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On several bases,  cytokines may be classified     [Table 2].  Mostly, cytokines are produced and act
           depending on their (1) cell of origin; (2) spectrum of   locally. A minority  enter the systemic circulation
           activity; (3) the category of activity they influence;   in biologically relevant amounts and a few have an
           (4) the cells that are their targets; or (5) on specific   important  physiological role  there.  However,  their
           features of their ligand-receptor interaction,     “endocrine” role is subtly different from that of
           although the nomenclature is somewhat arbitrary,   classical endocrine hormones. Whereas the purpose
           having arisen in different branches of biology [Table 1].    of endocrine hormones  is  to ensure  the  efficient
           Extensive  genetic polymorphisms have also been    function of normal tissues and the whole organism,
           described, which in many  cases  appear to play an   cytokines with a physiological role in the circulation
           important part in their level of expression and have   are concerned with restoring normal function to the
           been linked to a variety of diseases,  as a variety   tissue in which they were produced. Indeed, when
           of experiments has shown that either excessive or   tissues are severely challenged, and larger amounts
           insufficient production of cytokines may contribute   of cytokines do enter the circulation, they may be
           significantly  to  the  pathophysiology of a range  of   responsible  for upsetting  systemic  homeostasis,
           diseases  including hepatic diseases. [9]          inducing fever, sickness behavior, cachexia and
                                                              a variety  of endocrine hormone imbalances.
           GENERAL PROPERTIES OF CYTOKINES                    Individual cytokine  either  in  tissues  or  in  the
                                                              circulation may exhibit a range of activities and many
           Cytokines can be produced  by virtually every      of these overlap with activities of other cytokines. [12]
           nucleated cell type in response to injurious stimuli
                                                              STRUCTURAL  ORGANIZATION  OF  THE LIVER  AND
           Table 1: Important classes of cytokines (Ikram et al. )  CYTOKINES POTENTIAL IN ITS DAMAGE
            Cytokines classes
            Growth factors                                    The  liver  consists  of several cell types  that  under
            Haemopoietic growth factors; granulocyte-colony stimulating   normal circumstances produce only minimal levels of
            factor; granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor;   cytokines. When liver cells, particularly immune cells
            erythropoietin; thrombopoietin;  stem cell factor or c-kit ligand
                                                              called Kupffer cells (KC), become activated cytokine
                Epidermal growth factor                       production increases  dramatically; therefore,  if the
                Platelet derived growth factor                liver has been damaged, cytokines mediate  the
                                                              regeneration of liver tissue. Also, KC can be activated
                Transforming growth factor β
                                                              by diseases caused by microorganisms or substances
                Fibroblast growth factor
                                                              (i.e. pathogens). In this case, cytokines produced and
                Insulin like growth factor                    released by the KC induce an inflammatory response
                Nerve growth factor                           in the liver (hepatitis), which is required to start the
                                                              healing process. However, if the inflammation does
                 IL-1 to IL-18, etc.                          not subside after a short time, persistent production
                                                              of these same cytokines may lead to formation of
                 IFN-α                                        fibrosis and cirrhosis. Thus, cytokine production can
                 IFN-β                                        have both beneficial and harmful effects, depending
                 IFN-γ                                        on the  amount  and duration of cytokine release.
            Miscellaneous                                     The architecture and cellular composition of the
               Tumour necrosis factor, etc.                   healthy liver in numbers  indicating the  estimated
           IL: interleukin; IFN: interferon                   frequency of each population relative to the total
           Table 2: Cytokine properties (Oppenheim [10] )     number of parenchymal and  nonparenchymal
            Cytokine properties                               cells in the liver is shown in Figures 1 and 2. This
            Low molecular weight protein/glycoproteins        discontinuous  structure  allows  contact between
            Almost all cells produce some cytokines           hepatocytes and lymphocytes.  The contact can
                                                              either  be  produced through  hepatocyte microvilli
            A single cytokine may be produced by many cell types
                                                              protruding into the lumen or by lymphocyte
            Cytokine expression is usually induced, not constitutive
                                                              pseudopod extensions penetrating into the space of
            Have a pleiotropy: one cytokine may exhibit many biological   Disse. The space of Disse contains hepatic stellate
                                                              cells (HSCs,  fat storing).  KC reside  within  the  liver
            Have redundancy: several cytokines may share the same/similar
            activities                                        sinusoidal vascular space, predominantly in  the
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