituents such as bile   the production of inappropriate cytokine patterns. [50]
           acids, bilirubin and cholesterol in the liver. Bile acids
           retention causes liver cell damage and pruritus. [43]  The involvement of macrophage derived cytokines
                                                              such  as  TNF-α  and IL1β  in  the  production of
           TNF-α plays a critical role in epithelial cell injury as   inflammation has been  described.  TNF-α acts
           well as in immune-mediated cholangiocyte injury. [44]   as important mediator in liver injury and generally
           Systemic levels of TNF-α are increased following biliary   associated with several known cirrhosis-related
           obstruction in experimental cholestasis produced   complications. Moreover, TNF-α is positively related
           by  ethinylestradiol  in  rats. [45]  Furthermore,  TNF-α  (in   with the extent of liver necrosis.
           combination with other inflammatory cytokines) inhibits   Adhesion molecules are necessary  for leucocytes
           cholangiocyte secretory function in vitro. [44]    to adhere tightly to endothelial cells and have
                                                              been reported to be cytokine-induced. Intercellular
           In cholestatic  diseases, the intrahepatic bile acids   adhesionmolecule-1 (ICAM-1) is one of the principal
           induce hepatocellular apoptosis by stimulating  Fas   adhesion  molecules  expressed  on  sinusoidal  and
           (a surface receptor that  mediates  apoptosis upon   venular endothelial cells and involved in firm adhesion
           oligomerization  by its ligands) translocation from   and trans endothelial cell migration. [53]  Consequently,
           the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane where self-   The predominant features of HCV-C are more related
           aggregation occurs to trigger apoptosis.  Apoptosis   with those that allow  viral evasion of the immune
           is known to be the mechanism leading to progressive   defenses,  especially although not exclusively,
           inflammation and destruction of bile ducts.  Also,   inhibition of interferons secretion, natural killer cells
           bile acids can induce hepatic inflammatory response   activation and T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. [54]
           via the activation of hepatic macrophages  that
           follows the  activation of the  transcription factor   Several researchers have suggested that an adequate
           NF-kB, since NF-kB activation has been  shown to   T-helper 1 (Th1) response [i.e. high interferon (IFN)-γ
           have a key role in the inflammatory process.  It is   secretion  by  peripheral blood mononuclear cells]
           well known that NF-kB is activated by a wide range   may be associated with a protective antiviral immune
           of agents and cytokines including TNF-α and IL-1α   response,  while insufficient systemic Th1 cytokine
           secreted from the injured hepatic macrophages. [48]  secretion may be associated with increased viral load
                                                              and disease  progression.  Indeed, serum  samples
           Proinflammatory cytokines were reported to stimulate   from HCV patients contain significantly lower level of
           the billiary epithelium to generate nitric oxide (NO),   soluble IFN-γ compared with controls. [57]   In this sense,
           via nitric oxide synthase induction. NO causes ductular   it has been reported that the IL-18 and IFN-γ mRNA
           cholestasis by a reactive nitrogen oxide species   expression in the liver were significantly correlated
           mediated inhibition of adenyle cyclase and cAMP-   with each other and both upregulated in chronic HCV
           dependent  HCO -  and  Cl-  secretory  mechanisms.   patients.  It was suggested that inheritance of IL-
           This pathogenetic sequence may contribute to ductal   28B CT and TT, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1
           cholestasis in inflammatory cholangiopathie. [44]  CT and TT and TNF-α AG and AA genotypes which
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